Calling all Pagans!

....i did this thread in the religion forum to find others like me....what is the problem with that.

There is no problem with that.

Just remember that if you post anything response-provoking anywhere on these forums, regardless of topic or purpose, expect a few of those responses to be hostile.

There's no "everyone be nice" rule here, and with that freedom comes the occassional abuse.

Why should we be a "target" when we declare our religion?

It's an interesting topic about which people have opinions. Some of those opinions will be negative, and some of those negative opinions will be posted. Nothing wrong with that, so long as they follow the rules (which are few, really).

Do you give this little lecture to christains?

I have seen him give similar lectures to Christians, occasion warranting.

We have ever right to use the religious forum do we not?

Of course. And so does anyone who wants to comment on what you're talking about.

If you do not wish us here..simply say so. It does not mean we will relocate but it does mean we will know where the admin of this board stands on religious freedoms and the right to express them...

Expressions about religion (positive or negative, regarding any religion) are tolerated by the whole moderation staff (at least to the extent that we won't delete them so long as they're not breaking rules). There is no such guarentee regarding posters here in general.
o hold up here one came in her with a chip on their shoulder....i did this thread in the religion forum to find others like me....what is the problem with that. There are plenty of other relgious forums on i saw reason not to look for others like me..

and no you dont know who all pagans are..that is just an uncalled for remark.
Why should we be a "target" when we declare our religion? Do you give this little lecture to christains? No one is playing anything here. I started this thread to find other like me...if that offends be it. We have ever right to use the religious forum do we not?

If you do not wish us here..simply say so. It does not mean we will relocate but it does mean we will know where the admin of this board stands on religious freedoms and the right to express them...

I know a couple pagans on here that no one else knows are pagans. *grin*
I NEVER out anyone on anything, if they tell me in private I keep it private. Just pointing out that not all pagans are out.
Actually, this thread has nothing at all to do with Politics, it is in a Religion and Ethics portion of this site, and it asks for other Pagans to come say hi. Not all the christian ranting and raving. There is nothing wrong with where I was, my page is still there and will stay there. I came here because I was told that there are more topics, broader minds, and a less regional feel. Well, I don't know about that, but I can plainly see that the christian types here are very uptight indeed about the Pagans trying to find eachother.

Unfortunately, you don't get to dictate who responds to what type of thread, and in what manner, so it's a moot point when you bring up asking for "other Pagans"... But, exactly who are you referring to, when you accuse "Christian types", because AGAIN, you seem to be painting everyone with a very large brush, when it seems you only have reason to be disgusted with one person.
I am an atheist and I always have been. When that aspect of who and what I am is pulled into a conversation the response is almost always the same. More often than not I get a shocked looked followed by either nervous idle silence or by a nervous shift of topic to something more palatable to the person engaging in the conversation. Atheism is generally viewed by the ignorant as a strange cult or something to that effect. In modern America it is almost as bad if not as bad as saying that you have committed a violent felony. I have actually had a “friend” recently stop sending her child over to our home to play with my son. She has turned away. My being an atheist has frightened her so badly that she will not even discuss it. It is such ignorance that allows the “informed” to pass judgment onto them and that which they do not understand. Some are fascinated by my being freely and openly atheist. I am not waving and atheist flag and I don’t sport an atheist symbol. It does not define me. It is simply a part of the collective that makes me what and who I am. Them that are fascinated by it are fascinated because of my take on death. I have morals and values. I love and I care. I am a family and home based person living in a small Ohio town. I am slightly eccentric but mostly I am just like most everyone else in my community except for the fact that I am an atheist. Here in North West Ohio conservatism and religion go hand in hand and they are the rule rather than the acceptation. Politically I am a moderate concretive centrist. This is the sometimes rice paper thin bond that hold myself and that type together long enough to get past the atheist issue so that we can become friends on a deeper level.

I am not without imagination and I do test the pools of hypotheses and theories with occasional toe dips but I swim freely and happily in the ocean of facts. Wanting to explain the realities of life and the processes of nature through rather simplified explanations as put forth by cults and religions is tempting to them that fear the unknown but to them that do not fear the unknown the universe of exploration and questioning is wide open and ready to be explored. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that your typical religion or cult is being addressed here. I am also referring to the rather recent cults and religions that have roots firmly planted in science. Without going into great detail I’ll just sum it up by saying that the Discovery Channel has slowly become a cult that pretends to be science based. That’s a pop culture reference and I used it here as a quick example. On that channel there are so many “theoretically” based programs that are more science fiction and less science that it is retarding its viewers and making then into ignorant followers of this strange new cult. Just look at the cult of Star Trek. That is some damn creepy stuff and it has spawned a few creepy cults and “religions” along the way.

Religions and cults in general are a cancer within humanity as a whole and if allowed to go unchecked it will consume and destroy all of humanity. The controversial Drake Equitation comes to mind here. A species that can not survive first its primitive belief structures and superstitions and then its rise to technological dominance will surly die out thus leaving them lost to the cold vastness of space and time. Before we can survive our technological advancements we must first step out of out primitive past. We must shed the cults and religions that are weighing us down so that we can focus clearly on the next few steps in our evolution as a potentially universal species. Religions and cults serve only to comfort them that fear the unknown. The biggest unknown is death and this fear of death ahs been and still is the fuel that drives the machines that are religions and cults. If one were to remove the fear of death from humanities conciseness one would then free humanity of its biggest evolutionary roadblock.

In closing I would like to say that my take on death is as follows. It is as normal and as much a part of the living process as being born. I believe that we die we are finished. That is the end. I don’t need to fear death to be a good person with morals and a good heart. I don’t need to turn to a “higher power” or “higher powers” to find guidance and comfort. Humanity has left records of its good deeds and of its bad deeds and one need only look at those records to see what becomes of the bad and of what becomes of the good. Sure, sometimes the bad wins while the good looses but more often than not the good comes through with shimmering pride and with a power that burns their memory into the human consciousness. Death is the great equalizer and in the end both “sinner” and “saint” must give way to the natural processes of nature. I am seriously considering writing a multi topic book and if I do this subject will most defiantly be expounded on. My current grammar isn’t quite what I want it to be but that will not stop me from expressing myself. My goal is to share my opinion and not to force myself and my beliefs onto others. My life motto is and always has been as follows. Life is short. Live to love.

Not very long-winded, are you?:eusa_eh:
o hold up here one came in her with a chip on their shoulder....i did this thread in the religion forum to find others like me....what is the problem with that. There are plenty of other relgious forums on i saw reason not to look for others like me..

and no you dont know who all pagans are..that is just an uncalled for remark.
Why should we be a "target" when we declare our religion? Do you give this little lecture to christains? No one is playing anything here. I started this thread to find other like me...if that offends be it. We have ever right to use the religious forum do we not?

If you do not wish us here..simply say so. It does not mean we will relocate but it does mean we will know where the admin of this board stands on religious freedoms and the right to express them...

Is it a pagan belief that one should just jump on one post without knowing WTF they are talking about? Yours is the second time.

There are in fact two pagans on this board with chips on their shoulders, and every bit the religious bigots they're whining about. Since it's obvious who they are, I'll refrain from naming them.

I didn't say a word about the existence of this thread, nor your using the religious forum, did I? Knock off the tough talk with me. If I DID have a problem with this thread, it wouldn't be here. Now would it?

That is pointless challenge number 1.

I know who the pagans are on this board. Y'all can't go a couple of days without announcing it. Not on any board I've ever been on. So no, it isn NOT an uncalled for remark.

Why should Christians be a target when they declare their religion? Muslims? Buhddists? Jews?

Go look at my first post in this thread and tell me whether or not I give this "lecture" to Christians. Didn't figure you'd try to twist this into a "victim" thing too.

Pointless challenge #2. Don't push me. It isn't my fault you OBVIOUSLY didn't read the thread or you wouldn't be making such bullshit accusations. My position as administrator is NOT part of this discussion, nor is it up for debate by you or any other member of this board. I did not bring it into the conversation.
and btw that
"response being tried on you before" you will find most pagans do not wish to upset anyone. Nor do we wish to go into christian religious sites to cause trouble. It is hardly the opinion of one but the opinion of most of us.

Nor was the remark addressed to you. Feel you need to answer for everyone, or what?
Well, I can see this is going to be a struggle, and for what? We are just trying to find others like ourselves, not a bunch of christian BS. I've never been a christian in my life, and boy, I sure made at least one really good decision in my life. It seems to me that all the christian types in here have the chips on their shoulders, AND too much time on their hands.

Baseless blather. You have yet to address ONE response by me to your posts. What's going to be a struggle is getting you to back up your baseless rhetoric.

I could care less what your religion is. I addressed your BEHAVIOR.
You come to a political board specifically to find "others like yourselves"? And ALL the Christian "types" in here have a chip on their sholders? In that case, what's wrong with where you WERE, since you all seem to know each other?

Isn't that a little like the pot calling the kettle black? You've just flat out done what you've accused everyone of doing to you, when in fact, there's really only ONE extremist that bothers to grace this thread.

Fact is, a very large portion of this board IS Christian. Most of them are content to just let others be. But if it's such BS, why make your home where you feel you're obviously not accepted?

my response? silver has ever right to say what she do you. Why are you concerened that we all know each other? Is it odd for someone to find a board and then invited friends to it? Is that not how most mb's grow?

As far as what the majority of this board believes that is fine but does it restrict what others can believe on here? You know you see much worse attacks by other faiths on here. Again this is a thread for us to reach out and find each other? Why does that seem to upset you? There is no conspiracy or anything, one thing you might be interested in nothing. We are not converters. We will not convert to your pov nor would ,i myself, try to convert you from your pov.

Wake up. WTF ARE you arguing about? Who, that you currently seem to be attacking has said one damned word about you starting this thread? Or finding other pagans?

And no, the worst attacks come from the people who don't believe in any religion, thanks. So try again. I already counted out who was who in this thread once.

No conspiracy, but some pretty stupid assumptions. Such as all the people attacking pagans in this thread are Christians. Turned out to be 1 Christian extremist.

And stop trying to deflect this into anyone else is attacking your religion. I attacked hypocritical, holier-than-thou behavior. I don't give a rat's ass what the people displaying that behavior worship as it is irrelevant to the behavior itself.
I'm not incorrect at all. Rather, your POV has no context.

I imagine that you are always correct in your own mind. In what way was my comment out of context? You made a generalized statement and I gave you a personal fact directly related to your statement. I was not out of context!

"Ponder this, in context:"

I've been here for about a week, and I didn't say anything until yesterday.

I didn't come in here with "a chip on my shoulder", but I did arrive IN THIS THREAD to see Pagan bashing taking place and I reponded.

Let's cut to the chase, you obviously have a problem with Pagans defending each other and confronting you when you try to rip us for one end to the other. Granted, you are the admin here and this is your place, if you don't want me here, then say so and I will never return to this board, otherwise, get the fuck off my back because I will be damned if I am going to sit by and watch claimed Chirstian trash like Allie, rant, rave and bash against Pagans and not say anything.

I'm not always correct. That would be irrelevant to my being correct THIS time.

And I know when you joined, thanks.

Yes, let's cut to the chase. I have no problem with pagans defending one another and SHOW ME where I ripped anyone up from one end to the other for being pagan. Go back through the thread and quote the posts, or stand down and shut up with your baseless accusations.

I questioned behavior, period. It appears you and strollingbones want to twist that into something it isn't and escalate this when all I did was make some points that had NOTHING to do with your freakin' religion. How hard IS that to comprehend?

No, I won't get off your back. There's no fucking difference between you and Allie, IMO. Loudmouthed, trash-talkin, wannabe-militant religious extremists.

You jumped into this thread running your big fucking mouth without a clue and jumped on me for no reason other than you didn't know what the fuck was going on or what you were blathering on about.

Allie is ONE fucking person. One fucking Christian extremist shows herself for what she is and y'all are so much damned better than that you had to go prove you're just as bigotted, hateful and ignorant.

I could give a fuck less about Allie, or your religion. You're a loudmouthed ass and if you want your ass lit on fire, flap your gums at me some more.

My position on the staff of this board is not for you to comment on, nor is it up for debate, nor for you to introduce into an argument. Period.

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