California’s Universal Voting By Mail Becomes Permanent

I think it should be done in every state.

More people will vote. That can only be a very good thing.

Its only a "good thing" if the eligibility of each voter can be authenticated. Otherwise, its a "bad thing".

And it would seem a lot easier to steal an election with mail in ballots than most everyone appearing in person.
Meh, I have never really been an advocate for making voting easier. It seems odd to me that we are actively working to ensure people that cannot be bothered to actually go vote on one day of the year actually end up voting. We all need to take the responsibility of voting more seriously and that requires quite a bit of effort understanding who you are voting for. The apathy in the electorate is one of the reasons we got Trump IMHO. Then again, voting needs to have uniform access and that is clearly not the case at the moment. If one person needs to wait in an hour line to cast their vote, that is unacceptable.

Universal vote by mail just seems like an obvious method to eliminate access disparities. If it spreads it will drastically change campaigning though - it will no longer be about 'getting out the vote.'
California finally joins Washington and Oregon as universal voting by mail becomes permanent in January.

Lets hope more states follow the west coast's lead.

Permanent Voter Fraud. Just more sins to add to the tally for immoral states.
And, no voting from around the globe, except for the military or work for the government overseas. If you aren't in the state to get your ballot then you aren't allowed to vote.
Trump would not have been able to vote under your rules.

He voted by mail.
Personally, I dont like mail in voting. I dont like electrical voting machines either.

As I mentioned in my previous post, there are occasional cases of absentee ballot fraud. One-off cases which are so rare they make the news.

I laughed my fricking ass off for years when the Voter ID proponents would post stories about absentee ballot fraud to prove we need Voter ID. I wish I could have seen their faces when I asked them how Voter ID could have prevented that kind of fraud.

And then I would turn the comedy dial up to 11 when I showed them, every single time, that the absentee ballot fraud had happened in a state with Voter ID.

Good times.

Look,we know that no matter what evidence is provided you will deny dems cheated.
So you can stop with your partisan BS because no one is buying it.

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