Calling all Pagans!

Actually, this thread has nothing at all to do with Politics, it is in a Religion and Ethics portion of this site, and it asks for other Pagans to come say hi. Not all the christian ranting and raving. There is nothing wrong with where I was, my page is still there and will stay there. I came here because I was told that there are more topics, broader minds, and a less regional feel. Well, I don't know about that, but I can plainly see that the christian types here are very uptight indeed about the Pagans trying to find eachother.

Again. ONE Christian bashed your religion, PRIOR TO you even becoming part of the thread.

You have no argument.
How do you know who ALL the pagans are?


Why do you assume the rest of the board is Christian?

I think a poll done a way back showed that agnostics were in the majority.

Wake up, huh?

The pagans on this board can't wait to announce they're pagan. Pretty easy.

And I did not say the rest of the board was Christian. Try again.

Edit: btw ... polls suck. How many total votes were in that poll? I know I didn't vote in it. So what you mean to say is the majority of those who participated in the poll are agnostics.
You mean that 26 person poll?

On the first page I found one Christian who didn't vote, and one Christian who voted other. A Greek Orthodox who voted other. Bass on page didn't vote. I didn't vote. 8Ball's not on there.

And should I really care to, I can get some Christian voters who are members of this board to vote to blow that measely 11 that's really a 10 out of the water.

Back to my original point: polls suck.
:popcorn: Gunny, you always have interesting things to say.

That aside, I think some people around here need to grow some skin. That besides learning to read.

The fact remains that the wh-i-i-i-ne was "USMB Christians, blah, blah, blah ...." I shot that one full of holes, with facts ffrom this very thread, and it went down in flames.

For that, I was attacked, and twice was it insinuated that I would use/abuse my position to decide who would stay and who would based on their religious beliefs. Simply put, a purely concocted load of bull.

Once again, the facts shoot down the accusation. There aren't many on this board who I agree with on religion, and they're all still here. Right?

Comment was made that I didn't want you here. I have said nothing of the sort.

Comment was made I had a problem with the thread being here. I have said nothing of the sort.

I did in fact originally comment in this thread by pointing out the hypocrisy of the one, Christian extremist.

Seems to me some accusations and arguments levelled against me and/or this board have been destroyed so badly they're sharing space with the Titanic.
Who cares what anyone believes? Just as long as you have faith in something and it makes you happy, what's the difference. No need to be judgemental or self-righteous.
That aside, I think some people around here need to grow some skin. That besides learning to read.

The fact remains that the wh-i-i-i-ne was "USMB Christians, blah, blah, blah ...." I shot that one full of holes, with facts ffrom this very thread, and it went down in flames.

For that, I was attacked, and twice was it insinuated that I would use/abuse my position to decide who would stay and who would based on their religious beliefs. Simply put, a purely concocted load of bull.

Once again, the facts shoot down the accusation. There aren't many on this board who I agree with on religion, and they're all still here. Right?

Comment was made that I didn't want you here. I have said nothing of the sort.

Comment was made I had a problem with the thread being here. I have said nothing of the sort.

I did in fact originally comment in this thread by pointing out the hypocrisy of the one, Christian extremist.

Seems to me some accusations and arguments levelled against me and/or this board have been destroyed so badly they're sharing space with the Titanic.

I agree with you, the only question I have, why did it take you so long this time? Rhetorical of course.
Again. ONE Christian bashed your religion, PRIOR TO you even becoming part of the thread.

You have no argument.

Well, you people ran Preseli off. I only came here because she and Bones asked me to. I don't know why you christian types flock to this blog or thread or whatever you call it, when all you want to do is to release your smart ass comments. I haven't had any fun at all so far, because I'm too busy responding to: "See?? I was right, the Pagans were wrong. See?? See how cool my uptight christian ass is?" What a big ol' crock of shit this place is.
*rolls eyes* I am described as pagan, mainly because my religious belief died a long time ago, and if anyone is intimidated by people posting on a forum then they really need to find something else to do.
Well, you people ran Preseli off. I only came here because she and Bones asked me to. I don't know why you christian types flock to this blog or thread or whatever you call it, when all you want to do is to release your smart ass comments. I haven't had any fun at all so far, because I'm too busy responding to: "See?? I was right, the Pagans were wrong. See?? See how cool my uptight christian ass is?" What a big ol' crock of shit this place is.

Nobody "ran" anyone off. If you don't have the cajones to be on a board where all walks of people are free to say pretty much anything, then thats his/her/your problem.

And if it's such a big "crock of shit", then don't let the fucking door hit ya where God split ya. Simple as that. Nobody asked you to come here, nobody's asking you to leave, and your ass isn't glued to your seat.

"You Christian types"? Fuck you. I'm no more Christian than you are, and you just plain have a bad fucking attitude, and are insistent on blaming someone else for your jacked up perception of reality.
Oh, and Silver..if you're going to wield such a large brush full of shit, don't be surprised when you get caught in the spray.
never in my wildest dreams did i think this thread would result in this. I ask several of my friends...both pagans and christians to come to this board. I found this board to be pretty open and informative. I am puzzled that no one objected to me joining this board nor attacked me...well except for allie and i just overlook her. I do not understand why when others joined it became a problem?

I hope eyes will return. I think she was taken back to the reaction from people on this board. I had told her people were more open minded here. unfortunately she ran into a few who werent.
Nobody "ran" anyone off. If you don't have the cajones to be on a board where all walks of people are free to say pretty much anything, then thats his/her/your problem.

And if it's such a big "crock of shit", then don't let the fucking door hit ya where God split ya. Simple as that. Nobody asked you to come here, nobody's asking you to leave, and your ass isn't glued to your seat.

"You Christian types"? Fuck you. I'm no more Christian than you are, and you just plain have a bad fucking attitude, and are insistent on blaming someone else for your jacked up perception of reality.

i ask her to come here.. so you are wrong someone did ask her to come the where god split ya....nice real nice..and let me remind you we are not in the flame zone so your "fuck you" is uncalled for. I would think a "super moderator" would realize that.
never in my wildest dreams did i think this thread would result in this. I ask several of my friends...both pagans and christians to come to this board. I found this board to be pretty open and informative. I am puzzled that no one objected to me joining this board nor attacked me...well except for allie and i just overlook her. I do not understand why when others joined it became a problem?

I hope eyes will return. I think she was taken back to the reaction from people on this board. I had told her people were more open minded here. unfortunately she ran into a few who werent.

Your attitude was somewhat less offensive. If you dished, you took back, rather than screaming foul. You also put the blame where it lied, which was mostly with Allie who's just a nutjob in general. You can also have other discussions throughout the board without wielding the "you Christian types" bullshit. Nobody objected to either of those two joining, either, and there still isn't anyone that does object.

But if you can't take back what you dish out, you're going to have a miserable time of it. Simple as that.
i ask her to come here.. so you are wrong someone did ask her to come the where god split ya....nice real nice..and let me remind you we are not in the flame zone so your "fuck you" is uncalled for. I would think a "super moderator" would realize that.

Watch it. My title is not up for discussion, nor is it part of this thread, as has been pointed out elsewhere on a few occasions.

As I said.. one gets what one passes out; simple as that.

Feel free to refamiliariize yourself with the board rules and language guidelines.
i ask her to come here.. so you are wrong someone did ask her to come the where god split ya....nice real nice..and let me remind you we are not in the flame zone so your "fuck you" is uncalled for. I would think a "super moderator" would realize that.

Moderate levels of trying to stay online long enough to get somebody's phone number and get laid. I was asked to come here, or I wouldn't be here. And P told me she was leaving because the christians here are in such a tizzy. And your god didn't split me, Bitch. So keep your fractured theology to yourself. And good luck getting a phone number.
Moderate levels of trying to stay online long enough to get somebody's phone number and get laid. I was asked to come here, or I wouldn't be here. And P told me she was leaving because the christians here are in such a tizzy. And your god didn't split me, Bitch. So keep your fractured theology to yourself. And good luck getting a phone number.

Wah wah wah.. Your attitude dictates your reception here.. There are people here that are still even far worse than you are, and they manage to suck it up without whining.
Bones, I don't see why you like it here so much. I've had so much shit out of the Mod Squad, I can't even get to know the real folk. Whatever. I'm not looking for phone numbers (and I know you aren't either)
Wah wah wah.. Your attitude dictates your reception here.. There are people here that are still even far worse than you are, and they manage to suck it up without whining.

The thing is, pissant, I'm not so hard up for phone numbers that I have to suck anything up, or be here. Funny the first thing that came to your mind. Sucking stuff up. I came here because my Sistah wanted me to

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