California’s new solar power plant is actually a death ray that’s incinerating birds mid-flight

View attachment 124416

Wind turbines can also cause actual bodily harm, both to humans and wildlife, in areas around installation sites. From a distance, the blades seem to move slowly but the tip speed on these turbines can approach 200 miles per hour, creating deadly obstacles for birds. Birds of prey are particularly vulnerable since they hunt in open plains where visibility is high. One particularly highly publicized wind farm, Altamont Pass in California, has been a lightning rod of controversy because of the impact poor planning has had on the bird population. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, as many as 1,300 eagles, falcons, hawks and other predatory species are killed each year because the wind turbines were constructed along a critical migration route.

Are there any risks associated with the production of wind energy?
Those blades are about 300' long, each.
Behold Sweetwater.
Sweetwater Wind Farm - Wikipedia
View attachment 124419 View attachment 124422 View attachment 124421

Yep, and one of the articles I just posted says how they have flown off right into a highway, I already forgot if it was here in the US though LOL..
Those things are monstrous.
Don't get me wrong. I use both solar and wind power on my place to charge batteries. But my solar generator is made from an old auto alternator and fan. It delivers enough power for my small place. But I don't use a microwave, coffee maker, TV/VCR, etc. I power my computer, phone charger, and lights. We heat the barn using compost-power.
But I am one small place. I cannot imagine trying to power an enormous city this way. We see what it takes and it is not pretty.
Maybe, just maybe, some of these planet saving freaks needs to check out and do their personal best to save the planet?
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe
And when all the animals are dead and gone, what will you eat? Oh. wait. GMO veggies, right? Ok. Whatever floats yer boat.

Not to worry dear puzzled one. We aren't going to run out of critters anytime soon. I don't eat meat much anyway... haven' t cared for it all my life.
I knew you would dodge my queries

I am far from puzzled, Mz Virus. I just believe that animals have a place here as well as humans but some humans, such as yourself, don't give a tinkers damn about anything other your own needs and wants and everything else that lives is nothing to concern oneself about.

Wrong again, but I bet you're used to that. If God didn't mean for man to eat meat, he wouldn't have made bacon
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe
Yes. I hunt and fish. I have slave animals for dairy and eggs (they don't seem to have a complaint). I harvest my slave animals for meat and leather. I don't have time for zoos or circuses. I'm not seeing how that all makes me a hypocrite.
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe

I don't eat meat, don't have leather stuff, don't eat eggs, don't visit zoos (what's the point, go see animals in their natural habitat. I've seen all sorts of animals wild, it's far better)

I'll fetch you a cardboard cookie!

Is your life really that limited in knowledge?
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe
And when all the animals are dead and gone, what will you eat? Oh. wait. GMO veggies, right? Ok. Whatever floats yer boat.

Not to worry dear puzzled one. We aren't going to run out of critters anytime soon. I don't eat meat much anyway... haven' t cared for it all my life.
I knew you would dodge my queries

I am far from puzzled, Mz Virus. I just believe that animals have a place here as well as humans but some humans, such as yourself, don't give a tinkers damn about anything other your own needs and wants and everything else that lives is nothing to concern oneself about.

Wrong again, but I bet you're used to that. If God didn't mean for man to eat meat, he wouldn't have made bacon
Whatever floats yer boat. I am done with your barking. Toodles.
View attachment 124416

Wind turbines can also cause actual bodily harm, both to humans and wildlife, in areas around installation sites. From a distance, the blades seem to move slowly but the tip speed on these turbines can approach 200 miles per hour, creating deadly obstacles for birds. Birds of prey are particularly vulnerable since they hunt in open plains where visibility is high. One particularly highly publicized wind farm, Altamont Pass in California, has been a lightning rod of controversy because of the impact poor planning has had on the bird population. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, as many as 1,300 eagles, falcons, hawks and other predatory species are killed each year because the wind turbines were constructed along a critical migration route.

Are there any risks associated with the production of wind energy?
Those blades are about 300' long, each.
Behold Sweetwater.
Sweetwater Wind Farm - Wikipedia
View attachment 124419 View attachment 124422 View attachment 124421

Yep, and one of the articles I just posted says how they have flown off right into a highway, I already forgot if it was here in the US though LOL..
Those things are monstrous.
Don't get me wrong. I use both solar and wind power on my place to charge batteries. But my solar generator is made from an old auto alternator and fan. It delivers enough power for my small place. But I don't use a microwave, coffee maker, TV/VCR, etc. I power my computer, phone charger, and lights. We heat the barn using compost-power.
But I am one small place. I cannot imagine trying to power an enormous city this way. We see what it takes and it is not pretty.
Maybe, just maybe, some of these planet saving freaks needs to check out and do their personal best to save the planet?

Yeah, I don't think those simple / personal windmills are harmful at all, but when you have these monsters like these money grubbing whores want those are def. full of s***t.

I think the old fashioned kind do no harm . or if they do very , very little maybe a bird here and there, plus it won't mess up all that other electromagnetic bs with in our bodies and animals.
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe

I don't eat meat, don't have leather stuff, don't eat eggs, don't visit zoos (what's the point, go see animals in their natural habitat. I've seen all sorts of animals wild, it's far better)
Do you wear plastic? How about cotton? Like linen, do you? Well, here's a news flash: most synthetic products are petroleum based. Any "natural" fabric is produced from plants grown on ground that has been stripped and cleared, and otherwise denied the natural inhabitants, just like most crops.
When it comes to destroying Nature and the planet, who's the hypocrite?
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe
Yes. I hunt and fish. I have slave animals for dairy and eggs (they don't seem to have a complaint). I harvest my slave animals for meat and leather. I don't have time for zoos or circuses. I'm not seeing how that all makes me a hypocrite.

You misunderstand me. I don't believe people that chow on meat or do any of those things are hypocrites.
I believe those that are high handed about it but do do those things are hypocrites.
I eat meat here and there. I own leather things etc. Hubby hunts and we both fish
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe

I don't eat meat, don't have leather stuff, don't eat eggs, don't visit zoos (what's the point, go see animals in their natural habitat. I've seen all sorts of animals wild, it's far better)

I'll fetch you a cardboard cookie!

Is your life really that limited in knowledge?

Oh hush
View attachment 124416

Wind turbines can also cause actual bodily harm, both to humans and wildlife, in areas around installation sites. From a distance, the blades seem to move slowly but the tip speed on these turbines can approach 200 miles per hour, creating deadly obstacles for birds. Birds of prey are particularly vulnerable since they hunt in open plains where visibility is high. One particularly highly publicized wind farm, Altamont Pass in California, has been a lightning rod of controversy because of the impact poor planning has had on the bird population. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, as many as 1,300 eagles, falcons, hawks and other predatory species are killed each year because the wind turbines were constructed along a critical migration route.

Are there any risks associated with the production of wind energy?
Those blades are about 300' long, each.
Behold Sweetwater.
Sweetwater Wind Farm - Wikipedia
View attachment 124419 View attachment 124422 View attachment 124421

Yep, and one of the articles I just posted says how they have flown off right into a highway, I already forgot if it was here in the US though LOL..
Those things are monstrous.
Don't get me wrong. I use both solar and wind power on my place to charge batteries. But my solar generator is made from an old auto alternator and fan. It delivers enough power for my small place. But I don't use a microwave, coffee maker, TV/VCR, etc. I power my computer, phone charger, and lights. We heat the barn using compost-power.
But I am one small place. I cannot imagine trying to power an enormous city this way. We see what it takes and it is not pretty.
Maybe, just maybe, some of these planet saving freaks needs to check out and do their personal best to save the planet?

Yeah, I don't think those simple / personal windmills are harmful at all, but when you have these monsters like these money grubbing whores want those are def. full of s***t.

I think the old fashioned kind do no harm . or if they do very , very little maybe a bird here and there, plus it won't mess up all that other electromagnetic bs with in our bodies and animals.
It has a lot to do with design and purpose. Originally, they used windmills to draw water and to run mills to grind grain, etc. There were no electric generators or other connections. Big difference between mechanical mills and electrical generation mills...not to mention the sheer size of those damned things!
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe
Yes. I hunt and fish. I have slave animals for dairy and eggs (they don't seem to have a complaint). I harvest my slave animals for meat and leather. I don't have time for zoos or circuses. I'm not seeing how that all makes me a hypocrite.

You misunderstand me. I don't believe people that chow on meat or do any of those things are hypocrites.
I believe those that are high handed about it but do do those things are hypocrites.
I eat meat here and there. I own leather things etc. Hubby hunts and we both fish
There are lots of people who obviously feel superior because they don't eat meat (yeah, right), use leather, etc. They are totally ignorant about where the products they use come from. One class I attended went around the room and identified the source of the items therein. YOU might not be surprised how many of the things we use every day are petroleum based, but lots of others have no clue, obviously.
I have little regard for the fools that believe the split tongued two dicked gnat is more important than humans.
Do you eat meat?
Live in a home with all the death and destruction needed to build?
Do you have leather belongings?
Chow on eggs and dairy with all the lil slave animals?
Do you visit zoos, the circus or any other place that puts animals in cages so folks can peer at them mindlessly?
The list goes on of the hypocrisy of folks stamping a foot for animals while fully contributing to the problem they profess to loathe

I don't eat meat, don't have leather stuff, don't eat eggs, don't visit zoos (what's the point, go see animals in their natural habitat. I've seen all sorts of animals wild, it's far better)

I'll fetch you a cardboard cookie!

Is your life really that limited in knowledge?
Is yours?
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

What is particularly curious about this issue is why didn't any of this come up on the Environmental Impact Statement that should have been required for this type of construction. If an oil well or coal mining operation was killing wildlife at this rate there would be an injunction shutting them down until the issue could be remedied. I wonder why that hasn't occurred...NOT!
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

What is particularly curious about this issue is why didn't any of this come up on the Environmental Impact Statement that should have been required for this type of construction. If an oil well or coal mining operation was killing wildlife at this rate there would be an injunction shutting them down until the issue could be remedied. I wonder why that hasn't occurred...NOT!
But...but...but...this is green energy, renewable resources, you know? What's a couple of birds, or a cow or two? The sacrifice is worth saving the planet. Doncha no?
I read somewhere that a shitload of eagles are being whipped into bird pie with these things. :(
Well, no loss, eh? Its just a bird.
California's new solar power plant is actually a death ray that's incinerating birds mid-flight - ExtremeTech
What spans 1,600 hectares, cost $2.2 billion to build, and potentially fries hundreds of thousands of birds per year? The new BrightSource solar power plant in California’s Mojave Dessert. The plant, which uses some 350,000 garage-door-sized mirrors to focus sunlight on three boiler towers, also acts as a death ray, instantly igniting and killing any wildlife that happen to fly through the intense beam of light. Wildlife officials are concerned that this concentrated solar power plant, and others like it, could turn into “mega-trap” that decimates the ecosystem — first attracting insects, and then attracting birds that eat insects. BrightSource, in the mean time, is forging ahead with an even larger solar power plant that officials say could kill four times as many birds. Won’t somebody stop these not-so-green nature-killing maniacs?


Oh look the brainy scientist are so smart, using some bs based of money ,and oh those millionaires wouldn't want to tell you it's a fk up because imagine how the billions they'd lose in stocks. That money is more important than the health of their peasants.

Science is never wrong they know everything .
they don't know everything,

but they are problem solvers....

And it seems like they could create some sort of bird whistle like a deer whistle that surrounds the plant or some kind of invisible electrical fence that could steer the birds away from the frying area???

What is particularly curious about this issue is why didn't any of this come up on the Environmental Impact Statement that should have been required for this type of construction. If an oil well or coal mining operation was killing wildlife at this rate there would be an injunction shutting them down until the issue could be remedied. I wonder why that hasn't occurred...NOT!
I don't know?

I haven't read the environmental impact report to see what their testing or simulations showed... or what the report included...

obviously... they missed something!

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