California will try to enshrine right to same-sex marriage

Like blacks in 1962!

Lucky for us, we live in 2023.

The civil rights act, passed in 1964 and another 60 years of case law and precedent has gone a long way towards perpetuating equal treatment under the law for ethnic minorities as well as LBTQ persons.

In what specific ways are ethnic and sexual minorities not afforded protection under the law.
By that logic, God created thieves and murderers and rapists and child molesters and other sorts of subhuman filth as well. Are we then not allowed to hate any of them?

By that logic, God created thieves and murderers and rapists and child molesters and other sorts of subhuman filth as well. Are we then not allowed to hate any of them?

By that logic, God created thieves and murderers and rapists and child molesters and other sorts of subhuman filth as well. Are we then not allowed to hate any of them?
Most people become how they act through life's experiences. The poor and needy may have to steal to survive for example. I'm surprised you don't know this. Then there are natural born thieves and scumbags. This would be the donald trumpbs of this world. They can be filthy rich and that's not enough for them. They have to have it all.
Of course. Only the omnipotent, omni-benevolent state can tell us what tolerance and freedom really mean.
Stop babbling garbage propaganda period what the hell are you talking about tolerance is such a problem lol. Jesus what are you watching just one more oh these unusual local rodents rarely strayed far from the safety of their Burrows the wolves employ a range of tactics to get to them some try digging them out others use their long slender muzzles to reach into the borough which is always successful is required yeah or launch at last Ethiopian wolves are highly skilled hunters but they also go to great lengths to secure the best hunting grounds mole rats only live in specific areas of the Highlands do anything protect work every day the pack congregates and sets off to patrol their territory leaving Saint marks to ward off other neighboring packs the larger the pack the better chance they have upholding the best territory this is important now more than ever as the wolf's habitat is shrinking increasingly these mountains are being used for farming today 60% of the wolves habitat has been converted to subsistence agriculture putting even more pressure on the wolves less than 500 Ethiopian wolves remain in the wild the fate of each and everyone is critical living alongside humans creates challenges but sometimes it also creates opportunities in a backyard in Austin TX nature has been left to reclaim its territory and overtime it's created a new secret Oasis but one of the most nimble wild dogs this is the Gray fox they're usually found in woodland this secret garden of thick brush is the ideal substitute home and perfect for raising a family at around 2 1/2 months old these kids have spent most of their lives underground to the safety of their dead but now they've grown over 10 times in size and they're almost indistinguishable from their mother play is the beginning of the kids journey to learning key life skills what is survive here there's an essential thing every young Gray fox must master the Gray fox has retained an ancient talent lost by almost all of their wild dog cousins they can climb for the kids the urge to climb comes naturally but they have a lot to learn luckily they're born with the right tools for the job their short legs and long tail give them exceptional balance semi retractable claws and the abili....ate their forearms provide them with

oops come on that's wild dogs on PBS. Another station you probably can't watch. The global warming and everything and the vaccine reality.
Lucky for us, we live in 2023.

The civil rights act, passed in 1964 and another 60 years of case law and precedent has gone a long way towards perpetuating equal treatment under the law for ethnic minorities as well as LBTQ persons.

In what specific ways are ethnic and sexual minorities not afforded protection under the law.
For two years now, thanks to the Democrats. Lol
“Why do fellow Californians hate me?” he said. “Why do they feel that my rights should be eliminated"?


I'm beginning to see how stupid many of trump's admirers are. We should have an i.q. test for voters. Trump's losing elections would really accelerate.
They aren't 'gay'; when you can address their mental illnesses driectly then we can talk. I don't do euphemisms nor fake segues and strawmen. And, mindlessly spreading AIDS and venereal diseases with zero concern for others is violence and stealing, so you can't even make up realisitc strawman arguments dumbass.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. AIDS and VD has been mindlessly spread by gay and straight people. You’re just a moron without an argument
Stop babbling garbage propaganda period what the hell are you talking about tolerance is such a problem lol. Jesus what are you watching just one more oh these unusual local rodents rarely strayed far from the safety of their Burrows the wolves employ a range of tactics to get to them some try digging them out others use their long slender muzzles to reach into the borough which is always successful is required yeah or launch at last Ethiopian wolves are highly skilled hunters but they also go to great lengths to secure the best hunting grounds mole rats only live in specific areas of the Highlands do anything protect work every day the pack congregates and sets off to patrol their territory leaving Saint marks to ward off other neighboring packs the larger the pack the better chance they have upholding the best territory this is important now more than ever as the wolf's habitat is shrinking increasingly these mountains are being used for farming today 60% of the wolves habitat has been converted to subsistence agriculture putting even more pressure on the wolves less than 500 Ethiopian wolves remain in the wild the fate of each and everyone is critical living alongside humans creates challenges but sometimes it also creates opportunities in a backyard in Austin TX nature has been left to reclaim its territory and overtime it's created a new secret Oasis but one of the most nimble wild dogs this is the Gray fox they're usually found in woodland this secret garden of thick brush is the ideal substitute home and perfect for raising a family at around 2 1/2 months old these kids have spent most of their lives underground to the safety of their dead but now they've grown over 10 times in size and they're almost indistinguishable from their mother play is the beginning of the kids journey to learning key life skills what is survive here there's an essential thing every young Gray fox must master the Gray fox has retained an ancient talent lost by almost all of their wild dog cousins they can climb for the kids the urge to climb comes naturally but they have a lot to learn luckily they're born with the right tools for the job their short legs and long tail give them exceptional balance semi retractable claws and the abili....ate their forearms provide them with

oops come on that's wild dogs on PBS. Another station you probably can't watch. The global warming and everything and the vaccine reality.

Take your meds.
That would assume that it's voluntary and consensual.

Perhaps part of pedofaggot grooming of young boys may involve convincing them that once they've been violated in that manner, that they are now “gay”, and should thus be more receptive to further such abuse.

It is documented abused people have a higher chance of becoming abusers themselves.
I can't wait until it is normal to be bi or gay. Nothing should be seen as wrong in love and sex.
Sex is for reproducing. Nature makes it feel good so we'll do it. There is something definitely wrong when some people think it's there for their simple recreation and form entire cultures and institutions around it. This creates a singularity which begins to twist society itself around a selfish lie.
Sex is for reproducing. Nature makes it feel good so we'll do it. There is something definitely wrong when some people think it's there for their simple recreation and form entire cultures and institutions around it. This creates a singularity which begins to twist society itself around a selfish lie.
Celebrating loose brain screws.
Forcing acknowledgment, acquiescence and subsidizing of a specifically personal behavior.
Sex is for reproducing. Nature makes it feel good so we'll do it. There is something definitely wrong when some people think it's there for their simple recreation and form entire cultures and institutions around it. This creates a singularity which begins to twist society itself around a selfish lie.
Me and tens of millions will continue to live our lives the way we wish and you can live your life in your hick town in the same. Opinions are like assholes and they get fucked but they're still assholes.
Me and tens of millions will continue to live our lives the way we wish and you can live your life in your hick town in the same. Opinions are like assholes and they get fucked but they're still assholes.
And I will continue endeavoring to convince as many people as possible not to buy into or sponsor your culture financially or politically. I have worked with many fine gay coworkers who never bothered me with or pushed their culture on me but you obviously do want to bother people with yours. It's people like you that give homosexuals a bad name.

And I live right outside of a metropolis, not in a hick town...ASSHOLE.
Me and tens of millions will continue to live our lives the way we wish and you can live your life in your hick town in the same. Opinions are like assholes and they get fucked but they're still assholes.
Will you say the same thing WHEN Paedophilia becomes legal and normalized like every other sexual perversion?
I see lots of Christians oozing hate when it comes to homosexuals. Lots of homos born that way. In other words, God created them. So, why the hate?
Uhh wrong once again. G-d did not create homosexuals, our sin nature enables such abhorrent behavior. What G-d wants is for us to repent, turn to Christ, and be saved.

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