Calling all Pagans!

Watch it. My title is not up for discussion, nor is it part of this thread, as has been pointed out elsewhere on a few occasions.

As I said.. one gets what one passes out; simple as that.

Feel free to refamiliariize yourself with the board rules and language guidelines.

Sorry, you are right about your position as moderator not being up for discussion. I was out of line there.

I also understand your other points. I do not stay on th religion issue anymore than I must. It is always an area of conflict. But I never expected the reaction.

We can cuss outside the flame zone? Who knew?
silver, one thing you must note..the moderators post as posters too. They are not so much here to moderaterate between people. So far I have found their "official duties" seem to lie in keeping the board forums straight..i.e. moving threads to more suitable areas and keeping the photos within bounds. But as posters they have all the rights of a poster..they neither take on more rights or less rights of any other poster. i was out of line saying anything to shattered about her moderator title. The only reason I know moderators existed is I had a photo removed. and yes it was questionable. As officials they are pretty neutral posters they are not and why should they be. It goes back to no more or no less rights to expression as anyone else.
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The only ones being arguementative in here ARE the 2 moderators, which says a lot to me. I'm just responding to their blather. If Broken doesn't like my attitude, and I sure do have one, then why doesn't she find someplace else to play? I'm not in here to be suger sweet, coddle someone and perhaps score a phone number. That's what I mean. I came here to talk to you and my other sisters, one of which has already likened this hole to a Penecostal Prayer Meeting and left, and the other is MIA. So that leves you to be agast and me to beat off the froth-mouthed so called moderators. Boy, some fun.
Well, you people ran Preseli off. I only came here because she and Bones asked me to. I don't know why you christian types flock to this blog or thread or whatever you call it, when all you want to do is to release your smart ass comments. I haven't had any fun at all so far, because I'm too busy responding to: "See?? I was right, the Pagans were wrong. See?? See how cool my uptight christian ass is?" What a big ol' crock of shit this place is.

I see many of the Pagan's out here and open about it, it is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because it is out of the normal box that most people live in and people need to know that there is more out there.

Some home arguements that there is more then one way to God and what not,
Jesus was the turning point for us, He told us that God is all around us and part of us. He said we must go to God not as a servant but as a child asking his Father. So if any of you thinking that you can do BM or any dark art why do you?

Maybe you should look at what
Do not eat from the tree of knowledge means.....

You are eatting from the Tree of Knowledge which was specifically told not to and what happened to the people that did? Their connection with the Creator was lost and favor was not shown to them.
Ok, two monitors and typing 100 wpm I will conceed to, but a 'quicker wit', no. I have not seen one piece of evidence to back up this claim, nor have I seen anything in the way of intelligence coming from you.

I have seen from you, however, spewing the likes of Linda Blair in the movie, The Exorcist. You come across as yet another ignorant, narrow-minded Christian, who hides behind her bible because when it comes right down to it, she is fearful that Pagans may be right. Why else would you come into a thread titled, "Calling All Pagans"?

It isn't as though the thread content was hidden and surprised you upon entry. You apparently aren't interested in making friends, nor does it seem that you are interested in trying to convert Pagans to you chosen religion. Why did you bother coming here then . . . because although you will never admit to it, you are secretly curious about Paganism, but are afraid of the answers, so instead of asking questions, you bash. Bashing eases your quilty conscience which you deem to be soiled because of your secret desire to know more about Paganism.

Well, my dear, for all your bible spewing and Pagan bashing, your ignorance screams considerably louder than you do! It is quite humorous to watch you repeatedly make an ass of yourself!

You may be the quicker typist, but there is nothing witty about you. You are, however, desperate for attention, and are willing to whore yourself out anywhere, anytime to anyone in order to feed your addiction; that in and of itself, is quite pitiful.

Yeah, and I'm the extremist.

KK came in here bashing Christians, too.

Pretty interesting that it was during my absence that the Christians chased off the losers. How does that affect my "extremist" tag?
I see many of the Pagan's out here and open about it, it is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because it is out of the normal box that most people live in and people need to know that there is more out there.

Some home arguements that there is more then one way to God and what not,
Jesus was the turning point for us, He told us that God is all around us and part of us. He said we must go to God not as a servant but as a child asking his Father. So if any of you thinking that you can do BM or any dark art why do you?

Maybe you should look at what
Do not eat from the tree of knowledge means.....

You are eatting from the Tree of Knowledge which was specifically told not to and what happened to the people that did? Their connection with the Creator was lost and favor was not shown to them.

I realize that there are a bunch of christian zealots on here, and that's why my frineds have already gone except one. I don't know why Bones would want to stay here, but I respect her wishes. As for me, I don't have time for your christain BS.
Look I am not Christian/Jew or Gnostic/Pagan

I am everything and I am nothing, without the Creator I do not exist. Everything I am the Creator has made me to be. I am Power, I am Love, I am Compassion, I am the Light in the Darkness, I am the Truth. I have been given free will to decide on how I want to live and act. I have choosen to walk with Jeh and live free forever.

I am the last person to deny what you think or feel, I am past that point and have found what I need to find. I am out of that Box.

Affinity - Reality - Communication = Understanding

I am just offer advice to the Pagans that may not know better. That is compassion.

You want to call me a Sceintologist a Christian a Jew and Gnostic, I do not stick in one catagory. If as your fellow pagans have said that there is more then one way to God why would I not be all of them?

I am going to side on the side of God on this side and what I have been shown. I know the magic tricks, I know how to heal, I know how to exercise. I know how to program my body and how to venture outside. All this with God as the center, I go to no middle man or Idolize another.

Live by him, Live better. All of what I have meantion God has allowed, why give credit to others where it is not do.
Idolism and False God for knowledge and power = eatting from the tree of knowledge
You set 'em straight, uknow. I leave them in your capable hands. It's the best place for them.
The only ones being arguementative in here ARE the 2 moderators, which says a lot to me. I'm just responding to their blather. If Broken doesn't like my attitude, and I sure do have one, then why doesn't she find someplace else to play? I'm not in here to be suger sweet, coddle someone and perhaps score a phone number. That's what I mean. I came here to talk to you and my other sisters, one of which has already likened this hole to a Penecostal Prayer Meeting and left, and the other is MIA. So that leves you to be agast and me to beat off the froth-mouthed so called moderators. Boy, some fun.

Why should I leave? I've been a member here for 4 years now, and I don't have a problem tossing back what people like you dish out. Hate to break it to you, but you could stand to learn a thing from one of your "sisters".

Oh, and given your own friends don't even know what the phone number thing is, I'd suggest putting down the bong, and coming up with another line of insults, because that one's not working for you.

If you come in here with a chip on your shoulder, you can damn well bet you'll get it back 10-fold. Don't like it? Bark up another fucking tree.
I realize that there are a bunch of christian zealots on here, and that's why my frineds have already gone except one. I don't know why Bones would want to stay here, but I respect her wishes. As for me, I don't have time for your christain BS.

Maybe because SHE actually realizes there are more people than just her in the world, and her beliefs aren't threatened by someone disagreeing, or even challenging her. Like I could probably learn a thing or two from her. In the mean time, quit frothing at the mouth, and spend some time staring at your own reflection in the mirror, because the way I see it, you're 50% of the problem that you bitch about.
Look I am not Christian/Jew or Gnostic/Pagan

I am everything and I am nothing, without the Creator I do not exist. Everything I am the Creator has made me to be. I am Power, I am Love, I am Compassion, I am the Light in the Darkness, I am the Truth. I have been given free will to decide on how I want to live and act. I have choosen to walk with Jeh and live free forever.

I am the last person to deny what you think or feel, I am past that point and have found what I need to find. I am out of that Box.

Affinity - Reality - Communication = Understanding

I am just offer advice to the Pagans that may not know better. That is compassion.

You want to call me a Sceintologist a Christian a Jew and Gnostic, I do not stick in one catagory. If as your fellow pagans have said that there is more then one way to God why would I not be all of them?

I am going to side on the side of God on this side and what I have been shown. I know the magic tricks, I know how to heal, I know how to exercise. I know how to program my body and how to venture outside. All this with God as the center, I go to no middle man or Idolize another.

Live by him, Live better. All of what I have meantion God has allowed, why give credit to others where it is not do.
Idolism and False God for knowledge and power = eatting from the tree of knowledge


No offense, but you're a nut, too. :D
I see many of the Pagan's out here and open about it, it is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because it is out of the normal box that most people live in and people need to know that there is more out there.

You're right. Only trouble is, most people think that they are the only ones that have a"one true way to God". Minds are like parachutes, they work best when open. Trouble is....lots of "christians" that got burned by something or someone think that because THEY used it wrong and were burned, everyone will be also.

Some home arguements that there is more then one way to God and what not,
Jesus was the turning point for us, He told us that God is all around us and part of us. He said we must go to God not as a servant but as a child asking his Father. So if any of you thinking that you can do BM or any dark art why do you?

You're more correct than you realize. When Yeshua (Jesus' proper name) said that "the Kingdom of God is within", He was actually speaking of Jewish theology, which talked about humans being carved out from under the Throne of God. Now...if there are lots of different people, with different understandings of who God is, then who is one person to say that they know the one true way? The Dali Lama was right...."all paths lead to the top of the mountain".

Maybe you should look at what
Do not eat from the tree of knowledge means.....

You are eatting from the Tree of Knowledge which was specifically told not to and what happened to the people that did? Their connection with the Creator was lost and favor was not shown to them.

Actually, that is something that a lot of people misunderstand. To not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was laid down because God knew that Adam and Eve hadn't learned enough yet to ask the right questions. LOTS of people have said that if they were given one question to ask God, they would ask many different things. My question is.....why ask only one? Didn't the Christians say that we are supposed to have a "close personal relationship with Jesus and God"? That means there are more than just one question to be asked. Matter of fact....there's a lot.

Eating from the tree also means you're responsible for your actions, which is to can create Heaven or Hell Ask Nelson Mandela.

Now......I ask many Christians get it wrong, while so many Pagans get it right?

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