Campaigner in Chief Approval at new Low


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Obama's approval ratings are in the toilet. The Campaigner in Chief's problem is simple - He's a terrible leader. He thinks Leadership is a boat.

He has a ready excuse for every bit of bad news or scandal- If it's bad news, well he doesn't know anything. He was out of the loop. It's a big government, how could he know everything? He delegates these things....He'll do a full investigation!! You betcha!!

But if something good happens-....he transforms into an engaged, hands on guy who rolls up he sleeves and gets the job done!! he's 100% personally responsible!! He made a "gutsy call"! He did it himself!!

Oye....he is such a con-man.....

Looks like the public is starting to see through his act though....

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows that a mere 42 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance, down five points from a poll conducted in early October. The president’s disapproval rating stands at 51 percent, tying an all-time high for Obama.

Read more: Poll: Obama approval at all-time low - Jose DelReal -

Spin away......
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The GOP’s favorability is at an all-time low as well, with only 22 percent of those surveyed seeing the Republican Party positively compared to 53 percent who see it in a negative light.

From the same link. And look at that: at 53%, Republicans at an ALL TIME HIGH!
Obama's approval ratings are in the toilet. The Campaigner in Chief's problem is simple - He's a terrible leader. He thinks Leadership is a boat.

He has a ready excuse for every bit of bad news or scandal- If it's bad news, well he doesn't know anything. He was out of the loop. It's a big government, how could he know everything? He delegates these things....He'll do a full investigation!! You betcha!!

But if something good happens-....he transforms into an engaged, hands on guy who rolls up he sleeves and gets the job done!! he's 100% personally responsible!! He made a "gutsy call"! He did it himself!!

Oye....he is such a con-man.....

Looks like the public is starting to see through his act though....

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey shows that a mere 42 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance, down five points from a poll conducted in early October. The president’s disapproval rating stands at 51 percent, tying an all-time high for Obama.

Read more: Poll: Obama approval at all-time low - Jose DelReal -

Spin away......

thats the toilet? Bush hit 25% when he was in office. 42 isnt good but its not the toilet.
That explains why he's back on the campaign trail, trying to spin his lies and hoping he can salvage the 2014 midterms. He would have been much better off had he agreed to the delay on individuals before all the cancellation letters went out, the little commie just can't catch a break.
I heard the plans for the start of having Obama added to Mt.Rushmore is still a go.
Come spring the project will start.
I heard the plans for the start of having Obama added to Mt.Rushmore is still a go.
Come spring the project will start.

dennis miller just said he'd be the first prez on Rushmore with his eyes closed...:lol: he don't know nothing.....about anything, irs, nsa....:eusa_whistle:
"that a mere 42 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s job performance"

How that must make the TPM feel with a half the rating of BHO

The average citizen is pissed
I admit I saw Miller on O'Reilly....But it's true Obama is being added to MT.Rushmore.
I'm sure we have members here that are wondering why has it taken so long?
I heard the plans for the start of having Obama added to Mt.Rushmore is still a go.
Come spring the project will start.

dennis miller just said he'd be the first prez on Rushmore with his eyes closed...:lol: he don't know nothing.....about anything, irs, nsa....:eusa_whistle:

[ame=]Obama's Face Getting Added to Mount Rushmore?!?! - YouTube[/ame]
Obama was a pipe dream! The liberals who exalted him will turn on him now that he is a liability - they will have to pay more for Obamacare, and face it's web, and they will have to distance themseves from his abysmal presidency to help Hilary; time to shuck off the old, impotent, and usher in the new.

The facade created by rehearsal, and delivered by teleprompter, from a black man, was mesmerizing - it fit so well, but it could not stand-up to real world application. Obama had no qualifications to be president; he is all pie in the sky, untenable bullshit. I just hope his next 3, years of ideologue damage will be attenuated with his unveiling.

I predict that his poll numbers will be the lowest of any president before he leaves office.
I heard the plans for the start of having Obama added to Mt.Rushmore is still a go.
Come spring the project will start.

That is wrong. Mt. Rushmore has been completed for years and needs no artistic editing.

Even if Obama did deserve to be added, it is not customary to create such a monument while the person is still alive. The reason? If you erect a statue, or add a person's likeness to Mt. Rushmore, while they are still alive, they could end up doing something terrible and it would place permanent shame on the monument. Obama hasn't earned this any more than he's earned the Nobel Peace Prize. Skin color does not make a person great. And his policies damn sure aren't worth praise.

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