California will try to enshrine right to same-sex marriage

I have always supported gay marriage.

Why should straight people have to bear all the betrayal and heartache, anyway?

Few of them actually want to get married, but many of them really like adopting a lot of kids. One 'couple' in Connecticut or somewhere adopted nine little black boys. Another 'couple' in GEorgia recently got caught pimping out their 8 year old boys and selling kiddie porn to their fellow faggots.
They can still be discriminated against for housing et cetera- try reality.

Freaks and sickos need to be discriminated against. Sane people have a right to have to get near them and should by all means keep them away from children. They go live in their bath houses or their cars.

they can share space in your living room with a dozen or so criminal illegal aliens. You can sponsor them all.
I can't wait until it is normal to be bi or gay. Nothing should be seen as wrong in love and sex.

Didn't that Subway guy in jail say that too ?

By the can never be 'Normal" since it will always be a very small percentage of the population.
Maybe you meant you can't wait until it is more accepted?
California already voted to repeal fake faggot 'marriages' a long time ago. The faggots just found a Democrat appointed faggot judge to repeal it all by himself. Turns out when people, even Californians, learn what faggots really do and what they support, they reject normalizing their mental illnesses.

In August 2010, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the amendment was unconstitutional under both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment,[6]

And why would Vaughn Walker tell the voters of California they had no rights or say in anything?

On September 29, 2010, Walker announced he would retire at the end of 2010 and return to private practice.[7] He retired at the end of February 2011. On April 6, 2011, Walker told reporters that he is gay and has been in a relationship with a male doctor for about ten years.[8] He was the first known gay person to serve as a United States federal judge,[9] though he did not publicly confirm his sexual orientation until after retiring from the federal bench.[10]

Obviously he wasn't biased or anything, right? lol judicial activism is what we have now; screw the public. Congress and legislatures in most states refuse to honor their oaths and the voters' wishes. So, now we're supposed to beleive mentally ill sexual fetishists have more rights than sane citizens. I'll add that the demographics that voted for Prop 8 and put over the top were black, latino, and women with children.
Did you just complain about somebody being biased?!?! Wow, you don’t even see your own hypocrisy do you?! #clueless
What are the chances that we could get an amendment of the United states constitution passed protecting LGBT within our life time?
What are the chances that we could get an amendment of the United states constitution passed protecting LGBT within our life time?

Every person in the US is already protected by law. It it illegal (with some exceptions) to discriminate against a person in housing or employment because of their race, ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation. Everyone is protected against assault, being harmed, or being threatened by law.

What possible additional protection could you desire that aren't already in legislation?
They can still be discriminated against for housing et cetera- try reality.

Actually, they can't ...

The Federal Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities. Additional protections apply to federally-assisted housing.

Learn about the History of the Fair Housing Act, and read Examples of the many forms of housing discrimination.

Who Is Protected?​

The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • National Origin
  • Religion
  • Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation)
  • Familial Status
  • Disability
Did you just complain about somebody being biased?!?! Wow, you don’t even see your own hypocrisy do you?! #clueless

Did you just snivel about something? You really thin sane people shouldn't be biased against mentally ill fetishists? lol how about biases against rapists, or home invaders? lol you're sick, get help.
Did you just snivel about something? You really thin sane people shouldn't be biased against mentally ill fetishists? lol how about biases against rapists, or home invaders? lol you're sick, get help.
Yes I did. So what? As much as I appreciate your attempt to tell me I should be biased against other people, I think you can take your piss poor advice and shove it up your ass. Are you seriously comparing gay people to violent offenders and burglars?! You’ve got to be the dumbest poster on this board
Actually, they can't ...

The Federal Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities. Additional protections apply to federally-assisted housing.

Learn about the History of the Fair Housing Act, and read Examples of the many forms of housing discrimination.

Who Is Protected?​

The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing because of:

  • Race
  • Color
  • National Origin
  • Religion
  • Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation)
  • Familial Status
  • Disability
yes that happened in February 2021. Thank you Joe and Democrats.
I will never understand why so many feel it's necessary to get the government to sanction their commitment to another to start with.

Maybe they like being able to visit their love of their life when they are in the hospital for God's sake, there are million damn good reasons. How would you like to be told you can't get married? *** **** idiot with no powers of empathy. Oops brainwashed functional idiot lol....
Maybe they like being able to visit their love of their life when they are in the hospital for God's sake, there are million damn good reasons. How would you like to be told you can't get married? *** **** idiot with no powers of empathy. Oops brainwashed functional idiot lol....

I never said people couldn't get married. Where did you get that idea? (I have my guesses)

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