Call to Believers: Prayer with this man for Forgiveness to come true

Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

Showing love for your enemies,It's a Christian thing.

james 5:16
confess our faults one to another and pray for one another that we are healed

matthew 5:44
pray for those who persecute and oppress that they receive blessings

matthew 18:15-20
addressing faults one on one to restore relations
or bringing witnesses to establish the truth
so where 2 or 3 are gathered in christ jesus
and pray in agreement for anything that touches the earth
it is done by our father in heaven

it only takes 2 or 3 agreeing in the spirit of truth and justice
ie in jesus name for the sake of god's will or goodwill for all humanity
for local change to multiply globally since we are all connected in christ jesus

this connection is weakened or blocked by unforgiveness
however wherever we receive a child of god in jesus name
then we receive jesus whose divine forgiveness can overcome false division
so the more we accept ask and receive forgiveness
the closer humanity comes to being reunited and reconciled as one

we just ask and we receive
I pray you serve the same fate


Did he kill an 8 year old boy and bombed more than 100 other people?:eusa_eh:

You miss the point.

I wanted ever racist, bigot, xenophobe, or any person not concerned with humanity to be a victim of those bombings.

I think that is something very awful to wish to a person.

Being all those things maybe unacceptable, but opinion is opinion, and fighting opinion with violence is kind of mind-terror.

Which is kind of exactly what these clod blooded murderers tried to do.
That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:

Yes so I've heard. Which is why Christians continually fail Jesus

Please explain that.
Emily, I think your views are innocent, and I truely wish that one day I could see the world in the way you see it. Sadly, that will not happen, the point of this long passed
That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek.

Yes, turn the other cheek, why not.

Then watch it turns red.

Then lose some teeth from the blow

That is the exact kind of thinking which shocks you in each terror attack, don't you see?:confused:

Yes so I've heard. Which is why Christians continually fail Jesus

If were capable of following Gods law 100% of the time we wouldn't need salvation through Christ in the first place.
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Emily, I think your views are innocent, and I truely wish that one day I could see the world in the way you see it. Sadly, that will not happen, the point of this long passed

Not to worry, this takes a process, and I believe we are closer to the tail end of it than to the beginning. This stage of the process is easier than when the Founding Fathers faced war, or the nation was divided by the Civil War; or even the Reformation of the church got bloody.

At least we have more history to draw from, and more resources to share over the internet.
so we can speed up the learning curve for humanity.

More people will get it this time, than got it last time, or the time before.
With each war, with each attack, more people learn to focus on the positive efforts to help the wounded and prevent the next time. so it goes in progression.

fear and anger have an end, where but love and compassion multiply and carry on. so in the end, the good side of humanity outlasts the bad influences carried from the past until those bad chapters reach an end. people do not want to suffer war forever, so even out of desire for happiness we will figure out the best way for sustainable peace and freedom.

the people who discover the liberating and influential power of forgiveness,
never go back to unforgiveness or wanting to be stuck there again.
so the process pushes forward and helps others to do the same along the way.

Thank you for your honesty; all it takes is an open honest mind like yours
and that's enough for the process to push forward so the world moves to a better place!
Thanks for this!
You miss the point.

I wanted ever racist, bigot, xenophobe, or any person not concerned with humanity to be a victim of those bombings.

How humane of you.

Compassion was never an innate trait of humanity.


You think children are taught to respond to love and this is not innate?

I thought people were born desiring to share love and touch with others.
that babies orphaned in war were found to die if they weren't picked up and held.

And it is our need for social norms by conditions and rules
which teach people limits and boundaries.

are you saying that so many of these conditions are engrained
that they become imprinted at birth? if so, I may agree with
you to some extent, but this is still part of the "social conditioning" passed generationally
and not the pure human nature which naturally responds to love.
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Bombing suspects? aunt says she?s received threats

NOTE: I was going to post a followup prayer request
to please pray for this poor woman in denial before
anything else said incites further threats of violence.

But the other conversations springing up here are
too interesting, so I want to keep following that thread to see where it leads!

As for this aunt, am I the only person who feels more EMBARRASSED for her than angry at what she's saying?
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Prayer Vigil Held For Md. Teacher Injured In Boston Marathon Bombings « CBS Baltimore

Bomb Victim, 7, in Critical Condition - Yahoo!

And here are links to articles on the MIT Officer who was tragically killed:

Regarding this officer's personal lifelong commitment to law enforcement, I pray for all others who commit to follow in his footsteps:
The same way Christians use scripture to reach out to others to adopt the laws by conscience, and commit to follow them with God's help through Jesus; I find that Constitutionalists use Constitutional laws the same way: adopting them by conscience and enforcing them by love of Truth and Justice, and reaching out to others to do the same. As more people choose and commit to this, more citizens become empowered equally as part of law enforcement, where "we the people" share equal authority and responsibility as our government. Abuse happens when either religious or political authority is imposed by excess force. This can be prevented where people freely choose to accept and follow the laws, with equal commitment by conscience, then corrections and enforcement can take place civilly instead by respect for due process, inclusive representation, and equal protections and equal justice under the law.
I believe in giving thanks to our military and police officers by taking the same vows to share civic responsibilities for enforcing laws, so we can address abuses before they escalate into crime, violence and killing.
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we got your message emilynghiem, thank you .... in fact we got it the first time you posted it.

no need to repeat it over and over. :)
we got your message emilynghiem, thank you .... in fact we got it the first time you posted it.

no need to repeat it over and over. :)

Sorry about that, I revised the msgs and just left the links. Thank you everyone for your helpful support.

Here's another story, about a dance instructor who lost her foot in the bombing attacks:
Dancer Who Lost Foot in Boston Marathon Bombing Vows to Take to the Floor Again - ABC News

Would like to contribute to something nice for her and the little sister of the boy who died, who also likes to dance but lost a leg. Music and art is so therapeutic, I'm sure there will be some creative ideas and projects for the students and teachers that come out of this to help all those in recovery!
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I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

I pray you serve the same fate

If I plant a bomb that kills and maims innocent people who came with their families to celebrate a nice sporting event, then yes, I would deserve that fate. Sicko.

Yes, it's both things.
You get what you give and reap what you sow physically.
Spiritually you get what you ask, so as you ask forgiveness for yourself
equally as for others, then God's gift of grace is given freely.

This is independent of the laws of justice which still apply.
If you owe debts and damages, that still may be necessary for physical peace and justice.
The spiritual peace is given freely for the asking.
both things are going on at the same time.
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Talking about torturing a murderer is not blowing off steam it what Christians today naturally think. I am sorry but I feel for every time I hear Christians on this board speak about Christ then in the same breathe speak about another religion or call for the torture or destruction of another person of a different faith I want to puke

Dear Aristotle, Roudy, and LR: Thank you for your messages and sharing your thoughts.
1. This is easier said than done. In reality, the Christians who do reach out to have compassion for murderers and rapists get labeled politically as coddling criminals and putting prisoner rights before crime victims rights. So if you are going to defend Christians to stand up for the criminally sick and oppressed, this is serious work to reform the system.
If it's not done right, it hurts people's feelings who think this is sick and enabling criminals.
If the outreach is done right, people can be healed and cured of patterns of addiction,
abuse, even mental and criminal illness, so more crime and violence can be prevented. [I have two friends collaborating on such outreach, one heads a nondenominational charity helping people with spiritual healing of mental and physical illness, and the other is an atheist who is a lifelong advocate of criminal justice reform; where both believe in treating criminal illness and mental disorders using medical models more effective than punishment. So if they can forgive their differences and work together, anyone can.]

2. If people are going to go after Christians who do the opposite of what the law teaches,
do you equally go after politicians and parties pushing things against the Constitution.
Or, if we use the Constitution to correct check and balance government instead of rejecting the good with the bad, why not correct what is going wrong with religion, whether Christianity is being abused, or Islam. Why not help each other enforce laws consistently?

If you are for these things, then we agree by conscience and steps can be done. If we disagree, can we resolve issues, get on the same page and focus on mutual corrections?

Thanks again. I agree with parts of what you are saying, and ask to piece those together.
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Another inspiring statement, by the family of a student missing since March (inadvertently
confused in the media with unrelated photos and accusations in the Boston bombings):

"Take care of one another. Be gentle, be compassionate. Be open to letting someone in when it is you who is faltering. Lend your hand. We need it. The world needs it."

Body found in water that of missing Brown student

"As we carry indescribable grief, we also feel incredible gratitude," the Tripathi family said in a statement on a Facebook page set up to help find Tripathi, who went by Sunny. "To each one of you — from our hometown to many distant lands — we extend our thanks for the words of encouragement, for your thoughts, for your hands, for your prayers, and for the love you have so generously shared."

The family said in its statement Thursday that the last month "has changed our lives forever, and we hope it will change yours too."


I believe the response to the Boston bombings and aftermath will lead to change
we didn't fully achieve after 9/11. After we've had 10 years of hashing out the anger and political distrust, I am more hopeful we can get it right this time, no go through that again.

I see too many people out there, who know better than to repeat the same nonsense as last time. And being vocal and public about it. So I do see we can organize and turn this around.
For Sean Collier, MIT Officer memorial fund:
Honoring Officer Sean Collier

For Richard Martin and family:
Run 4 Martin Richard's Family by Stephen Casner - GoFundMe

For Lingzi Lu, Boston U scholarship fund:
BU Community Pays Tribute | BU Today | Boston University

For Krystle Campbell:
Family of Krystle Campbell plans memorial - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

Krystle M. Campbell Memorial Fund
25 Park St.
Medford, MA 02155

Read more: Family of Krystle Campbell plans memorial - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston

Boston victims face huge bills; donations pour in

Boston victims face huge bills; donations pour in
Boston Marathon bombing victims face huge medical bills; tens of millions in donations pour in

Boston Marathon Attacks - Victim Fundraising


Cost of amputating a leg? At least $20,000. Cost of an artificial leg? More than $50,000 for the most high-tech models. Cost of an amputee's rehab? Often tens of thousands of dollars more.

These are just a fraction of the medical expenses victims of the Boston Marathon bombing will face.

The mammoth price tag is probably not what patients are focusing on as they begin the long healing process. But friends and strangers are already setting up fundraisers and online crowd-funding sites, and a huge Boston city fund has already collected more than $23 million in individual and corporate donations.

No one knows yet if those donations — plus health insurance, hospital charity funds and other sources — will be enough to cover the bills. Few will even hazard a guess as to what the total medical bill will be for a tragedy that killed three people and wounded more than 260. At least 15 people lost limbs, and other wounds include head injuries and tissue torn apart by shrapnel.

Health insurance, as practically anyone who has ever gotten hurt or sick knows, does not always cover all costs. In the case of artificial limbs, for example, some insurance companies pay for a basic model but not a computerized one with sophisticated, lifelike joints.

Rose Bissonnette, founder of the New England Amputee Association, said that the moment she heard about the bombings, she knew immediately that her organization's services would be needed. The advocacy group helps amputees navigate things such as insurance coverage for artificial limbs.

Bissonnette shared one group member's struggle to get coverage for artificial arms as an example of the red tape some bombing victims could face. The woman "got a call from the insurance company and the person on the other end said, 'How long are you going to need the prosthetic hands?'" Bissonnette recalled.

Bissonnette herself was in a horrific car crash 16 years ago that left her with injuries similar to those facing the Boston victims. Her mangled lower left leg had to be amputated and her right ankle was partially severed. Her five-month hospital stay cost more than $250,000. Health insurance covered all her treatment, rehab and her prosthesis.

Health economist Ted Miller noted that treating just one traumatic brain injury can cost millions of dollars, and at least one survivor has that kind of injury. He also pointed out that the medical costs will include treating anxiety and post-traumatic stress — "an issue for a whole lot more people than just people who suffered physical injuries," he said.

Adding to the tragedy's toll will be lost wages for those unable to work, including two Massachusetts brothers who each lost a leg, Miller said. They had been roofers but may have to find a new line of work.

Many survivors will also need help with expenses beyond immediate health care, including things like modifying cars for those who lost limbs or remodeling homes to accommodate wheelchairs.

Many survivors live in Massachusetts, a state that requires residents to have health insurance, "which should cover most of their required treatment," said Amie Breton, spokeswoman for Massachusetts' consumer affairs office. "The total cost of that treatment is impossible to calculate at this early stage."

Amputees may face the steepest costs, and artificial legs are the costliest. They range from about $7,200 for a basic below-the-knee model to as much as $90,000 for a high-tech microprocessor-controlled full leg, said Dr. Terrence Sheehan, chief medical officer for Adventist Rehabilitation Hospital in Rockville, Md., and medical director of the Amputee Coalition, a national advocacy group.

Legs need to be replaced every few years, or more often for very active users or those who gain or lose weight. Limb sockets need to be replaced even more often and also cost thousands of dollars each, Sheehan said.

Massachusetts is among about 20 states that require health insurers to pay for prosthetic limbs, but many plans don't cover 100 percent of those costs, Sheehan said. "Most are skimpy beyond basic prosthetics and they have not caught up with current available technology," he said.

"The insurer will use terminology such as 'not medically necessary'" to deny computerized feet or knees that can often make the patient better able to function and more comfortable and safe, Sheehan said.

Some insurers may be willing to make exceptions for the Boston blast survivors.

"We will work to ensure that financial issues/hardship will not pose a barrier to the care that affected members' need," said Sharon Torgerson, spokeswoman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, one of the state's largest health insurers.

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, another big insurer, is changing its policy and will pay for some of the more expensive bionic limbs when there is a demonstrated need, said Dr. Michael Sherman, chief medical officer. He said that 15 blast survivors admitted to hospitals are Harvard Pilgrim customers and that the insurance company is discussing "whether we might absorb some of the copays and deductibles."

"This is a terrorist act, and our only thought here is about providing support," he said.

The 26 hospitals that have treated bombing victims have charity funds that will cover some of the costs, said Tim Gens, executive vice president of the Massachusetts Hospital Association. Some injured residents may be eligible for Massachusetts' public health funds for the uninsured or underinsured. People with huge medical bills they can't afford are eligible, regardless of income.

Gens said hospitals are still focused on treating survivors, not on costs.

"It's an extraordinary shock to so many individuals. The hospitals are working very hard to make sure that each family gets the support they need. Billing is not an issue they're addressing right now," Gens said.

At Massachusetts General Hospital, where 31 victims have gotten treatment, chief financial officer Sally Mason Boemer said bills "create a lot of stress. Our assumption is there will be sources we can tap through fundraising." Boemer added: "Now is not the time to add additional stress to patients."

Bombings survivor Heather Abbott said Thursday she has already gotten offers of help to pay for an artificial leg. The 38-year-old Newport, R.I., woman was waiting in line to get into a crowded bar when the bombs went off.

"I felt like my foot was on fire. I knew I couldn't stand up," she recalled from her hospital bed. Surgeons amputated her left leg below the knee.

A big chunk of charity money for survivors will come from One Fund Boston, established by Boston's mayor and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

The fund has gotten more than $20 million in donations. Determining who gets what is still being worked out, but victims' insurance status and place of residence won't be a factor, said Kenneth Feinberg, the fund administrator. He oversaw the 9/11 compensation fund during its first three years, distributing more than $7 billion to 5,300 families and victims.

Grass-roots fundraising efforts include online funds set up by friends and relatives of the victims.

Those victims include Roseann Sdoia, a Boston woman who was near the marathon finish line when the blasts occurred. Sdoia was hit by shrapnel, fire and a tree that became a projectile and injured her left leg, the funding site says. Her right leg had to be amputated above the knee. After several operations, Sdoia has started rehab.

"She is a fighter and her attitude is phenomenal," said her friend and former sorority sister, Christine Hart, who set up the site. More than $270,000 has been raised for Sdoia so far, money that may help pay for an artificial leg, transportation to and from rehab, and modifications to her car or home, Hart said.

The donations will help make sure "that finances are not part of the burden" she has to bear, Hart said.

Other funds have been set up in communities like Stoneham, a Boston suburb that counts at least five current or former residents among the victims. A Stoneham Strong fundraising event is set for Friday evening, with participants asked to circle the high school track to show support for the marathon victims. Hundreds are expected, said organizer Shelly MacNeill.

"The outpouring has been unbelievable," she said.


AP Medical Writer Carla K. Johnson contributed to this report.


Donations:; Boston Marathon Attacks - Victim Fundraising


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