California will try to enshrine right to same-sex marriage

Did you just snivel about something? You really thin sane people shouldn't be biased against mentally ill fetishists? lol how about biases against rapists, or home invaders? lol you're sick, get help.
I think I'll go with science experts and psychiatrists over brainwashed functional bigots.
Didn't the voters of California reject gay marriage a while back, via "democracy"?

I do believe I will go with science the experts psychiatry etcetera etcetera instead of brainwashed functional moron bigots.... I don't believe God will be amused by your blind hate...

I also forgot if you give dick to a man you are also gay.

Something about dick makes it a hard divide line without room for nuance.
I also forgot if you give dick to a man you are also gay.

Something about dick makes it a hard divide line without room for nuance.
I also believe you are born gay or bisexual and that's the way they react. Just like science psychiatry reality tell us. That's about all the thinking I want to do about it today thank you very much...
I also believe you are born gay or bisexual and that's the way they react. Just like science psychiatry reality tell us. That's about all the thinking I want to do about it today thank you very much...

I believe there are different causes, including environmental and social, but in the end, that doesn't make it a default human condition.

The rest is again trying to justify forced acceptance instead of just tolerance.

Even forced celebration. The government making some kid celebrate Pride Month is no better than the government making them attend Church.
Only women can be bisexual. Any man that takes dick is gay.

That would assume that it's voluntary and consensual.

Perhaps part of pedofaggot grooming of young boys may involve convincing them that once they've been violated in that manner, that they are now “gay”, and should thus be more receptive to further such abuse.
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Didn't the voters of California reject gay marriage a while back, via "democracy"?

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Twice, actually.

Two different times, the matter came up in a ballot initiative in California, and both times, the people solidly rejected the idea that the disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage should be given legal recognition. And this was in relentlessly-LIbEral California that this happened. Both times, the people's clearly-expressed will was illegally overturned by corrupt faggot judges.
I do believe I will go with science the experts psychiatry etcetera etcetera instead of brainwashed functional moron bigots.... I don't believe God will be amused by your blind hate...

Your “science” is the same that affirms that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Nothing at all to do with anything that sane people recognize as genuine science.

And what standing does a Godless piece of shit such as you, delusionally imagine that you have to speak for God?
Twice, actually.

Two different times, the matter came up in a ballot initiative in California, and both times, the people solidly rejected the idea that the disgusting homosexual mockery of marriage should be given legal recognition. And this was in relentlessly-LIbEral California that this happened. Both times, the people's clearly-expressed will was illegally overturned by corrupt faggot judges.
Those dumb fucks only respect democracy when it fits their agenda.
I will never understand why so many feel it's necessary to get the government to sanction their commitment to another to start with.
lol veryf ew gave hany capacity for 'commitments'. See the VD rates and other sexually transmitted diseases faggots almost single handedly keep alive and thriving. Please, spare us the fake nonsense about their 'love'; they don't have anything but compulsive mental illnesses.
Maybe they like being able to visit their love of their life when they are in the hospital for God's sake, there are million damn good reasons. How would you like to be told you can't get married? *** **** idiot with no powers of empathy. Oops brainwashed functional idiot lol....

More like they were just scamming employer health insurance companies when the AIDS epidemic started wiping them out, using 'marriage' as a gimmick.
Yes I did. So what? As much as I appreciate your attempt to tell me I should be biased against other people, I think you can take your piss poor advice and shove it up your ass. Are you seriously comparing gay people to violent offenders and burglars?! You’ve got to be the dumbest poster on this board

They aren't 'gay'; when you can address their mental illnesses driectly then we can talk. I don't do euphemisms nor fake segues and strawmen. And, mindlessly spreading AIDS and venereal diseases with zero concern for others is violence and stealing, so you can't even make up realisitc strawman arguments dumbass.
More like they were just scamming employer health insurance companies when the AIDS epidemic started wiping them out, using 'marriage' as a gimmick.

After all those stories of bath houses and total craziness, it's funny how giving them the right to get married straightened them up to a huge extent. Funny how discrimination is such a *** **** catastrophe. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupe.

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