Can America be saved from trump and his elitist friends ?

He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'

The fact that a Muslim loving, Christian hating, self-loathing, cross-dressing queer like yourself hates President Trump is great assurance that we are 100% correct in supporting our President and his policies.
He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'
What planet do you live on? Here on Earth neither Trump nor anyone in his administration has committed any crimes.

Is everything you post a lie? . . . . . . . . No need to respond. The question was purely rhetorical.
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He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'
Good fucking GAWD man... are you REALLY this fucking STUPID? Where do you live? Are you one of the homeless junkies in SanFranqueerco shooting up leaving your needles in the street and then shitting in the gutter? Sheeeezuz... you sound dumber than a day old turd...

He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'
Good fucking GAWD man... are you REALLY this fucking STUPID? Where do you live? Are you one of the homeless junkies in SanFranqueerco shooting up leaving your needles in the street and then shitting in the gutter? Sheeeezuz... you sound dumber than a day old turd...

I think Tommy is British, which explains a lot. They are used to living on the government teat.
He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'
Good fucking GAWD man... are you REALLY this fucking STUPID? Where do you live? Are you one of the homeless junkies in SanFranqueerco shooting up leaving your needles in the street and then shitting in the gutter? Sheeeezuz... you sound dumber than a day old turd...


He lives with his Muslim boyfriend in the UK.
Trump has reduced taxes for the elites and rolled back regulations for the corporations. They will be delighted with him.
Trump has reduced taxes for the elites and rolled back regulations for the corporations. They will be delighted with him.
I think I found a pic of Tommy...
Trump has reduced taxes for the elites and rolled back regulations for the corporations. They will be delighted with him.
Gotta take you for what you are, pard... a joke.

Wonder how many people have you on ignore?
There is not a man on the planet more elitist than Obama.
Trump is. Last I knew Obama did not own a club called Mar a lago and then upped the admission fee by $200,000 when he became president. That is by definition elitist no matter how you define it.
Remind Me again how much those on the left in power charge for a single, 30-minute speech?
Yes... destroy the system run by elitists.

Just as an aside, doe the red mean he is in line for the throne? The "Heir Apparent" as it were when his Father ascends the throne?

I honestly don't know.
doe the red mean he is in line for the throne?

Red is the traditional British Army uniform for dress occasions. But, he will most probably secede his Grandmother, Elizabeth II.

Charles' divorce and long-time affair with Camilla Bowles is problematic for secession.
doe the red mean he is in line for the throne?

Red is the traditional British Army uniform for dress occasions. But, he will most probably secede his Grandmother, Elizabeth II.

Charles' divorce and long-time affair with Camilla Bowles is problematic for secession.
Hmm...A power struggle between father and son. Like that has never happened in the Windsor line.

The tribulations of the elite. What a conundrum!
Trump has reduced taxes for the elites and rolled back regulations for the corporations. They will be delighted with him.
Do you know who works in those Corporations? Employees. Do you have issues with people who are willing to work? Dumbfuck….
I think I've got it now ... there are evil corporations ... that make things people need like steel, medicines, refined petroleum, cars ... etc.

And benevolent corporations ... that make over-priced coffee, iPhones, and hacky-sacks.
Speaking of elites

I wonder how those Southern Trumpers feel about Trump and now Stone calling them "hillbillys" and dumb hicks
Speaking of elites

I wonder how those Southern Trumpers feel about Trump and now Stone calling them "hillbillys" and dumb hicks

Term of endearment.

And the proper plural of Hillbilly is 'Hillbillies'.

Speaking of elites

I wonder how those Southern Trumpers feel about Trump and now Stone calling them "hillbillys" and dumb hicks
When did Trump do that? I see a lot of the hate-Trump media calling Trump supporters "hillbillies," but not Trump.
Check out Woodwards book. It was a regular occurance
He is obviously the most corrupt pres since Nixon.He has forced Barak to come back and save his country.

The world can see what a shit he is.

Does the US realise what an absolute **** he is ?

I undrstand that a positive outcome in the upcoming elections will neuter him and his elitist agenda. Has the US seen enough yet ?

Obama, on campaign swing, urges 'sanity in our politics'
Sorry, O and W were the most corrupt and led us into never ending war, trillions added to debt, and failed domestic and foreign policy.

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