California's Progress, Or Lack Of, In Cutting Emmissons

If rely on other states, then they probably feel that they are definitely doing their part because it's not being generated or happening from within their state directly, and instead it is being pumped in from other states. Liberal theology 101... LOL
California....the model of government is a shithole! 3.2 million illegals and the state actually pays other states to use their glut of solar power!!:113::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:. Jackasses paint their streets white....what more do you need to know!:2up:
If rely on other states, then they probably feel that they are definitely doing their part because it's not being generated or happening from within their state directly, and instead it is being pumped in from other states. Liberal theology 101... LOL
Yep, while screwing the poor with astronomical energy costs because of it.
Oh my, another bunch of yapping dumb fucks. Many of the big wind farms here in Oregon ship the electricity to California.
Oh my, another bunch of yapping dumb fucks. Many of the big wind farms here in Oregon ship the electricity to California.
Explains why here in the 21st century there's not nough power and flex alerts occur all of the time. You lefties love turning off the A/C of the elderly and handicapped.

CARB is nothing more than a redistribution scheme. It does nothing but extort monies from the average citizen. It does nothing environmentally as it is a political construct for socialism and control of the populace.

Its not a surprise that it is doing nothing environmentally but is destroying the economy.. need people dependent on government.....
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