Can a country be properly run by a negro? - no bigot crap please

He is an American , these people are just too stupid to understand what an American is.

You're right. He is an American... but who the hell is 'these people'?

Personally, I don't give a shit whether the POTUS is black, white, or sky blue and pink, as long as he's competent.

The people on this thread who insist that having more mellen in his skin will keep one of the best educated men to be president from doing a good job.
Hell, this country has not been properly run by White men for decades. So far, IMO, Obama is following the examples set them quite nicely. The color of a man's skin has nothing to do with his ability to run the country. Except perhaps in the eyes of a bigot.
What are the real long term effects of being governed by a negro? Obviously there are kids who become successful no matter the president, but I am talking about what gives the best chances. I have read 'studies' that argue for both sides of the debate, but I don't really trust the researchers in this area because the chance for bias is so high and because there will never be a formula that proves it right wrong.

Personally it seems very difficult to me for a kid to be governed properly in a country like this. The idea of daughters with 'daddy issues' gets joked about a lot, but it is a real problem and I think no matter how much restraint came from a black president that his essential need to tap that white ass will never be made up for. There is also overwhelming statistics on issues with negros being governed by fellow negros in terms of crimes and other violent behaviour, and I don't see a half-breed president fixing this because the essential pure whiteness isn't there. I also think kids see how their country is shaded and view white as 'natural' and I wonder how much that effects them when they start to envision a significant negro influence on society.

I think a non-'all ******* will burn in hell' debate on this could be very interesting and I would like to hear from people who deal with this often or have done more research/thought into it.


What are the long term effects of being a 'tard? I think you've answered that question.
What is crap about a "Black President needing to tap some white female"?, are you trying to say that
he has a craving for white female, because he is half white?.

I think he prefers black women. His wife is black.
How are we ever going to be able to support these ghetto trash Negro's, along with their white trash girl friends, and their unwanted little crotch fruits.




This one is the best, I may as well be the Father because I'm sure I'm paying the freigh for these kids and their Mothers

Look at Africa.

Look at Europe.

'nough said.
A cripple fight between turdsplatters and toiletarian. Something seems almost simpatico about that.
Like I said before , so many racist and yet everyone of them denys blacks face racism every day to this day.
Anyone over seven years old knows the horrors the white race has perpetuated on the world. Most dictators, mass murderers, robber barons, and other assorted crazies are white. Most serial murderers are white. The question should be asked after Bush Jr, Brownie, Rumsfeld, draft dodger Dick, Bremer, Madoff, Lay, and an assortment of other white man failures, shouldn't we be looking elsewhere for a real leader. Whitey is an iffy choice, is Mars inhabited?
Anyone over seven years old knows the horrors the white race has perpetuated on the world. Most dictators, mass murderers, robber barons, and other assorted crazies are white. Most serial murderers are white. The question should be asked after Bush Jr, Brownie, Rumsfeld, draft dodger Dick, Bremer, Madoff, Lay, and an assortment of other white man failures, shouldn't we be looking elsewhere for a real leader. Whitey is an iffy choice, is Mars inhabited?
Don't forget about leaders

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