Can Anti-Same Sex M Advocates Address These Facts?

What is "normal" anyway?! And that goes for anything in life, not just this issue.

It's generally a lie bigots create to justify their ignorance and subsequent hatred.

Hmmmmm.....let's see now:

I say: Abnormal is NOT normal.

One queer calls this "bigotry". And, insists that anyone not agreeing with him is an ignorant liar.

Another queer, goes thru life not knowing the difference between queers and who is devoted to the problem about this difference.

One wonders how the fuck these gay geniuses ever combined their unicelled brains to attempt a movement to PROVE that they are not Abnormal Freaks.

I suppose it's time to move on.

These Abnormal Freaks are too vapid to bother with.

it depends on how you choose to define "normal"

to many people, what THEY do is normal, its what others do that they dont do that becomes abnormal

btw, using terms like "queer" and "fag" would lead most to believe you are quite bigoted on this subject
What is "normal" anyway?! And that goes for anything in life, not just this issue.

It's generally a lie bigots create to justify their ignorance and subsequent hatred.

Hmmmmm.....let's see now:

I say: Abnormal is NOT normal.

One queer calls this "bigotry". And, insists that anyone not agreeing with him is an ignorant liar.

Another queer, goes thru life not knowing the difference between queers and who is devoted to the problem about this difference.

One wonders how the fuck these gay geniuses ever combined their unicelled brains to attempt a movement to PROVE that they are not Abnormal Freaks.

I suppose it's time to move on.

These Abnormal Freaks are too vapid to bother with.


I don't believe anyone requested your best possible contribution to the topic but thank you for the offer.
but to many conservatives and libertarians, whining about government hand-outs is a turn-off,

I've never seen a libertarian who wasn't for gay marraige or for removing most of those benefits from marraige entirely.

as there is no intrinsic right to them, and especially if you're asserting that the primary reason you deserve them is because somebody else gets them;

Well there's no good reason why heteros get them and homos don't.

Libertarians don't believe in government interventions with regards to marriage. They might support some notion of "marriage equality" (as dishonest a term as that is), but they feel the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage, not necessarily that gay and lesbian couples are owed something for being married.
but to many conservatives and libertarians, whining about government hand-outs is a turn-off,

I've never seen a libertarian who wasn't for gay marraige or for removing most of those benefits from marraige entirely.

as there is no intrinsic right to them, and especially if you're asserting that the primary reason you deserve them is because somebody else gets them;

Well there's no good reason why heteros get them and homos don't.

Libertarians don't believe in government interventions with regards to marriage. They might support some notion of "marriage equality" (as dishonest a term as that is), but they feel the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage, not necessarily that gay and lesbian couples are owed something for being married.
and that is my take, although i'm not a libertarian, i do lean towards that direction on some issues
but to many conservatives and libertarians, whining about government hand-outs is a turn-off,

I've never seen a libertarian who wasn't for gay marraige or for removing most of those benefits from marraige entirely.

as there is no intrinsic right to them, and especially if you're asserting that the primary reason you deserve them is because somebody else gets them;

Well there's no good reason why heteros get them and homos don't.

Libertarians don't believe in government interventions with regards to marriage. They might support some notion of "marriage equality" (as dishonest a term as that is), but they feel the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage, not necessarily that gay and lesbian couples are owed something for being married.

Hence the 'removing most benefits from it entirely'. What you described is what I've seen most libertarians take but I've never seen one advocate we leave marraige as is.
I wonder if guatama considers left handers and red heads abnormal freaks as well.
I've never seen a libertarian who wasn't for gay marraige or for removing most of those benefits from marraige entirely.

Well there's no good reason why heteros get them and homos don't.

Libertarians don't believe in government interventions with regards to marriage. They might support some notion of "marriage equality" (as dishonest a term as that is), but they feel the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage, not necessarily that gay and lesbian couples are owed something for being married.

Hence the 'removing most benefits from it entirely'. What you described is what I've seen most libertarians take but I've never seen one advocate we leave marraige as is.

Fair enough, but I think when gauging the support gay marriage has from conservatives and libertarians, people tend to take the neutral stance of "I don't believe the government should even be involved in marriage" to imply support for gay marriage. Those may not stand in the way of the push for gay marriage, but they're not actually pushing for it themselves, either.
I wonder if guatama considers left handers and red heads abnormal freaks as well.

Only if these ABNORMAL FREAKS think it's ROMANTIC to shove each others' dicks into each others' orifices.........AND NOT ONLY THINK THAT'S "MARRIAGE"......BUT WANT TO FORCE THE NORMALS TO THINK IT IS !!!!

Note: It is ONLY the last part that pisses me off.
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I wonder if guatama considers left handers and red heads abnormal freaks as well.

Only if these ABNORMAL FREAKS think it's ROMANTIC to shove each others' dicks into each others' orifices.........AND NOT ONLY THINK THAT'S "MARRIAGE"......BUT WANT TO FORCE THE NORMALS TO THINK IT IS !!!!

Note: It is ONLY the last part that pisses me off.

So if you don't have personal control over other groups you feel persecuted? Typical.
The Abnormal Freaks already have the same civil rights as the Normals.

What the Abnormal Freaks want to do is to impose their views on the Normals so that the Normals change their Religion's definition of MARRIAGE established thru the millenia. With the Concept of PROCREATION being the central premise of that definition.

So, it boils down to the fact that the Abnormal Freaks want to sanctify their predilection for their method of fucking by forcing Religions to officially recognize their method of fucking as being NORMAL.

Unofficially, proportionally speaking, some of the places of worship have succumbed to the Abnormals. However the established, or the Official Church Doctrine of the various Religions has not.

The Abnormal Freaks, in order to get themselves to be considered as Normals.....which they are clearly NOT......want the blessing of the Government as well. In their mind that would give them their ULTIMATE IMAGINARY STATUS of Normality.

But, the Government reflects the will of the people. And the will of the people follows the concept of Marriage as it is defined by the Organized the Religions of the World in effect for millenia.....with the central premise of PROCREATION.

That is why, in spite of the whims of some judges who do not follow the letter of the law, and grant the Abnormal Freaks ephemeral "marriages".....INVARIABLY will lose on appeal. Since the overwhelming majority of the citizens (80% ?) steadfastly follow their Churches OFFICIAL Doctrine.

The Abnormal Freaks will continue to lose.

These are the IMMUTABLE FACTS of SSM (Same Sex Marriage)..... like it or not.

I have spoken.

You're speaking as a representative Abnormal Freak, right? I can get that from your posts.
The Abnormal Freaks already have the same civil rights as the Normals.

What the Abnormal Freaks want to do is to impose their views on the Normals so that the Normals change their Religion's definition of MARRIAGE established thru the millenia. With the Concept of PROCREATION being the central premise of that definition.

So, it boils down to the fact that the Abnormal Freaks want to sanctify their predilection for their method of fucking by forcing Religions to officially recognize their method of fucking as being NORMAL.

Unofficially, proportionally speaking, some of the places of worship have succumbed to the Abnormals. However the established, or the Official Church Doctrine of the various Religions has not.

The Abnormal Freaks, in order to get themselves to be considered as Normals.....which they are clearly NOT......want the blessing of the Government as well. In their mind that would give them their ULTIMATE IMAGINARY STATUS of Normality.

But, the Government reflects the will of the people. And the will of the people follows the concept of Marriage as it is defined by the Organized the Religions of the World in effect for millenia.....with the central premise of PROCREATION.

That is why, in spite of the whims of some judges who do not follow the letter of the law, and grant the Abnormal Freaks ephemeral "marriages".....INVARIABLY will lose on appeal. Since the overwhelming majority of the citizens (80% ?) steadfastly follow their Churches OFFICIAL Doctrine.

The Abnormal Freaks will continue to lose.

These are the IMMUTABLE FACTS of SSM (Same Sex Marriage)..... like it or not.

I have spoken.

You're speaking as a representative Abnormal Freak, right? I can get that from your posts.

B.O....duh.....C'ya ,

You have already established yourself to be an OBAMARRHOID ........ don't try to be more foolish than you already are.
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The Abnormal Freaks already have the same civil rights as the Normals.

What the Abnormal Freaks want to do is to impose their views on the Normals so that the Normals change their Religion's definition of MARRIAGE established thru the millenia. With the Concept of PROCREATION being the central premise of that definition.

So, it boils down to the fact that the Abnormal Freaks want to sanctify their predilection for their method of fucking by forcing Religions to officially recognize their method of fucking as being NORMAL.

Unofficially, proportionally speaking, some of the places of worship have succumbed to the Abnormals. However the established, or the Official Church Doctrine of the various Religions has not.

The Abnormal Freaks, in order to get themselves to be considered as Normals.....which they are clearly NOT......want the blessing of the Government as well. In their mind that would give them their ULTIMATE IMAGINARY STATUS of Normality.

But, the Government reflects the will of the people. And the will of the people follows the concept of Marriage as it is defined by the Organized the Religions of the World in effect for millenia.....with the central premise of PROCREATION.

That is why, in spite of the whims of some judges who do not follow the letter of the law, and grant the Abnormal Freaks ephemeral "marriages".....INVARIABLY will lose on appeal. Since the overwhelming majority of the citizens (80% ?) steadfastly follow their Churches OFFICIAL Doctrine.

The Abnormal Freaks will continue to lose.

These are the IMMUTABLE FACTS of SSM (Same Sex Marriage)..... like it or not.

I have spoken.

You're speaking as a representative Abnormal Freak, right? I can get that from your posts.

B.O....duh.....C'ya ,

You have already established yourself to be an OBAMARRHOID ........ don't try to be more foolish than you already are.

The only way to that is to post under your name.
You're speaking as a representative Abnormal Freak, right? I can get that from your posts.

B.O....duh.....C'ya ,

You have already established yourself to be an OBAMARRHOID ........ don't try to be more foolish than you already are.

The only way to that is to post under your name.


To be a Political Idiot is to be an OBAMARRHOID ....the 2010, and 2012 elections will prove that.

To be worse than that is to be an OBAMARRHOIDAL PERVERT......IOW, an ABNORMAL FREAK who is also an OBAMARRHOID.

Trying to obfuscate those OBVIOUS FACTS with a mixture of Abnormal Freakishness and Obamarrhoidism may work with maybe 1/10 th of the population at large....but not here. And, certainly not with me.

So wiggle and waggle all you want.....and you probably will...however, it's just a waste of your time.....but it is a source of amusement to me, because you Abnormal Freaks are so desperate about your plight.....your plight being YOU ARE NOT NORMAL AND YOU NEVER WILL BE !!!
B.O....duh.....C'ya ,

You have already established yourself to be an OBAMARRHOID ........ don't try to be more foolish than you already are.

The only way to that is to post under your name.

Hmmmmm......NO REPLY from the OBAMARRHOIDS, That's a compliment.


To be a Political Idiot is to be an OBAMARRHOID ....the 2010, and 2012 elections will prove that.

To be worse than that is to be an OBAMARRHOIDAL PERVERT......IOW, an ABNORMAL FREAK who is also an OBAMARRHOID.

Trying to obfuscate those OBVIOUS FACTS with a mixture of Abnormal Freakishness and Obamarrhoidism may work with maybe 1/10 th of the population at large....but not here. And, certainly not with me.

So wiggle and waggle all you want.....and you probably will...however, it's just a waste of your time.....but it is a source of amusement to me, because you Abnormal Freaks are so desperate about your plight.....your plight being YOU ARE NOT NORMAL AND YOU NEVER WILL BE !!!

I don't blame you for FINALLY acknowledging REALITY, i.e. AS AN ABNORMAL FREAK YOU CAN'T BE NORMAL
I wonder if guatama considers left handers and red heads abnormal freaks as well.

Only if these ABNORMAL FREAKS think it's ROMANTIC to shove each others' dicks into each others' orifices.........AND NOT ONLY THINK THAT'S "MARRIAGE"......BUT WANT TO FORCE THE NORMALS TO THINK IT IS !!!!

Note: It is ONLY the last part that pisses me off.

There are straight couples that are into anal so your entire qualifications for determining an abnormal freak is now totally moot.
Honestly, why do people bother dignifying Gautama's posts with replies?
I wonder if guatama considers left handers and red heads abnormal freaks as well.

Only if these ABNORMAL FREAKS think it's ROMANTIC to shove each others' dicks into each others' orifices.........AND NOT ONLY THINK THAT'S "MARRIAGE"......BUT WANT TO FORCE THE NORMALS TO THINK IT IS !!!!

Note: It is ONLY the last part that pisses me off.

There are straight couples that are into anal so your entire qualifications for determining an abnormal freak is now totally moot.

There are degrees of ABNORMALITY.

So, nice try.
☭proletarian☭;1875341 said:
Honestly, why do people bother dignifying Gautama's posts with replies?

Wannabe Kommisar,

Honestly, you are simply a run of the mill fool.

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