Campbell Brown: So what if Obama were a Muslim or an Arab?

She's shouldn't matter.
Then why lie about it?
While accepting Obama's claim that he converted to Christianity in his 20s, Pipes says Obama has been "lying" when he says he was never raised a Muslim and never attended a mosque. [See: Pipes: Obama Is Lying About Muslim Past]

Obama was born to a Muslim father. His mother remarried to an Indonesian man, also a Muslim.

In Indonesia, Obama was registered in two schools as a Muslim student. As such, he prayed with Muslim students and studied the Koran.

The Times downplays Obama's ties to Islam in its account: "Mr. Obama was raised mostly by his white mother, an atheist, and his grandparents, who were Protestant, in Hawaii. He hardly knew his father, a Kenyan from a Muslim family who variously considered himself atheist or agnostic, Mr. Obama wrote. For a few childhood years, Mr. Obama lived in Indonesia with a stepfather he described as loosely following a liberal Islam."

As Pipes notes, several reports like the Times' have only confirmed that not only was Obama raised partially as a Muslim, but that he studied the Koran and attended mosque, albeit infrequently. – New York Times Spins Obama Muslim Ties

this has been discussed and debunked so many times it's getting to the point that I think you're either retarded or intentionally stupid.

Obama was raised by his grandparents in Hawaii, he went to secular schools not religious schools. living in a muslim country does not make one muslim you moron.

you really are a worthless dipshit if this is all you have.
this has been discussed and debunked so many times it's getting to the point that I think you're either retarded or intentionally stupid.

Obama was raised by his grandparents in Hawaii, he went to secular schools not religious schools. living in a muslim country does not make one muslim .....

If a lie is told often enough people will start to believe it.

So what did Pipes write that is wrong?
Hes not. Its amusing to me that you would believe Martin, a guy who was unable to pass the bar and has filed so many lawsuits, hes been banned from filing more with prior approval, over Obama. :clap2:
I didn't quote Martin; I quoted Pipes. :cuckoo:
I don't claim that he is a "radical muslim" as per your link but that he was raised a muslim and has attended a mosque. These are facts yet he lies about them, over and over.

the link I provided debunks both your claims glock. Read all the information provided not just what you think applies to your claims. He attended both CATHOLIC and MUSLIM schools while living in indonesia with his mother and stepfather and not for religious instruction but rather because they provided the best education under the circumstances...I know many people who send their children to religious schools for the superior education and do not practice the religion of that school.

He was raised by his grandparents from the age of 10 on...are you saying that because, perhaps as a young child, his step father introduced him to the muslim faith that he's muslim? I don't know how you were raised but I didn't claim any kind of religious affliliation based on where my parents sent me to church as a child. I went to baptist churches growing up but I certainly would never say I was baptist.

You're pretending to be ignorant of the facts and it's very tiring and not very attractive if you want to be taken seriously as someone whose opinion should count.
the link I provided debunks both your claims glock. Read all the information provided not just what you think applies to your claims. He attended both CATHOLIC and MUSLIM schools while living in indonesia with his mother and stepfather and not for religious instruction but rather because they provided the best education under the circumstances...I know many people who send their children to religious schools for the superior education and do not practice the religion of that school.

He was raised by his grandparents from the age of 10 on...are you saying that because, perhaps as a young child, his step father introduced him to the muslim faith that he's muslim? I don't know how you were raised but I didn't claim any kind of religious affliliation based on where my parents sent me to church as a child. I went to baptist churches growing up but I certainly would never say I was baptist.

You're pretending to be ignorant of the facts and it's very tiring and not very attractive if you want to be taken seriously as someone whose opinion should count.

Your link says that he was provided a few hours of Islamic instruction in a muslim school each week.


typical stupidity from glock illustrating his total lack of comprehension of what we call evidence. GOOD JOB, DUDE! Hey, I bet your link to NEWSMAX will be less hilarious if you call me a WIGGER!

I don't claim that he is a "radical muslim" as per your link but that he was raised a muslim and has attended a mosque. These are facts yet he lies about them, over and over.

Is it possible for you to be anymore full of crap than you are right now?
gotta watch glock, dude.. he's a slimy little fella when trapped in his own dunce corner.

oh, and if you are going to use words he deems too ebonic for white people then you'd better have black skin or he might call you a wigger.

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