Call to Believers: Prayer with this man for Forgiveness to come true

I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Talking about torturing a murderer is not blowing off steam it what Christians today naturally think. I am sorry but I feel for every time I hear Christians on this board speak about Christ then in the same breathe speak about another religion or call for the torture or destruction of another person of a different faith I want to puke

Where did I say torture or murder? I said people are angry and RIGHTFULLY so as two followers of"the religion of peace"just blew up a bunch of people in Boston. Two women and a child were killed in the name of allah. I don't suppose it ever occured to these two dumbasses to go back to Russia or what other shithole they came from if they didn't like America? Nope in the name of allah they instead chose to blow up a bunch of people. That's fact sunshine. Also a fact is I haven't blown up anybody. Nobody's 8 year old child is dead because of me. I've never killed in the name of Christ. Even though a family member of mine has never been the same after witnessing 9/11,another action of the"religion of peace"I still have sought no personal revenge. If that's not good enough for your definition of turning the other cheek,too bad,I don't answer to you I answer to God.
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I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.
I am not a Christian douchebag. I wouldn't talk about hypocrisy, terrorist ass licker.

Whatever you are you're a piss poor excuse for a human. Do the world a favor and put a bullet in the chamber and point and squeeze at yourself.
300 million sperm cells, and YOU were the quickest?! I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

When you die, I'd like to go to your funeral, but I'll probably have to go to work that day. I believe in business before pleasure.
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

Dear R: if you are gentile, under worldly political laws, it is natural to see justice this way. however these laws backfire where the wrongdoer seeks the same thing you ask, to fry and destroy the perceived enemy. so both sides suffer and justice is not perfect this way.

if the surviving families of those lost prefer to see lifelong restitution served, why not negotiate to deport him to china and serve life in prison there, since he abused his citizenship which of course should be revoked from breach of contract, and give him the choice of life if he agrees to work at sweatshop labor to pay for other children, boys and girls, to go to school and have opportunities like these foreign students have in america.

why not honor the lives of the ppl he killed and disabled by working at restitution and form teams with other rebels and jihadists who all need to heed his uncle's words, repent of their jealous rebellion, and seek to make right to renew honor on behalf of all they killed. not just china and chechnya, but all across asia, there are young kids sold into sweatshop and sex slavery who would love to go to school and get an education. why not build prison programs where all such conspirators can serve restitution for life and buy freedom to save lives of others since they can never bring back the lives they took.

if all the muslim leaders and parents stand behind the aggrieved families, in asking for personal responsibility for justice, god will surely give the strength and unity to fulfill this.
if this would heal the victims families and honor their loved ones. and nations will agree to help solve problems this way with global crimes affecting all of us. i pray for this higher justice with mercy and peace for all humanity. whatever they ask in jesus name i join in prayer that god bring us all together in agreement. let us see mountains move walls fall and bridges built that save us all amen.
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I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Talking about torturing a murderer is not blowing off steam it what Christians today naturally think. I am sorry but I feel for every time I hear Christians on this board speak about Christ then in the same breathe speak about another religion or call for the torture or destruction of another person of a different faith I want to puke

dear a: both laws are enforced concurrently

the christian laws between man and god are where forgiveness is unconditional, given by grace not earned, but invoked by asking god's help with forgiveness

the secular laws governing man by natural laws call for correction and restitution, even where there is forgiveness it does not erase debts and damages which still are addressed

you are right, between these two laws, you get what you ask for others
so we SHOULD watch whart we ask and watch our words as you point out

if you seek retribution you reap this on yourself
if you seek restorative justice then you get the chance to make good by restitution
so this is what the uncle is asking
he recognises the nephews deserve death
to get god's mercy would require complete submission

if the remaining son just denies responsibility he will lose the chance
to make peace and invoke higher justice

in the meantime other ppl will continue to cite and enforce laws to punish
so that is the consequence if ppl choose to invoke that path

even on the more forgiving and understanding approach
there is still heavy penalty to pay to earn man's forgiveness
god's is given freely
but under civil laws there are damages to pay
i'd rather ppl serve life restitution to pay this
but well see what comes from this

maybe other leaders and nations will ask for restitution
and start holding ppl to account for the costs of their actions
and hear the uncle's call for truth and justice for peace sake
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The terrorists planned and killed, 2 civilian adults, an 8 year old child and a police officer, and of course, wounded over one hundred innocent people.. That is capital murder and a hate crime. He will be executed, so he won't have a future to think about. What limited future he will have remaining, he can mourn the loss of his brother, he so adored.
This nation has encountered, again and again, a threat that our founding fathers never dreamed of; a religion that clearly demands of its followers, to kill all non-believers who do not convert to it. If they had, they would have not said in the Constitution that there should be no law regarding the establishment of religion. Instead, they would have included religious restrictions and oversight. And, as Islam is the most violent of all the religions, they would have probably forbade it being allowed on these shores.
Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Talking about torturing a murderer is not blowing off steam it what Christians today naturally think. I am sorry but I feel for every time I hear Christians on this board speak about Christ then in the same breathe speak about another religion or call for the torture or destruction of another person of a different faith I want to puke

Where did I say torture or murder? I said people are angry and RIGHTFULLY so as two followers of"the religion of peace"just blew up a bunch of people in Boston. Two women and a child were killed in the name of allah. I don't suppose it ever occured to these two dumbasses to go back to Russia or what other shithole they came from if they didn't like America? Nope in the name of allah they instead chose to blow up a bunch of people. That's fact sunshine. Also a fact is I haven't blown up anybody. Nobody's 8 year old child is dead because of me. I've never killed in the name of Christ. Even though a family member of mine has never been the same after witnessing 9/11,another action of the"religion of peace"I still have sought no personal revenge. If that's not good enough for your definition of turning the other cheek,too bad,I don't answer to you I answer to God.

there could be karma with russia and china overdue to be addressed
and this is forced out in the public eye with the deaths affecting families from there

we need to pray for peace and healing and maybe whole nations will
be moved for the sake of the families aggrieved on all sides.
this is our chance to humanize the cost of war, not demonize but take
social responsibility and not go along with the same politics as usual that allowed this to go on. i pray for the kids who want a peaceful world, and all the families just heartbroken.
i'd like to see safe schools expanded in every city worldwide in honor of the losses here.
we can do greater things by working together than any of this violence which has an end.
The terrorists planned and killed, 2 civilian adults, an 8 year old child and a police officer, and of course, wounded over one hundred innocent people.. That is capital murder and a hate crime. He will be executed, so he won't have a future to think about. What limited future he will have remaining, he can mourn the loss of his brother, he so adored.
This nation has encountered, again and again, a threat that our founding fathers never dreamed of; a religion that clearly demands of its followers, to kill all non-believers who do not convert to it. If they had, they would have not said in the Constitution that there should be no law regarding the establishment of religion. Instead, they would have included religious restrictions and oversight. And, as Islam is the most violent of all the religions, they would have probably forbade it being allowed on these shores.

The terrorists planned and killed, 2 civilian adults, an 8 year old child and a police officer, and of course, wounded over one hundred innocent people.. That is capital murder and a hate crime. He will be executed, so he won't have a future to think about. What limited future he will have remaining, he can mourn the loss of his brother, he so adored.
This nation has encountered, again and again, a threat that our founding fathers never dreamed of; a religion that clearly demands of its followers, to kill all non-believers who do not convert to it. If they had, they would have not said in the Constitution that there should be no law regarding the establishment of religion. Instead, they would have included religious restrictions and oversight. And, as Islam is the most violent of all the religions, they would have probably forbade it being allowed on these shores.

why not demand reforms to prevent religious abuses

such as
1. what if Islam leaders and followers agree to recognize Constitutional laws as sent by God. not just Jewish Christian and Muslim teachings, if this is not enough to ensure against abuses. why not recognize the Constitution in order to practice any religion within the law
2. what if ALL collective institutions licensed or incorporated in the US have to respect Constitutional laws of due process, equal protection of laws, etc whether religious or corporations, so no group abuses authority resources or influence to violate equal rights of individuals
3. what if all citizens corporations and govt officers must all agree to respect consent of the governed as the basis of law as a requirement for citizenship, including training and access to conflict resolution to protect equal interests, representation, and due process
I'm sorry, Emily, but you are dreaming. It's a nice dream, but a dream none the less. Islamic leaders will not agree to anything coming from an infidel.
The terrorists planned and killed, 2 civilian adults, an 8 year old child and a police officer, and of course, wounded over one hundred innocent people.. That is capital murder and a hate crime. He will be executed, so he won't have a future to think about. What limited future he will have remaining, he can mourn the loss of his brother, he so adored.
This nation has encountered, again and again, a threat that our founding fathers never dreamed of; a religion that clearly demands of its followers, to kill all non-believers who do not convert to it. If they had, they would have not said in the Constitution that there should be no law regarding the establishment of religion. Instead, they would have included religious restrictions and oversight. And, as Islam is the most violent of all the religions, they would have probably forbade it being allowed on these shores.


if it is taken out of context and practiced as a political religion by jihadists or militant regimes

why not require constitutional checks and balances for any collective group
in order to prevent abuses

since Islam is supposed to recognize and respect
ALL sent by God
isn't the Constitution given by God
so it should be taught as part of Islam

even if Muslims only believe the laws of the Book
mean Jewish Torah and Christian scripture
then the Bible still calls to respect civil authority
so this still means to respect Constitutional laws and govt

either way the Muslim followers and leaders
should have an agreement on how this is taught where
they enforce and rebuke consistently among their populations

either getting more help to enforce the
Christian teachings within Islam or add more reinforcement
on Constitutional principles also given by God

the democratic principles DO align with Mohammad's
teachings on NO indoctrination in religion and on
peaceful co-existence, so these can be taught consistently with Islam

it is not being taught or enforced consistently for
much the same reason US govt has fallen away from the
core values in the Constitution; when things get politicized
then we lose the original spirit of the laws.
so all populations would benefit by reinforcing Constitutional
due process, checks and balances, and consent of
the governed -- not just Islam, but all laws/religions being abused too!
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.

May God forgive him, and humanity be his judge.

As for the first, I am not at all sure, for the second, one can only hope
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

I pray you serve the same fate


Did he kill an 8 year old boy and bombed more than 100 other people?:eusa_eh:
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I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

I pray you serve the same fate


Did he kill an 8 year old boy and bombed more than 100 other people?:eusa_eh:

You miss the point.

I wanted ever racist, bigot, xenophobe, or any person not concerned with humanity to be a victim of those bombings.
Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:

Yes so I've heard. Which is why Christians continually fail Jesus
I don't think the people and families he killed and maimed would pray for this animal.

And understandably so. I imagine right now they would rip him to shreds,but if not one of those families,a little grace can be afforded.

Make no mistake I hate Islam,I hate what this jackwit did and I believe he should get his due process and hang. But Christ says I should try to love my enemies,well the best I can do to that effect is pray he lives and finds salvation through Christ and hope that's enough. I'm human,I'm angry,so I pray God can show the mercy I can't.

Look at the age of this guy. If he lives he will spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about how his vicious stupid actions ruined his life. He's 19,No matter what he does his life is going to suck. Hope he enjoys being the wife if his new cellmate cause he sure does look pretty.
easier said than done. Imagine what the parents of those little children who were crippled or had their arms or legs chopped off are going through. I don't see how one can pray for anything other than making every living day of this animal's life a living hell.

if that is the stage of grief they are going through, that is natural.

in the end, what helps ppl to heal is not to focus on how they the victim of someone else.

but to forgive to let go of the negative rage and overwhelming grief.

and focus on their health and healing so they can overcome the setbacks
and let positive thoughts and energy flow through to heal faster.

the negative stages serve as a scab to protect sensitive wounds temporarily.
but to heal, the scab eventually drops, and you certainly don't need to smother
it where the wounds get infected instead of cleaned out and healed.

where hearts are broken they need to be healed with unconditional love.
if you use conditions and depend on those to forgive, then if those conditions
are never met then you never have closure. i've seen this too many times.
the hardest grief i've ever had to walk with friends through is when they
set up conditions like this, and wont forgive until those are met.
and they get theur hearts smashed over and over till they let go first.
and then they can heal with no conditions attached.
it's like telling a friend the doctor has to break the bone to reset it
that didnt heal right the first time. very painful, so its better to avoid that.

just dont get attached to the anger and it will pass as part of the grief process.
but holding on to it with unforgiveness can get destructive and obstruct healing.
each person has to go through these thoughts to get to the other side.
we are not all going to be in the same stages so we just
have to leave room for the emotions to pass freely.

i havent hit the anger phase on this yet.
just still feeling grief for everyone and praying for all
that to be lifted up so nobody bears the burden alone. let us all
grieve together in our own ways and help the healing move faster.
forgiveness helps the stages pass quicker.
it does not change how wrong and devastating the damages are.
but forgiveness keeps the emotional burden off the victims so healing is faciltated.
the more positive loving thoughts energy and prayers
we circulate, that speeds up the recovery time for the families and
gives more strength and peace of mind to deal with the aftermath.
That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:

Yes so I've heard. Which is why Christians continually fail Jesus

everyone fails at being perfectly forgiving nit just christians.
i love how the uncle spelled it out, where ppl recognize what he is asking.
we all know how humbling it is to ask for forgiveness.
i dont know whats harder
to ask for an apology or to accept one
its easier when its mutual and no words are needed but its understood

but thats where humanity is right now
coming to terms that war and its costs hurt us all
we are very very close to accepting the realization
there is no them vs us
but the grief of one family is what we would feel if we were in their shoes
so this situation is bringing out the humanity in all of us
we are going to have to clean out our laundry
and not just hide it under the bed, blaming
someone else where the funny smell is coming from

the same way you point out christians for being hypocrites
everyone becomes a hypocrite where we dont forgive something
then project blame on our neighbor for what we do ourselves
its called being human, and seeing faults in a mirror
we all do this as part of learning by correcting each other
for faults it is easier to spot from the outside.

christians or nonchristians, it is the faith in forgiveness that
tranforms and saves relationships. we all fail to forgive
at some point, no one person or group more or less than any other.
this is what it means to be equal human beings!

all of us are facing this realization
it is humbling but at the same time relieving
to know we are in the same boat

we all have equal responsiblity for our share of
the solution as any one else, and we are going to see more
partnership alliances and cooperative teamwork
come out of this aftermath in order to heal the broken hearts
and recover from this as victors not victims.
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I pray you serve the same fate


Did he kill an 8 year old boy and bombed more than 100 other people?:eusa_eh:

You miss the point.

I wanted ever racist, bigot, xenophobe, or any person not concerned with humanity to be a victim of those bombings.

btw if violent crimes or deaths only happened to 'people who asked for it or who had it coming to them'
then we would not change anything, but let violence continue thinking its justice.

but when innocent ppl die, then we are motivated to find what went wrong and prevent it.

this continues until we address the root cause.

well the common factor in every act of crime abuse violence bullying or oppression
is unforgiveness.

so the more we forgive, the less we will see division anger and conflct
go unresolved and get projected onto innocent people.

the more we solve problems together we will be too busy
investing resources and relations toward correction and prevention
so there is less opportunity for things to go wrong
as with these two brothers.

i really relate to all the families asking
how can we prevent this from happening to someone else.
the uncle and the dad asking the son to cooperate have
the answer. we need to help all ppl come fwd
before they do sick things, we need to be that honest
and have faith as these men are asking. we need to support
ppl in coming fwd not hiding what they do till its too late.
Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:

thats not what turning the other cheek means.

the backhanded slap was reserved for slaves or noncitizens

to insist on a forehanded rebuke means to be addressed as an equal peer not a lesser noncitizen

if you look up the reddit story on a student with facial hair whose photo circulated online,
this Sikh student used the opportunity to explain her beliefs and answer the remarks.
she ended up inspiring ppl to think differently in positive ways about humanity.
so she did not answer the same, but turned the tables and humbled herself and others too.

that is the power of turning the other cheek:
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I'm sorry, Emily, but you are dreaming. It's a nice dream, but a dream none the less. Islamic leaders will not agree to anything coming from an infidel.

that's why it takes the faithful to ask so all will recognize this as coming from God.
when it comes from the heart, as this man asks, no one can refuse.
it only takes the faith of a mustard seed to do great things.
it only takes the prayers of 2 or 3 joined in agreement for God's will to
be established and start to multiply. how many more ppl are praying for peace?

sure, there are skeptics who wont believe till they see proof.
those most judgmental calling other people the infidels
are usually self-incriminating themselves projecting their lack of faith on others.
the last shall be first and the first shall be last.
the loved shall be hated and the hated shall be loved.
the elect shall be fooled and the fools shall be elected.
we will see a lot of irony in the end times when all the
conditions and biases we put out there are challenged
and we all have to open up and approach things in new ways
to accommodate and include each other in the spiritual
process of coming to terms with our differences and working together despit these.

very interesting times, gracie
the more we find out we are hardly different from
the ppl we criticize and vice versa. i just ask that these walls come down
gently and we use the same bricks to build bridges instead.
the more we reach out past our comfort zones
even the most stubborn of heads and hearts
will see what is happening and eventually join in.

ppl are tired of fighting and bullying
if nothing else
out of pure exhaustion of energy and resources
we will find we have no choice but to rebuild
and quit the political posturing that gets us nowhere
we cant afford that anymore

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