Camp Shelby shooter/terrorist described as "white male"

Any idea how many Democrats are white males?????

For an accurate picture, just think about how many of your candidates aren't a criminal lesbian on the run from the press.
Meanwhile....hundreds of black males slaughter each other in Baltimorgue, Chicagobama, NYC and other US cities.
1) There is no indication that this is a terrorist

2) White male can mean a lot of things.

Wait for the facts before you post accusatory speculations. You Liberals never seem to learn that.
Maybe it's a white Hispanic the media portrayed Zimmerman
Or maybe a white male that thinks he's black, and feels a compulsion to shoot up the town?????

Or maybe a white female who thinks she is male

HAHAHAHA!!!! Excellent point.

It should be a "white human". Isn't it racist and homo phobic or transophobic to call the shooter a male before they ask him his gender?

Thats a new rule. Until cops catch it...and officially ask the criminal his gender...we can't assume it's a male.
I don't think this thread is going the direction the OP intended LOL

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