Calling Israel apartheid and genocidal is antisemitic hate speech


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I have made similar posts about this in the past. Israel is time and again referred to as an apartheid and genocidal state. These are flat out lies.

Here are 10 reasons Israel is not an apartheid state, from a Left wing news source.

And lastly, saying that the people of Gaza are suffering from a genocide conducted by Israel is a slap in the face to every person on earth who has ever experienced genocide.

Do people suffering from genocide march around with weapons chanting death to their adversary as they launch attacks and rockets against them and then take hundreds of them hostage? What group suffering from genocide is constantly funded with arms and weapons and money from another state like Iran?


Does this look like systematic genocide?

Or does this?


Everyone who makes such false claims that are hateful and adding to antisemitism should be called out.

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It used to be that people would be censored on social media for simply posting something negative about the vaccine, or something positive about January 6th, even though it may have later been shown to be true.

In fact, the Hunter Biden scandal was declared by the US government to be false Russian disinformation before the last election, so it was censored from the media. As a result, about 20% of Biden voters later said they would not have voted for him had they known, which is a clear attempt to overturn a free press and election, which the democrat party successfully did.

But now Democrats are in mass making false claims against the Zionist state, which is not only not getting censored from the media, it is being repeated continuously, and at every major university in the world.

The Lest is truly abhorrent, blood thirsty, and hateful.

There has never been such a vindictive and hateful outcry for any nation on the planet, including ones that actually engage in genocide, like the Sudan and China. In fact, the Left goes out of their way to justify and protect China, a country engaged in genocide against the Uyghur people.

What is worse, the head of the democrat party calls Hamas a terrorist group and admits to the genocide in China, but members of their own party ignore their leadership as they ignore the Chinese genocide and falsely accuse Israel of a genocide against a terrorist organization that their own President has declared them to be.

But this is not just a US problem. The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than against any country on earth. That means that while the Sudan was killing Christians in mass, the UN was writing resolutions against Israel for building walls to protect itself from Hamas.
It used to be that people would be censored on social media for simply posting something negative about the vaccine, or something positive about January 6th, even though it may have later been shown to be true.

In fact, the Hunter Biden scandal was declared by the US government to be false Russian disinformation before the last election, so it was censored from the media. As a result, about 20% of Biden voters later said they would not have voted for him had they known, which is a clear attempt to overturn a free press and election, which the democrat party successfully did.

But now Democrats are in mass making false claims against the Zionist state, which is not only not getting censored from the media, it is being repeated continuously, and at every major university in the world.

The Lest is truly abhorrent, blood thirsty, and hateful.

There has never been such a vindictive and hateful outcry for any nation on the planet, including ones that actually engage in genocide, like the Sudan and China. In fact, the Left goes out of their way to justify and protect China, a country engaged in genocide against the Uyghur people.

What is worse, the head of the democrat party calls Hamas a terrorist group and admits to the genocide in China, but members of their own party ignore their leadership as they ignore the Chinese genocide and falsely accuse Israel of a genocide against a terrorist organization that their own President has declared them to be.

But this is not just a US problem. The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than against any country on earth. That means that while the Sudan was killing Christians in mass, the UN was writing resolutions against Israel for building walls to protect itself from Hamas.

Unfortunately they're on here too and I don't understand why it's allowed.

Awhile back the term Nazi was supposedly banned. Now I know why
Unfortunately they're on here too and I don't understand why it's allowed.

Awhile back the term Nazi was supposedly banned. Now I know why
There have been rabid antisemites on this site for some time.

Should they be censored? I think it best for them to be shown to the world.

At the same time, I will point out their hypocrisy for censoring me and other conservatives like me for telling the truth about certain things, so long as I am able and not censored. Sadly, that door may soon be closing.

For example, there is no comparison to 1/6 and 10/7, yet the Left would have us all believe that 1/6 was so much worse.

Being critical of an ethnic group can be considered bigoted.

Being critical of actions taken by a government is not.
View attachment 851952

I have made similar posts about this in the past. Israel is time and again referred to as an apartheid and genocidal state. These are flat out lies.

Here are 10 reasons Israel is not an apartheid state, from a Left wing news source.

And lastly, saying that the people of Gaza are suffering from a genocide conducted by Israel is a slap in the face to every person on earth who has ever experienced genocide.

Do people suffering from genocide march around with weapons chanting death to their adversary as they launch attacks and rockets against them and then take hundreds of them hostage? What group suffering from genocide is constantly funded with arms and weapons and money from another state like Iran?

View attachment 851954

Does this look like systematic genocide?

Or does this?

View attachment 851956

Everyone who makes such false claims that are hateful and adding to antisemitism should be called out.

View attachment 851958

It’s really all semantics. Israel is a nationalist state based on a common ethnicity, culture, and religion….namely being Jewish.

So of course they aren’t going to allow their nation to be overrun by a bunch of Muslims, and they are doing their best to eliminate them from their nation.

The reason the globalists are freaking out about this is because Israel serves as a model for how to preserve your national identity, and they really don’t want the west to act in the same manner. So they push this “apartheid“ nonsense around as if it’s a bad word. Same old argument. If you dare believe in borders and preserving you culture, you’re a racist.
There have been rabid antisemites on this site for some time.

Should they be censored? I think it best for them to be shown to the world.

At the same time, I will point out their hypocrisy for censoring me and other conservatives like me for telling the truth about certain things, so long as I am able and not censored. Sadly, that door may soon be closing.

For example, there is no comparison to 1/6 and 10/7, yet the Left would have us all believe that 1/6 was so much worse.


We're on the same page
It’s really all semantics. Israel is a nationalist state based on a common ethnicity, culture, and religion….namely being Jewish.

So of course they aren’t going to allow their nation to be overrun by a bunch of Muslims, and they are doing their best to eliminate them from their nation.

The reason the globalists are freaking out about this is because Israel serves as a model for how to preserve your national identity, and they really don’t want the west to act in the same manner. So they push this “apartheid“ nonsense around as if it’s a bad word. Same old argument. If you dare believe in borders and preserving you culture, you’re a racist.
Well said
Unfortunately they're on here too and I don't understand why it's allowed.

Awhile back the term Nazi was supposedly banned. Now I know why
Offensive speech is the speech most in need of protection. I’d much rather see rabidly anti-whatever people spouting their hatred openly where they can be mocked and scorned, than letting it percolate in secret,
Being critical of an ethnic group can be considered bigoted.

Being critical of actions taken by a government is not.
Being a bigot is legal, it’s socially unacceptable, but as long as it’s only talk and not action, it’s protected speech.
It used to be that people would be censored on social media for simply posting something negative about the vaccine, or something positive about January 6th, even though it may have later been shown to be true.

In fact, the Hunter Biden scandal was declared by the US government to be false Russian disinformation before the last election, so it was censored from the media. As a result, about 20% of Biden voters later said they would not have voted for him had they known, which is a clear attempt to overturn a free press and election, which the democrat party successfully did.

But now Democrats are in mass making false claims against the Zionist state, which is not only not getting censored from the media, it is being repeated continuously, and at every major university in the world.

The Lest is truly abhorrent, blood thirsty, and hateful.

There has never been such a vindictive and hateful outcry for any nation on the planet, including ones that actually engage in genocide, like the Sudan and China. In fact, the Left goes out of their way to justify and protect China, a country engaged in genocide against the Uyghur people.

What is worse, the head of the democrat party calls Hamas a terrorist group and admits to the genocide in China, but members of their own party ignore their leadership as they ignore the Chinese genocide and falsely accuse Israel of a genocide against a terrorist organization that their own President has declared them to be.

But this is not just a US problem. The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than against any country on earth. That means that while the Sudan was killing Christians in mass, the UN was writing resolutions against Israel for building walls to protect itself from Hamas.

Really well said. Ours and the world's left are progressively dirty.
The definition....

: racial

cultural apartheid

gender apartheid

Source: Definition of APARTHEID

As usual, the OP doesn't know his head from his ass.

Bottom line, the OP is wrong.

Israel has been a nation under duress, surrounded by enemies since their founding. Plagued by suicide bombers and terrorists. Your being played. Look at the map and see how many muslim nations surround Israel. And then wonder why, none of those Arab nations can help the Palestinians. They live in squalor because of their own leadership. And Israel was a nation divided, a huge percentage of them being Liberal and demanding more rights for Palestinians. Ironically those were probably a great number of the 1400 murdered or kidnapped Israelis.
They are hardly an aparthide state. Any separation of Arabs and Jews is because of security reasons and that is out of necessity.
Offensive speech is the speech most in need of protection. I’d much rather see rabidly anti-whatever people spouting their hatred openly where they can be mocked and scorned, than letting it percolate in secret,
Well there's a abundance of that currently! :omg:

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