Camelot....the ugly truth


Jun 1, 2013
Forget that Nixon actually won the 1960 election for president but lost Illinois to Sam Giancana's boys throwing 100K Nixon votes in the river. The deal Joe Kennedy made with the mob backfired when Bobby was named AG and went after them for racketeering. You don't pull shit like that on the Italians, and it cost Jack his life in Dallas and probably Bobby his life in Los Angeles.

Okay, so he should never have been president, but he was. And what a president he was, almost getting the world incinerated by dealing with Khruschev while stoned out of his mind on amphetamines after his affair with Marilyn Monroe had blown up in his face and she was found dead. The LA coroner's office concluded she couldn't have swallowed enough pills to overdose because she would have vomited them, she was also injected, and guess who was her last visitor that day in Brentwood.....Bobby Kennedy. The LA homicide detectives were very interested in Bobby and Peter Lawford for her "suicide".

Excerpts from “These Few Precious Days: The Final Year of Jack with Jackie,” written by Christopher Andersen, a Kennedy biographer and journalist, assert that first lady Jacqueline Kennedy knew about her husband’s infidelities but was bothered the most by reports of a romance with Marilyn Monroe.

According to an excerpt in the New York Daily News:

“Marilyn Monroe ‘seemed to bother her the most’ — in large part because Marilyn was a loose cannon who could go public at any time, causing a scandal that would obliterate her husband’s reputation, destroy her marriage and hold her up to public ridicule.”

Monroe, the books says, asked close friends during the affair, “Can you see me as first lady?”

The book also says that actor Peter Lawford, who was married to JFK's sister, Patricia, said "Monroe called the White House and told Jackie of the affair, of Jack’s alleged promises to her. ‘Marilyn, you’ll marry Jack, that’s great,’ Jackie reportedly responded in that breathy voice that sounded not unlike Monroe’s. ‘And you’ll move into the White House and you’ll assume the responsibilities of first lady, and I’ll move out and you’ll have all the problems.’”

In addition to their marriage troubles, the author alleges severe drug use, including steroids and amphetamine injections that were administered to the first lady and the president by a man nicknamed Dr. Feelgood:

“Max Jacobson, known as Dr. Feelgood, administered high-dosage amphetamine shots laced with steroids to the president on a regular basis. In fact, he would do multiple duty injecting the president, first lady, and members of their inner circle at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

The book states that others started to worry that the injections might interfere with medications JFK was taking for medical problems.

“Even Gore Vidal, who had been a patient of Jacobson’s, was ‘horrified’ to learn he was treating Jack. ‘Watch out,’ he warned Jackie. ‘Stay away from him. I know him well. Max drove several people mad.’"

The excerpt continues, "Chuck Spalding, the man who introduced Max to the Kennedys, was also having second thoughts. At one point, Jacobson’s bizarre behavior and his own dependence on the injections made Spalding ‘very frightened. ... The whole thing had gotten so completely out of hand.’"

"It didn’t matter to the president. ‘I don’t care if there’s panther p--- in there,’ JFK said, ‘as long as it makes me feel good.’”

New JFK book claims details on affairs, drug use
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how many presidents families have to pay off the first lady with a million dollars so she'll keep quiet? the sad fact is the kennedy's were probably as corrupt as the mob they sought to destroy
how many presidents families have to pay off the first lady with a million dollars so she'll keep quiet? the sad fact is the kennedy's were probably as corrupt as the mob they sought to destroy

I remember hearing that too....and it was during the 1960 campaign before they ever got to the WH. It seems Jack was cheating on her even during their honeymoon. His father did the same thing to his mother Rose with every Hollywood starlet he could get his mitts on.
Yeah he was probably a lot of things.

He took drugs he lied about his health, and he screwed around on his wife.

But he was also a nationalist and this nation has gone to shit since he got killed.

I'm not saying this nation going to the dogs happened BECAUSE he got killed, but there are arguments to be made in that direction, too.

I do not think, as one example, we'd have fucked around in Viet Nam for over a decade had he lived.

And who knows what might have happened had he implemented his silver certificate plan for the specie?
Yeah he was probably a lot of things.

He took drugs he lied about his health, and he screwed around on his wife.

But he was also a nationalist and this nation has gone to shit since he got killed.

I'm not saying this nation going to the dogs happened BECAUSE he got killed, but there are arguments to be made in that direction, too.

I do not think, as one example, we'd have fucked around in Viet Nam for over a decade had he lived.

And who knows what might have happened had he implemented his silver certificate plan for the specie?

I don't know if you're right about Vietnam....I served there and the SFG guys I spoke with never indicated JFK was rethinking his plans there. For instance, my brother-in-law was there in 1962 during the building of the bomber runways and the beginning of the dredging of Cam Ranh Bay for big I think it's probably a myth Kennedy was pulling out...both he and LBJ never believed enough to WIN that fucking war.
And then there was the Bay of Pigs...

But hey...He did have nice hair.
If you think this country is run by popularly elected candidates who do their best to implement the voters agenda while staying within the bounds of the Constitution, you'll always be confused and disappointed.

But if you understand that the US is run by Criminal Bankers and Mafia types (like a daily episode of The Sopranos) then it all makes perfect sense.
And then there was the Bay of Pigs...

But hey...He did have nice hair.

Indeed....and Obama's smile.....that's what the progs go for it seems. :doubt:

p.s. I saw Kennedy during that 1960 campaign....we waited in the rain at Tri-City airport outside Bay City Michigan half the night for a glimpse of him....his head was HUGE....he looked like Alfred E. Neuman. :lol:

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