Horror at largest solar farm in Mojave Desert frys birds flying over

Do you have reading comprehension problems or did you skip by the info posted that showed POSTERS THAT BASICALLY DON'T CARE.....................................

You're just making stuff up now. Which is normal behavior for conservatives who can't address the issue. And like most conservatives, you know green energy kills fewer birds than fossil fuels, but you still push for more fossil fuels, resulting in maximum bird deaths.

So why do conservatives favor policies that maximize bird deaths? I've theorized they have an insatiable thirst for birdie blood, and that they collect all the dead birds and use them in their sick secret rituals. What else could explain the strange conservative desire for ever more little birdie corpses? If you see them get upset about this, it's because they're angry at being exposed.

I've worked around plants and industry and quite frankly I'm just not seeing all the birds dying......................If your point was valid then I should see dead birds all around and I'm not seeing it.

I've posted the data of the bird deaths due to wind. Where is your data to back up your claim.

Have you broken your search engine?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
With the approaching onset of the fall migration of birds, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) urges oil operators to inspect their production facilities for hazards to migratory birds. Every year an estimated 500,000 to 1 million birds are killed in oilfield production skim pits, reserve pits, and in oilfield wastewater disposal facilities according to a study published by Pepper Trail, forensic ornithologist with the Service’s Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon. The pits attract aquatic migratory birds, such as ducks and grebes, as well as hawks, owls, songbirds, bats, insects, small mammals, and big game.

BTW your 440,000 birds killed per year by wind turbines is nothing more than a guesstimate-----a guesstimate by a single...
"David Cottingham, senior adviser to Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe, confirmed that the 440,000 bird deaths often attributed to the division are actually the estimates of one biologist - Manville - and are not considered official agency statistics."

You're just making stuff up now. Which is normal behavior for conservatives who can't address the issue. And like most conservatives, you know green energy kills fewer birds than fossil fuels, but you still push for more fossil fuels, resulting in maximum bird deaths.

So why do conservatives favor policies that maximize bird deaths? I've theorized they have an insatiable thirst for birdie blood, and that they collect all the dead birds and use them in their sick secret rituals. What else could explain the strange conservative desire for ever more little birdie corpses? If you see them get upset about this, it's because they're angry at being exposed.

I've worked around plants and industry and quite frankly I'm just not seeing all the birds dying......................If your point was valid then I should see dead birds all around and I'm not seeing it.

I've posted the data of the bird deaths due to wind. Where is your data to back up your claim.

Have you broken your search engine?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
With the approaching onset of the fall migration of birds, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) urges oil operators to inspect their production facilities for hazards to migratory birds. Every year an estimated 500,000 to 1 million birds are killed in oilfield production skim pits, reserve pits, and in oilfield wastewater disposal facilities according to a study published by Pepper Trail, forensic ornithologist with the Service’s Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon. The pits attract aquatic migratory birds, such as ducks and grebes, as well as hawks, owls, songbirds, bats, insects, small mammals, and big game.

BTW your 440,000 birds killed per year by wind turbines is nothing more than a guesstimate-----a guesstimate by a single...
"David Cottingham, senior adviser to Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe, confirmed that the 440,000 bird deaths often attributed to the division are actually the estimates of one biologist - Manville - and are not considered official agency statistics."


In the areas I work I haven't seen it..........Of course I don't work around slush pits.................So sue me........................

Does that really matter...............As birds are being killed by alternative energy as well.............and by one report showing my numbers..............does that make it false.................

I guess the birds see the wind turbine fields and know to fly around them or something in your world.............

And as I've stated I'm not against taking these facilities out, but finding a way to use low frequency radar to irritate them away................

My other issue is the left's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........

What's good for the goose is good for the gander unless the goose flies too close to a turbine field.
If you have a suggestion for a method to reduce wind turbine bird deaths - or any hazard to wildlife that any human activity presents - you should send it to the industries involved, Fish & Wildlife, EPA, wherever. Publicize it. See if you can get it tried somewhere. And if it works, see if you can get it USED.
If you have a suggestion for a method to reduce wind turbine bird deaths - or any hazard to wildlife that any human activity presents - you should send it to the industries involved, Fish & Wildlife, EPA, wherever. Publicize it. See if you can get it tried somewhere. And if it works, see if you can get it USED.

400 Hertz radar systems at high power will fry birds............

Again my suggestion would be to use it at low power short range...............

I'm not a radar tech...............it is a suggestion.........but whether or not it's feasible is not known.........Feel free to relay it up the food chain if you wish.............

According to this experiment it appears that it has already been tried, but didn't obtain flight path results.............

But, light beam tests at birds caused the birds to change flight paths............

Perhaps the solution is beams of lights to change their flights around the sites while tracking them with radar.
I've worked around plants and industry and quite frankly I'm just not seeing all the birds dying......................If your point was valid then I should see dead birds all around and I'm not seeing it.

I've posted the data of the bird deaths due to wind. Where is your data to back up your claim.

Have you broken your search engine?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
With the approaching onset of the fall migration of birds, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) urges oil operators to inspect their production facilities for hazards to migratory birds. Every year an estimated 500,000 to 1 million birds are killed in oilfield production skim pits, reserve pits, and in oilfield wastewater disposal facilities according to a study published by Pepper Trail, forensic ornithologist with the Service’s Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon. The pits attract aquatic migratory birds, such as ducks and grebes, as well as hawks, owls, songbirds, bats, insects, small mammals, and big game.

BTW your 440,000 birds killed per year by wind turbines is nothing more than a guesstimate-----a guesstimate by a single...
"David Cottingham, senior adviser to Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe, confirmed that the 440,000 bird deaths often attributed to the division are actually the estimates of one biologist - Manville - and are not considered official agency statistics."


In the areas I work I haven't seen it..........Of course I don't work around slush pits.................So sue me........................

Does that really matter...............As birds are being killed by alternative energy as well.............and by one report showing my numbers..............does that make it false.................

I guess the birds see the wind turbine fields and know to fly around them or something in your world.............

And as I've stated I'm not against taking these facilities out, but finding a way to use low frequency radar to irritate them away................

My other issue is the left's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........

What's good for the goose is good for the gander unless the goose flies too close to a turbine field.

The world is bigger than your aura - nobody cares if you are or are not seeing bird carcasses in your little world.

As I said earlier on this thread, I am in favor of maximizing our conservation efforts to minimize our loss of wild birds et al in our quest for more energy for a world that is demanding moreandmore and more energy.

This thread started out with some carbon sucker expressing faux outrage over birds getting fried in the Mojave now-----now you're suggesting we shoot microwaves at birds to irritate them?
Radar can probably-----probably be refined to efficiently detect some large birds in time to slow down the blades - that's good and-----and it's good that the wind turbine industry keeps workingandworking and working on ways to improve their already better than carbon record of protecting birds but-----but climate change is a much-much greater threat to the survival of species than wind turbines will ever be to birds
and-----and from all I can tell the carbon industry is not committed to protecting birds but rather, is committed to propagandizing the easily duped that they are not killing as many birds as wind turbines.

My other issue is the right's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........ touché -pewsh!
Have you broken your search engine?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
With the approaching onset of the fall migration of birds, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) urges oil operators to inspect their production facilities for hazards to migratory birds. Every year an estimated 500,000 to 1 million birds are killed in oilfield production skim pits, reserve pits, and in oilfield wastewater disposal facilities according to a study published by Pepper Trail, forensic ornithologist with the Service’s Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon. The pits attract aquatic migratory birds, such as ducks and grebes, as well as hawks, owls, songbirds, bats, insects, small mammals, and big game.

BTW your 440,000 birds killed per year by wind turbines is nothing more than a guesstimate-----a guesstimate by a single...
"David Cottingham, senior adviser to Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe, confirmed that the 440,000 bird deaths often attributed to the division are actually the estimates of one biologist - Manville - and are not considered official agency statistics."


In the areas I work I haven't seen it..........Of course I don't work around slush pits.................So sue me........................

Does that really matter...............As birds are being killed by alternative energy as well.............and by one report showing my numbers..............does that make it false.................

I guess the birds see the wind turbine fields and know to fly around them or something in your world.............

And as I've stated I'm not against taking these facilities out, but finding a way to use low frequency radar to irritate them away................

My other issue is the left's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........

What's good for the goose is good for the gander unless the goose flies too close to a turbine field.

The world is bigger than your aura - nobody cares if you are or are not seeing bird carcasses in your little world.

As I said earlier on this thread, I am in favor of maximizing our conservation efforts to minimize our loss of wild birds et al in our quest for more energy for a world that is demanding moreandmore and more energy.

This thread started out with some carbon sucker expressing faux outrage over birds getting fried in the Mojave now-----now you're suggesting we shoot microwaves at birds to irritate them?
Radar can probably-----probably be refined to efficiently detect some large birds in time to slow down the blades - that's good and-----and it's good that the wind turbine industry keeps workingandworking and working on ways to improve their already better than carbon record of protecting birds but-----but climate change is a much-much greater threat to the survival of species than wind turbines will ever be to birds
and-----and from all I can tell the carbon industry is not committed to protecting birds but rather, is committed to propagandizing the easily duped that they are not killing as many birds as wind turbines.

My other issue is the right's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........ touché -pewsh!

What I was suggesting was finding a solution to the problem. Which is something the Dems have a hard time doing...............Whether or not it is the solution to a problem is not the point..........it is an attempt to find LOGICAL answers to problems..............

Not everyone shares your belief in the Global warming BS......We do understand that the current attacks against industry are having economic effects. Including HIGHER power bills to the very people you claim to support.

Furthermore, what SOLUTIONS are you and the Dems coming up with to stop the birds from dying in either industry.

In one industry you try to kill the industry.

In the other you give it a 30 year pass.............and IGNORE the down sides to your pet religion...............

Offer solutions for a change, instead of being the party of WHINERS.

By the article I posted studies have been conducted and in this particular study light beams caused birds to change course. Are you for solutions or continual denial.
Birds kill insects.
Democrats are a form of insect.
Why would Democrats NOT subsidize the murder of innocent birds?
In support of my observation that the widely obtuse angle at which reflected sunlight approaches the collection towers would prevent dangerous intensity levels from forming anywhere outside the immediate proximity of the collectors, here is a better picture of the Ivanpah facility.


IT's no more than 11th grade geometry.. Could ya handle that?
Similiar triangles??? Or you could get fancy and use 12th grade calculus and conic volumes.

It's ACRES dude.. Starting at 100degF and getting to 200 or 300 within ACRES of the center.
Hint concentration goes up as the SQUARE of the radius..
If you have a suggestion for a method to reduce wind turbine bird deaths - or any hazard to wildlife that any human activity presents - you should send it to the industries involved, Fish & Wildlife, EPA, wherever. Publicize it. See if you can get it tried somewhere. And if it works, see if you can get it USED.

400 Hertz radar systems at high power will fry birds............

Again my suggestion would be to use it at low power short range...............

I'm not a radar tech...............it is a suggestion.........but whether or not it's feasible is not known.........Feel free to relay it up the food chain if you wish.............

Not only is it feasible --- it may be required in the future to prevent LARGE raptor deaths at wind farms. Someone posted a radar experiment. Wind farms are not gonna like this -- because then they have no excuse for not shutting the turbines down completely when a bird or bird(s) come into the area. Takes the piss poor performance of wind production and pretty much flushes it down the tubes..
If you have a suggestion for a method to reduce wind turbine bird deaths - or any hazard to wildlife that any human activity presents - you should send it to the industries involved, Fish & Wildlife, EPA, wherever. Publicize it. See if you can get it tried somewhere. And if it works, see if you can get it USED.

400 Hertz radar systems at high power will fry birds............

Again my suggestion would be to use it at low power short range...............

I'm not a radar tech...............it is a suggestion.........but whether or not it's feasible is not known.........Feel free to relay it up the food chain if you wish.............

Not only is it feasible --- it may be required in the future to prevent LARGE raptor deaths at wind farms. Someone posted a radar experiment. Wind farms are not gonna like this -- because then they have no excuse for not shutting the turbines down completely when a bird or bird(s) come into the area. Takes the piss poor performance of wind production and pretty much flushes it down the tubes..

The experiment showed that it may be possible to divert the birds with light beams, but on it's radar level used showed no significant flight pattern changes.

Yet the radars used did track the birds in the experiment.

Perhaps it's time for some solutions in our Gov't and that industry instead of excuses.
In the areas I work I haven't seen it..........Of course I don't work around slush pits.................So sue me........................

Does that really matter...............As birds are being killed by alternative energy as well.............and by one report showing my numbers..............does that make it false.................

I guess the birds see the wind turbine fields and know to fly around them or something in your world.............

And as I've stated I'm not against taking these facilities out, but finding a way to use low frequency radar to irritate them away................

My other issue is the left's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........

What's good for the goose is good for the gander unless the goose flies too close to a turbine field.

The world is bigger than your aura - nobody cares if you are or are not seeing bird carcasses in your little world.

As I said earlier on this thread, I am in favor of maximizing our conservation efforts to minimize our loss of wild birds et al in our quest for more energy for a world that is demanding moreandmore and more energy.

This thread started out with some carbon sucker expressing faux outrage over birds getting fried in the Mojave now-----now you're suggesting we shoot microwaves at birds to irritate them?
Radar can probably-----probably be refined to efficiently detect some large birds in time to slow down the blades - that's good and-----and it's good that the wind turbine industry keeps workingandworking and working on ways to improve their already better than carbon record of protecting birds but-----but climate change is a much-much greater threat to the survival of species than wind turbines will ever be to birds
and-----and from all I can tell the carbon industry is not committed to protecting birds but rather, is committed to propagandizing the easily duped that they are not killing as many birds as wind turbines.

My other issue is the right's attack on other industries while completely ignoring their preferred fields of energy........ touché -pewsh!

What I was suggesting was finding a solution to the problem. Which is something the Dems have a hard time doing...............Whether or not it is the solution to a problem is not the point..........it is an attempt to find LOGICAL answers to problems..............

Not everyone shares your belief in the Global warming BS......We do understand that the current attacks against industry are having economic effects. Including HIGHER power bills to the very people you claim to support.

Furthermore, what SOLUTIONS are you and the Dems coming up with to stop the birds from dying in either industry.

In one industry you try to kill the industry.

In the other you give it a 30 year pass.............and IGNORE the down sides to your pet religion...............

Offer solutions for a change, instead of being the party of WHINERS.

By the article I posted studies have been conducted and in this particular study light beams caused birds to change course. Are you for solutions or continual denial.

Try again - this time after-----after you pull your head out and-----and keep in mind, wind is already less dangerous to birds per GWh than carbon based energy. So...?

"Smarter siting
It's all about location, location, location. The No. 1 way to prevent bird deaths is to do a better job choosing sites for wind energy development, said raptor researcher Richard Gerhardt: "It's an issue of where you put the turbines." Federal wildlife officials, working with the industry, finalized more specific, stricter siting practices this year, as part of the same changes that allowed the 30-year permits for eagle deaths. In particular, federal officials are worried about the placement of wind farms in golden eagle habitat out West, and the new permitting process takes those concerns into account."


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