Can a Third Party Candidate win the 2016 Presidential Election?

Could a 3rd party candidate win this election?

  • Yes, two horrible candidates make the two party system vulnerable

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • No, the two party system cannot be defeated in the general election

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If the kabal of billionaires that want to continue Open Borders and bring in more guest workers put their p money together, I think they could find a decent moderate like Jim Webb and finance him to win the election this fall.

What do you all think?

In all likelihood -- you will get a successful 2 time New Mexican governor on the ballot in at least 48 states. Gary Johnson is social very liberal and is an IMPECCABLE small government Conservative on economics and budget.

Completely valid and rational choice considering the mockery that the 2 dying parties are offering.
I figure at LEAST a 2 digit showing from the Libertarians this time around if the Trumpster is the nominee. Because 40% or MORE of the GOP is pissed and fired up but will NOT VOTE FOR HIM..

Same deal on the left. Take 10% away from Clinton with their party splits and fracture and run a "social justice" candidate on an honest Socialist ticket.

Problem is -- the only party ORGANIZED enough to get onto the ballot as a PARTY are the Libertarians. It's a tough road to hoe because of hostile ballot access laws. So you can run as Independent, but you better make sure the voters understand your core convictions and philosophies if you do. Too late actually to get any other "on the ballot"..

IDEALLY -- there should FOUR parties (or more) and force "coalitions" to be built across them. That way the 2 sad old dysfunctional parties can't blame each other and play the voters the way that they do now.

Imagine actually voting for someone you like and represents YOUR views. That's the way it should be.
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for a Jim Webb. They'll probably just shovel money at Hillary.

Well, we are discussing a THIRD PARTY run, arent we?

But yeah, the Masters of the Universe probably will just throw far more money at Hitlery.

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