Calls To Ban Muslims From Entering the U.S. Are Offensive And Unconstitutional

How exactly is enforcing our border and immigration laws a violation of the constitution? Obama did exactly the same thing and you libs said nothing. You are disingenuous hypocritical partisan idiots.

On your failed Canada analogy. If the USA was allowing americans to enter Canada illegally and take jobs from Canadian citizens, I feel quite sure that Canada would enforce its border in any way possible including a wall or fence.

Trump did not say that the US would violate the NATO treaties. Only that all of the NATO members should pay their fair share. "fair share" isn't that one of you libs favorite sayings?
There are already adequate laws regarding immigration. Executive Orders are unnecessary.
There is no way Canada would build a wall to keep-out Americans. Furthermore, Americans are not lining-up to work for minimum wages doing seasonal agricultural work in California, Arizona, and any number of states.
Trump did more than ask all NATO states to pay 2% of their GNP. He also threatened not to assist any member state should they be invaded while they are behind in their payments.

Yes, we already have adequate immigration laws. The problem is that until last week, they were not being enforced. The EO is not new law, it is merely instruction to the border patrol and ICE on how to enforce existing law (on a temporary basis until adequate vetting procedures can be put in place).

This is nothing new, Carter did it, Obama did it, Reagan did it, Clinton did it.

Your talking point instructors and the dems are lying to you and you are too stupid to know it----------------useful idiot, fits you perfectly.
Any more personal insults from you and you will not hear from me again.

fine with me. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
You are calling names and insulting in every post while I never did that once to you.

sorry, snowflake. Did I hurt your widdle feewings? Grow up.
Your Obama was horrible....

worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.
worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.

You continue to display ignorance, so I will continue to call you on it. There is no body of "international law". There are no international law statutes. There is no international law that has binding jurisdiction over all countries of the world. The UN has no enforcement powers, neither does the Hague.

Was Saddam in violation of international law when he gassed his own people? Was Pol Pot in violation when he slaughtered millions? How about Hitler? Was he in violation of "international law"?

All of these despots violated what I would call "international standards of conduct". But there is no such thing as international law.

Each country has its own body of law and its own court systems to enforce its laws. There is no international equivalent of those laws.

Now, that I have added to your education. Why would anyone favor a world with only one set of law and one ruler? and who would choose such a ruler? Muslims? Christians? Jews? Atheists? Hindus? The Dalai Lama?

You are in fantasy land.
Donald Trump is running the Executive by the seat of his pants and every time he tweets, writes an Executive Order, or opens his vulgar mouth, he is creating chaos. Don't you see the braggart has no clue about being an effective president. In his second week he has already insulted several countries beginning with the Americans' nearest neighbor to the south. Then he tells the 27 countries of the European Union that they should pull asunder their single market, customs union, and their co-operation in an ever closer political union. He has threatened to impose stiff tariffs in American companies which manufacture at home and abroad unless they liquidate their international assets and forego custom-free participation in their subsidiaries abroad. He has undermined the collective security of Europe by warning NATO countries that he will not honor the mutual support of countries which have not paid enough money into the organization. Trump has placed a ban on immigration from a bunch of Middle East countries on the spurious grounds that he is protecting Americans from terrorist attacks when none of these countries sent terrorists to the USA while he continues to allow immigration from the countries which did, notably Saudi Arabia. Exempt from the ban are Christians. Australia, another loyal ally of the USA, we now hear had an awful telephone conversion with its prime minister with Trump tweeting that it was the worst phone call of the lot.

It must be comforting to you not to entertain ideological spin on the operations of the U.S. Executive. Frankly, I cannot imagine how you do not see that the loudmouth narcissist currently in charge is a madman ripping asunder the the good name of America and Americans and replacing them with unbelievable vulgarity, ineptitude, and xenophobia.
Your Obama was horrible....

worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

OMG - Did we honestly forget the oil for food scandal the United Nations was involved in? How about France profiting from rebuilding Iraq's military with French Marauders? Still nothing? You see, it's hard to enforce UN resolutions when you are the one on the take from a dictator [Saddam] that knows how to bride their way out. Honestly, I've lost track of how many new resolutions the UN established, because apparently it's much easier to simply write a new one than develop a backbone to actually enforce one. Also, it's hard to discredit WMDs when the UN couldn't even complete their weapons inspections in 8 years of the Clinton Administration. How hard could it possibly be that 8 years wasn't a long enough time to get their act together?

On a side note, democrat presidents are awfully good at sitting on their ass when it comes to enforcement, heck even Obama was willing to bribe a nation like Iran to free Americans. Then there's the Syrian red line "oops" he never meant to get involved in. Gotta be nice to be a nation that is taken advantage of by a weak democrat president.
To be brutally frank, Christianity is dying in Europe and Islam is on the rise.

Trump will not let that happen here.
Your Obama was horrible....

worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

OMG - Did we honestly forget the oil for food scandal the United Nations was involved in? How about France profiting from rebuilding Iraq's military with French Marauders? Still nothing? You see, it's hard to enforce UN resolutions when you are the one on the take from a dictator [Saddam] that knows how to bride their way out. Honestly, I've lost track of how many new resolutions the UN established, because apparently it's much easier to simply write a new one than develop a backbone to actually enforce one. Also, it's hard to discredit WMDs when the UN couldn't even complete their weapons inspections in 8 years of the Clinton Administration. How hard could it possibly be that 8 years wasn't a long enough time to get their act together?

On a side note, democrat presidents are awfully good at sitting on their ass when it comes to enforcement, heck even Obama was willing to bribe a nation like Iran to free Americans. Then there's the Syrian red line "oops" he never meant to get involved in. Gotta be nice to be a nation that is taken advantage of by a weak democrat president.
Name one country that Iran has occupied in your lifetime.
worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

OMG - Did we honestly forget the oil for food scandal the United Nations was involved in? How about France profiting from rebuilding Iraq's military with French Marauders? Still nothing? You see, it's hard to enforce UN resolutions when you are the one on the take from a dictator [Saddam] that knows how to bride their way out. Honestly, I've lost track of how many new resolutions the UN established, because apparently it's much easier to simply write a new one than develop a backbone to actually enforce one. Also, it's hard to discredit WMDs when the UN couldn't even complete their weapons inspections in 8 years of the Clinton Administration. How hard could it possibly be that 8 years wasn't a long enough time to get their act together?

On a side note, democrat presidents are awfully good at sitting on their ass when it comes to enforcement, heck even Obama was willing to bribe a nation like Iran to free Americans. Then there's the Syrian red line "oops" he never meant to get involved in. Gotta be nice to be a nation that is taken advantage of by a weak democrat president.
Name one country that Iran has occupied in your lifetime.

Saddam, involved in UN resolutions and weapon inspectors, was a dictator for the nation of Iraq NOT Iran. Either learn your geography or get your "invading" stories straight with actual history.
President Trump's trying to save Western Civilization from an ideology that wants to destroy it. Open your God damn eyes.
worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

OMG - Did we honestly forget the oil for food scandal the United Nations was involved in? How about France profiting from rebuilding Iraq's military with French Marauders? Still nothing? You see, it's hard to enforce UN resolutions when you are the one on the take from a dictator [Saddam] that knows how to bride their way out. Honestly, I've lost track of how many new resolutions the UN established, because apparently it's much easier to simply write a new one than develop a backbone to actually enforce one. Also, it's hard to discredit WMDs when the UN couldn't even complete their weapons inspections in 8 years of the Clinton Administration. How hard could it possibly be that 8 years wasn't a long enough time to get their act together?

On a side note, democrat presidents are awfully good at sitting on their ass when it comes to enforcement, heck even Obama was willing to bribe a nation like Iran to free Americans. Then there's the Syrian red line "oops" he never meant to get involved in. Gotta be nice to be a nation that is taken advantage of by a weak democrat president.
Name one country that Iran has occupied in your lifetime.
ummmm, Our Embassy. (joking)
On an irony note, recall when Obama did this?

President Obama gives himself permission to kill

At the time I didn't have much a problem with it. No doubt a President may not order the violation of an American overseas rights. However, it seemed to me that this guy individually had evidenced a desire NOT to abide by the laws and protections of the US. So, while I don't thing the Potus can just say breaking the law is in our natl security and magically make the illegal somehow legal. But I didn't think killing this guy was so awful.
President Trump only wants to admit folks who share our values and love our people, meaning only people who believe in the constitution!
worst in history, bar none.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.

Key members of the United Nations were making a profit off of Saddam. They have not enforced one single resolution, when certain nations had their hand in Iraq's pocket. instead the UN chose to pass additional resolutions on top of what they already agreed upon, giving Iraq chance... after chance... after chance... after chance... after chance. The United Nations has no teeth behind any of their proposed "conditions" placed on Saddam, conditions that have proven to carry no more weight than a simple sheet of paper. EIGHT YEARS, we have seen a complete U.S. administration pass through after Iraq's cease fire conditions, and the United Nations were no further along in getting Iraq to comply with the UN than year one. The United Nations is a bureaucracy of red tape with no real enforcement, they are a road block with no proven historical significance in standing up to rogue Nations that don't comply.

how about each refugee stays in the house of a registered democrat for the rest of their life?
Germany's Der Speigel shows Trump holding Lady Liberty's decapitated head. Since it's German, shouldn't he be pushing her into gas chamber?
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

OMG - Did we honestly forget the oil for food scandal the United Nations was involved in? How about France profiting from rebuilding Iraq's military with French Marauders? Still nothing? You see, it's hard to enforce UN resolutions when you are the one on the take from a dictator [Saddam] that knows how to bride their way out. Honestly, I've lost track of how many new resolutions the UN established, because apparently it's much easier to simply write a new one than develop a backbone to actually enforce one. Also, it's hard to discredit WMDs when the UN couldn't even complete their weapons inspections in 8 years of the Clinton Administration. How hard could it possibly be that 8 years wasn't a long enough time to get their act together?

On a side note, democrat presidents are awfully good at sitting on their ass when it comes to enforcement, heck even Obama was willing to bribe a nation like Iran to free Americans. Then there's the Syrian red line "oops" he never meant to get involved in. Gotta be nice to be a nation that is taken advantage of by a weak democrat president.
Name one country that Iran has occupied in your lifetime.

Saddam, involved in UN resolutions and weapon inspectors, was a dictator for the nation of Iraq NOT Iran. Either learn your geography or get your "invading" stories straight with actual history.
I repeat, name one country that Iran has occupied or even invaded in your lifetime. Iran is no danger to the USA. The USA, however, is getting very hostile with Iran.
Obama did not illegally invade other countries.

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.

Key members of the United Nations were making a profit off of Saddam. They have not enforced one single resolution, when certain nations had their hand in Iraq's pocket. instead the UN chose to pass additional resolutions on top of what they already agreed upon, giving Iraq chance... after chance... after chance... after chance... after chance. The United Nations has no teeth behind any of their proposed "conditions" placed on Saddam, conditions that have proven to carry no more weight than a simple sheet of paper. EIGHT YEARS, we have seen a complete U.S. administration pass through after Iraq's cease fire conditions, and the United Nations were no further along in getting Iraq to comply with the UN than year one. The United Nations is a bureaucracy of red tape with no real enforcement, they are a road block with no proven historical significance in standing up to rogue Nations that don't comply.
The United States did not have a recommendation from the UN Security Council to invade and destroy Iraq. This means that the invasion was illegal.
Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.

Key members of the United Nations were making a profit off of Saddam. They have not enforced one single resolution, when certain nations had their hand in Iraq's pocket. instead the UN chose to pass additional resolutions on top of what they already agreed upon, giving Iraq chance... after chance... after chance... after chance... after chance. The United Nations has no teeth behind any of their proposed "conditions" placed on Saddam, conditions that have proven to carry no more weight than a simple sheet of paper. EIGHT YEARS, we have seen a complete U.S. administration pass through after Iraq's cease fire conditions, and the United Nations were no further along in getting Iraq to comply with the UN than year one. The United Nations is a bureaucracy of red tape with no real enforcement, they are a road block with no proven historical significance in standing up to rogue Nations that don't comply.
The United States did not have a recommendation from the UN Security Council to invade and destroy Iraq. This means that the invasion was illegal.
Wrong the charter is clear one can invade for almost any reason as long as one has cause. There is NO requirement that the UN sanction it AT ALL.

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