California will try to enshrine right to same-sex marriage

I'm with you man. The job of government is to force the minority to buckle under and do it your way. Go team!
How the hell are we forcing anybody to do anything? What we're doing is giving people the choice and freedom which is the exact opposite of what you right wing brainwashed functional morons are doing- you hate fellow Americans for total garbage like pedophilia and e-mail spin. From the big orange con man....
How the hell are we forcing anybody to do anything? What we're doing is giving people the choice and freedom which is the exact opposite of what you right wing brainwashed functional morons are doing- you hate fellow Americans for total garbage like pedophilia and e-mail spin. From the big orange con man....
Totally. We're gonna give people "freedom" whether they like it or not! Everyone is free to do what the government tells them to. Democracy for the win!
Totally. We're gonna give people "freedom" whether they like it or not! Everyone is free to do what the government tells them to. Democracy for the win!
And the government is telling them to do what exactly? Please explain as people in the real world don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Totally. We're gonna give people "freedom" whether they like it or not! Everyone is free to do what the government tells them to. Democracy for the win!
We also have the courts and our laws and the constitution to protect people from you know what the tyranny of the majority. for
Shove your propaganda and change the channel, hater dupe. Try tolerance and freedom for a change and I'm not talking about freedom to slander and lie lol....
It's not propaganda, commie cocksucker.....It's another matter of legal fact that blows your cultish blind worship of The State out of the water.
We can't have people, wily nily, deciding for themselves who to work with, or for, or otherwise associate with. It would be anarchy! Live and let live is strictly a suckers game. Pull on your jackboots and get with the program!
We can't have people, wily nily, deciding for themselves who to work with, or for, or otherwise associate with. It would be anarchy! Live and let live is strictly a suckers game. Pull on your jackboots and get with the program!
We need to amend the United states constitution granting all LGBT people full rights!!!

I'd like to see such a constitutional amendment considered, see where the people are on this.

Should a simple amendment "The right of the people to take it in the caboose shall not be infringed." be put in the US Constitution?
I see lots of Christians oozing hate when it comes to homosexuals. Lots of homos born that way. In other words, God created them. So, why the hate?
I see lots of Christians oozing hate when it comes to homosexuals. Lots of homos born that way. In other words, God created them. So, why the hate?

By that logic, God created thieves and murderers and rapists and child molesters and other sorts of subhuman filth as well. Are we then not allowed to hate any of them?
I see lots of Christians oozing hate when it comes to homosexuals. Lots of homos born that way. In other words, God created them. So, why the hate?
NOT born that way....There's no gay gene....Homosexuality is a developmental aberration.

Doesn't make it right or wrong....It's just the way it is.

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