Cambridge-Analytica Dem Group Folding

I want the Zuckerturds and the Jack Dorseys and all those totalitarian scum...

to fold too

about time!

please do it now Mr President!
Cambridge Analytica is a Republican/conservative/Russian :D connected group! Funded by Trump backer, the billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter....who also is the big backer of Briebart.

Good to see them close, if true
Cambridge Analytica is a Republican/conservative/Russian :D connected group! Funded by Trump backer, the billionaire Robert Mercer and his daughter....who also is the big backer of Briebart.

Good to see them close, if true
Give the NSA some more info with your Facebook page.................................they need u
I don't have a facebook page.... / account....

no chance of me being brainwashed by all the fake news! :D
Cambridge Analytica a dem group? In the Alt Right parallel universe.
The problem wasn’t Cambridge Analytica, the problem is Facebook. That who has mined all the information on all its users but they are blaming Cambridge Analytica. Time for us to all get smart and go after the company that allowed CA to mine info from Facebook users. Also, CA is not the only one that has or is mining info from Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social media networks. If you are online, your info is out there and being mined.
The users should guard their info. The social media companies need to do their due diligence.

If everyone is aware, then those who lie in wait to deceive will have no effect in our elections from now on.

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