Calls To Ban Muslims From Entering the U.S. Are Offensive And Unconstitutional

Which president invaded illegally? If you say Bush, you are once again showing your partisan ignorance. While I disagree with what Bush did, he had the authorization and approval, and funding from congress before doing it-----------it was not illegal.
Starting wars and invading countries is against international law regardless of what American politicians think.

"international law" ? Could you please tell us where we can find a book of "international law"? Then tell us what court has international jurisdiction to enforce "international law".

With every new post, you confirm your ignorance.
Please quit accusing me of ignorance. Insulting is easy to do. For example, I could accuse you of being ignorant of international law but I will not.
International law is found in many international treaties.
The UN Security Council clarifies what law applies in given circumstances. When George W Bush invaded and destroyed Iraq, he did so without the consent of the Security Council. This is illegal. The International Court in The Hague deals with violations but the USA is too big that it gets away with starting wars.

Key members of the United Nations were making a profit off of Saddam. They have not enforced one single resolution, when certain nations had their hand in Iraq's pocket. instead the UN chose to pass additional resolutions on top of what they already agreed upon, giving Iraq chance... after chance... after chance... after chance... after chance. The United Nations has no teeth behind any of their proposed "conditions" placed on Saddam, conditions that have proven to carry no more weight than a simple sheet of paper. EIGHT YEARS, we have seen a complete U.S. administration pass through after Iraq's cease fire conditions, and the United Nations were no further along in getting Iraq to comply with the UN than year one. The United Nations is a bureaucracy of red tape with no real enforcement, they are a road block with no proven historical significance in standing up to rogue Nations that don't comply.
The United States did not have a recommendation from the UN Security Council to invade and destroy Iraq. This means that the invasion was illegal.

The United Nations doesn't have integrity when they themselves are "profiting" from a nation they were supposedly ensuring resolutions are met, there was a conflict of interest. Seriously Elroy, you are an idiot if you don't comprehend the UN compromised their integrity and position of enforcement through the oil for food scandal.
Calls To Ban Muslims From Entering the U.S. Are Offensive And Unconstitutional

What the hysterical liberals are hoping you won't notice, is that no one is calling for that.

Calls to enslave black people, put them in chains, and force them to work on farms for no pay and poor subsistence, are offensive and unconstitutional, too... not to mention inhuman.

Nobody's calling for that, either.

But at this rate, it won't be long before the liberal snowflakes are wailing and whining about that, too, as though somebody WAS calling for it.
The real reason given behind the judges decision to oppose the ban.

Ferguson said the order is causing significant harm to Washington residents, businesses and its education system. It will reduce tax revenue and impose significant costs on state agencies

What is the big focus behind significant harm? - state budgets and revenue. The states should have likewise used that excuse to block Obamacare.
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...Says Mike Pence.

Pence is wrong.
Extensive new poll finds clear MAJORITY of Europeans (55%-20%) want TOTAL BAN on Muslim immigration
POLL: Want ban on Muslim migration
Poland: 71%
France: 61%
Germany: 53%
Italy: 51%
UK: 47%
Spain: 41%
(Chatham House)
...Says Mike Pence.


Hey Boseaphus, how is that Syrian wanting to blow up black churches in Pitt working out for your theory?

You don't care?

What are you, a RACIIIIIIIIIIST, or just anti-American?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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