Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

I would argue that the federal government MUST operate the post office.

If you read the COTUS it lists certain powers of the federal government and then says all other powers belong to the states or the people. Meaning the POST OFFICE MUST remain with the federal government.

Of course if you read the COTUS that specifically, you must wonder how states are empowered to build roads at all, clearly postal roads are the responsibility of the federal government.

Nope. A "power" is the legal authority to do something. It's not a requirement to do anything.

Oh really? So if I were to say do a little digging around I wouldn't find any postings where you are bitching about Obama not doing anything to defend our southern border?

MMMM I think I would find that you HAVE been bitiching about that.....

That's not a power. It's a legal requirement. Obama swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States. That includes our immigration laws.

Did you seriously just say that?

Here is the text in reference to both the Postal roads

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

Now if you would be so kind, please point me to the section of the cotus requiring the federal government to prevent people from entering this country.
ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

I would argue that the federal government MUST operate the post office.

If you read the COTUS it lists certain powers of the federal government and then says all other powers belong to the states or the people. Meaning the POST OFFICE MUST remain with the federal government.

Of course if you read the COTUS that specifically, you must wonder how states are empowered to build roads at all, clearly postal roads are the responsibility of the federal government.

Nope. A "power" is the legal authority to do something. It's not a requirement to do anything.

Oh really? So if I were to say do a little digging around I wouldn't find any postings where you are bitching about Obama not doing anything to defend our southern border?

MMMM I think I would find that you HAVE been bitiching about that.....

That's not a power. It's a legal requirement. Obama swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States. That includes our immigration laws.

Did you seriously just say that?

Here is the text in reference to both the Postal roads

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

Now if you would be so kind, please point me to the section of the cotus requiring the federal government to prevent people from entering this country.

It doesn't, but Congress passed a law requiring the federal government to do so. Obama is required to enforce all the laws Congress passes.

It's hard to believe anyone could be as stupid as you. These are simple concepts that any retard can understand.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???
Under Voodoo and Reaganist policy, defended to the death by Pubs, the little guy and small business are screwed every day, dupes. see sig. Big corps get the loopholes with all their lawyers and lobbyists, just like the mega rich, since the 80's. see sig. Big corps and the mega rich pay less in taxes than the little guys- killling infrastructure and the economy over time.

Have you considered the possibility that you might be clinically retarded?
ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

I would argue that the federal government MUST operate the post office.

If you read the COTUS it lists certain powers of the federal government and then says all other powers belong to the states or the people. Meaning the POST OFFICE MUST remain with the federal government.

Of course if you read the COTUS that specifically, you must wonder how states are empowered to build roads at all, clearly postal roads are the responsibility of the federal government.

Nope. A "power" is the legal authority to do something. It's not a requirement to do anything.

Oh really? So if I were to say do a little digging around I wouldn't find any postings where you are bitching about Obama not doing anything to defend our southern border?

MMMM I think I would find that you HAVE been bitiching about that.....

That's not a power. It's a legal requirement. Obama swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States. That includes our immigration laws.

Did you seriously just say that?

Here is the text in reference to both the Postal roads

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

Now if you would be so kind, please point me to the section of the cotus requiring the federal government to prevent people from entering this country.

It doesn't, but Congress passed a law requiring the federal government to do so. Obama is required to enforce all the laws Congress passes.

It's hard to believe anyone could be as stupid as you. These are simple concepts that any retard can understand.

Here's a link to the various immigration laws passed by Congress

List of United States immigration laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Feel free to show me which laws the federal government is ignoring and not enforcing.

Oh and before you go around calling anyone retarded, maybe you should reread and that that I never said the federal government wasn't required to do anything about illegal immigration. In fact I said the opposite you idiot. I said the federal government is required both to control immigration AND to run the post office.

In your haste to "prove me wrong" you revealed your illiteracy. Now THAT is funny
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.
Both accounts are anecdotal and irrelevant.

And the notion of 'efficient' is meaningless absent an agreed upon definition.

Moreover, it's a fallacy to attempt to compare public and private sectors, given their different roles, responsibilities, and restraints, just as it's a fallacy to say that 'all' government agencies are 'inefficient.'

In fact it's extremist nonsense.
LOL. Nice try. Most of us live in the real world, been there done that. The fallacy is between your ears, sending packages via USPS and FedEx/UPS are generally not the same in efficiency. Performance rules the private sector, job security rules the public sector. And that IS the fucking point!

No one could afford to send letters at UPS's prices.

And honestly, what is wrong with a little job security. This insanity where we all change jobs every five years isn't really doing us very much good as a society.

ROFL! UPS is forced by law to charge a certain minimum price, so your whine about that is pure idiocy.
UPS is?.....
Tens of thousands of babies in the 1950s-'60s were born with deformities like this from Thalidomide:​


Happened all over the world in over 40 countries. Didn't happen in the U.S.

Why not? Because the FDA put up a stop sign. And they were right.

This is Frances Kelsey of the FDA who put up that stop sign receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Citizen Service for doing that. She just turned 100 years old this summer.


I'm not sure what that has to do with "the economy" but there ya go.


The safety record of American Airliners are remarkable. That's not because the captains of industry wish Americans to safely travel by air. That's because the Government has rigorous regulations in regards to air travel.

another dem/lib that does not know what "efficient" means. Yes, american airlines are pretty safe compared to those of maylaysia and kenya. But is the FAA efficient in its regulation of airlines? Is TSA an efficiently run agency? How about the border patrol? are we getting efficient effective border security from that govt agency?

Hey, you asked for an example, you got two --- now you want to "yeah but" cherrypick?

Poster please. :eusa_hand:

those are not examples of efficient operations. Success can be achieved in an inefficient operation. Our military is very effective, but I don't think anyone on earth would call DOD efficient. the USPS does a pretty good job delivering the mail, but it loses money every quarter----------efficient????

Again, you show you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

"Waste" isn't necessarily inefficient. Sometimes you have to bake in "waste" into your provisioning model. Why? Because in most cases, what you are doing is not stagnant or rote. Your work or business requires you to do things are fluid and always changing. And many times you have to make the best guess about what your resources should be. It's always "efficient" to have more than you need as opposed to not enough.

Because if you have "not enough"? You've failed.

Right. The Post Office is in a business that is "fluid" and "always changing."

Who are you trying to kid?

The post office is much more effective and efficient then either FEDEX or UPS.

The reason it's "losing" money is because conservatives in Congress are trying to kill it:

1. Through funding pensions in a manner no other business or public agency has to do.
2. Having no control over how to price services, so they are kept unusually low.

Sheesh..that was easy.

USPS more efficient than Fedex and UPS----------------------that is one of the all time stupid posts to ever appear on USMB.


I am sure you use both all the time to mail stuff.

operating and operating efficiently are two very different things. Fedex and UPS do not lose money every quarter, USPS does.
Will either one deliver a letter door to door cross country for 49 cents?

It's against the law for them to deliver First Class mail. You've already been told this several times. IF the Post Office is so damn efficient, then why does it continue to lobby Congress to maintain its legally enforced monopoly on the delivery of First Class mail?

Yeah..that Silly Constitution.

You really are in the wrong country.

Saudi Arabia might be more to your liking.

ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

I would argue that the federal government MUST operate the post office.

If you read the COTUS it lists certain powers of the federal government and then says all other powers belong to the states or the people. Meaning the POST OFFICE MUST remain with the federal government.

Of course if you read the COTUS that specifically, you must wonder how states are empowered to build roads at all, clearly postal roads are the responsibility of the federal government.
Postal Roads?.....thats like 19th century stuff....
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.


No, I don't think it is because it is subsidized....the only reason USPS is in the hole each year is because they were ORDERED by congress to pay in to their employees retirement fund more than what any other gvt agency or private company has to pay as a percentage towards employee retirement funds....this one act, one single ridiculous act, is what puts them in the RED each year....if I read this correctly when doing research on it about 6 months to a year ago....they even have to fund a percentage of the retirement, of employees that have not even hired yet, for employees that they will hire somewhere down the road...out 50 years..... do a google on it, it can be explained better than I am explaining it.....

I think usps can deliver the flat rate legal envelope and other light weight packages more reasonably because USPS delivers mail, every day, to every address in the, they have a lot of mail and packages continually going across country via Air, from Nyc TO LA, and they don't need to schedule a driver to go to some address he's never been to before, 4 miles from his next delivery like Fedx....USPS delivers your mail, and your side neighbor's mail and their side neighbor's etc etc.... so with the same fuel used (and paid salary) vs the Fedx guys, USPS can deliver a lot more pieces of mail and they can charge less for each one... and USPS can fit small packages in to your mail box, while no matter what, fedx and UPS delivery men, MUST get out of their trucks to deliver each package...
Last edited:
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

No, I don't think it is because it is subsidized....the only reason USPS is in the hole each year is because they were ORDERED by congress to pay in to their employees retirement fund more than what any other gvt agency or private company has to pay as a percentage towards employee retirement funds....this one act, one single ridiculous act, is what puts them in the RED each year....if I read this correctly when doing research on it about 6 months to a year ago....they even have to fund a percentage of the retirement, of employees that have not even hired yet, for employees that they will hire somewhere down the road...out 50 years..... do a google on it, it can be explained better than I am explaining it.....

I think usps can deliver the flat rate legal envelope and other light weight packages more reasonably because USPS delivers mail, every day, to every address in the, they have a lot of mail and packages continually going across country via Air, from Nyc TO LA, and they don't need to schedule a driver to go to some address he's never been to before, 4 miles from his next delivery like Fedx....USPS delivers your mail, and your side neighbor's mail and their side neighbor's etc etc.... so with the same fuel used (and paid salary) vs the Fedx guys, USPS can deliver a lot more pieces of mail and they can charge less for each one... and USPS can fit small packages in to your mail box, while no matter what, fedx and UPS delivery men, MUST get out of their trucks to deliver each package...

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.

Somehow dear you posted your response inside the quotes and i'm afraid I don't see it.
Well, the Germans have run their train service very well, it is now private and state run, though mostly state run.

However, can you name one private company that has rub traditionally govt areas of life effectively. I mean like hospitals, for example. The private sector in the US wastes something like 3% of GDP a year on corruption and the like.
OP- I'll put the gov't up against the average big corporation as far as efficiency, and better as to greed.

BTW, hater dupe. ACA doesn't take over ANYTHING, just sets up transparent competition to bring down prices and minimum standards to end Pub/crony SCAMS. The fact it's the supposed Pub plan just shows the party first hypocrisy of the GOP.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
its not any more people buy all the shit fed to you .....when i was working there there were dozens of audits done by outside companies through out the years to see how reliable the PO is.....everything they surveyed had about a 95% delivery rate.....for a company that deliverers millions of things a day that was considered pretty dam good....sure the PO fucks up....but so does everyone else.....and going by what the Drivers from the 2 have told me and from what i got from the public....its all about what you like.....some people have had shitty luck with the PO,some think its fucking great....same thing with UPS.....same thing with Fed-X....
remember this?

that week me and the UPS driver were ragging the Fed-X guy......the next week a UPS guy did the same dam thing on film.....the week after that a Postal person did the same fucking thing.....all within a 3 week period.....all 3 of us were standing there one day talking about these incidents saying how fucked some of our fellow workers are.....this kind of shit happens in all 3 companies a hell of a lot more than the public knows about.....they all have about the same efficiency...
OP- I'll put the gov't up against the average big corporation as far as efficiency, and better as to greed.

BTW, hater dupe. ACA doesn't take over ANYTHING, just sets up transparent competition to bring down prices and minimum standards to end Pub/crony SCAMS. The fact it's the supposed Pub plan just shows the party first hypocrisy of the GOP.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
its not any more people buy all the shit fed to you .....when i was working there there were dozens of audits done by outside companies through out the years to see how reliable the PO is.....everything they surveyed had about a 95% delivery rate.....for a company that deliverers millions of things a day that was considered pretty dam good....sure the PO fucks up....but so does everyone else.....and going by what the Drivers from the 2 have told me and from what i got from the public....its all about what you like.....some people have had shitty luck with the PO,some think its fucking great....same thing with UPS.....same thing with Fed-X....
remember this?

that week me and the UPS driver were ragging the Fed-X guy......the next week a UPS guy did the same dam thing on film.....the week after that a Postal person did the same fucking thing.....all within a 3 week period.....all 3 of us were standing there one day talking about these incidents saying how fucked some of our fellow workers are.....this kind of shit happens in all 3 companies a hell of a lot more than the public knows about.....they all have about the same efficiency...

I acknowledge that local offices may just be worse than the average. I know that about 20% of letters sent between my wife and I when I was overseas somehow never made it to the other end, and I'm convinced our local Post Master stole several packages with snack stuff my wife sent me. :D
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

No, I don't think it is because it is subsidized....the only reason USPS is in the hole each year is because they were ORDERED by congress to pay in to their employees retirement fund more than what any other gvt agency or private company has to pay as a percentage towards employee retirement funds....this one act, one single ridiculous act, is what puts them in the RED each year....if I read this correctly when doing research on it about 6 months to a year ago....they even have to fund a percentage of the retirement, of employees that have not even hired yet, for employees that they will hire somewhere down the road...out 50 years..... do a google on it, it can be explained better than I am explaining it.....

I think usps can deliver the flat rate legal envelope and other light weight packages more reasonably because USPS delivers mail, every day, to every address in the, they have a lot of mail and packages continually going across country via Air, from Nyc TO LA, and they don't need to schedule a driver to go to some address he's never been to before, 4 miles from his next delivery like Fedx....USPS delivers your mail, and your side neighbor's mail and their side neighbor's etc etc.... so with the same fuel used (and paid salary) vs the Fedx guys, USPS can deliver a lot more pieces of mail and they can charge less for each one... and USPS can fit small packages in to your mail box, while no matter what, fedx and UPS delivery men, MUST get out of their trucks to deliver each package...

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.

Somehow dear you posted your response inside the quotes and i'm afraid I don't see it.
Yes, I made a BOO BOO, but I edited it right above you!
OP- I'll put the gov't up against the average big corporation as far as efficiency, and better as to greed.

BTW, hater dupe. ACA doesn't take over ANYTHING, just sets up transparent competition to bring down prices and minimum standards to end Pub/crony SCAMS. The fact it's the supposed Pub plan just shows the party first hypocrisy of the GOP.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???
Under Voodoo and Reaganist policy, defended to the death by Pubs, the little guy and small business are screwed every day, dupes. see sig. Big corps get the loopholes with all their lawyers and lobbyists, just like the mega rich, since the 80's. see sig. Big corps and the mega rich pay less in taxes than the little guys- killling infrastructure and the economy over time.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.


No, I don't think it is because it is subsidized....the only reason USPS is in the hole each year is because they were ORDERED by congress to pay in to their employees retirement fund more than what any other gvt agency or private company has to pay as a percentage towards employee retirement funds....this one act, one single ridiculous act, is what puts them in the RED each year....if I read this correctly when doing research on it about 6 months to a year ago....they even have to fund a percentage of the retirement, of employees that have not even hired yet, for employees that they will hire somewhere down the road...out 50 years..... do a google on it, it can be explained better than I am explaining it.....

I think usps can deliver the flat rate legal envelope and other light weight packages more reasonably because USPS delivers mail, every day, to every address in the, they have a lot of mail and packages continually going across country via Air, from Nyc TO LA, and they don't need to schedule a driver to go to some address he's never been to before, 4 miles from his next delivery like Fedx....USPS delivers your mail, and your side neighbor's mail and their side neighbor's etc etc.... so with the same fuel used (and paid salary) vs the Fedx guys, USPS can deliver a lot more pieces of mail and they can charge less for each one... and USPS can fit small packages in to your mail box, while no matter what, fedx and UPS delivery men, MUST get out of their trucks to deliver each package...
the PO is delivering a lot of Fed's and Browns parcels in residential neighborhoods for was called something like the "last mile delivery".....
OP- I'll put the gov't up against the average big corporation as far as efficiency, and better as to greed.

BTW, hater dupe. ACA doesn't take over ANYTHING, just sets up transparent competition to bring down prices and minimum standards to end Pub/crony SCAMS. The fact it's the supposed Pub plan just shows the party first hypocrisy of the GOP.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???
Under Voodoo and Reaganist policy, defended to the death by Pubs, the little guy and small business are screwed every day, dupes. see sig. Big corps get the loopholes with all their lawyers and lobbyists, just like the mega rich, since the 80's. see sig. Big corps and the mega rich pay less in taxes than the little guys- killling infrastructure and the economy over time.
Sure the huge corporations can afford to send things via FEDX, I am sure fedx gives them a big discount, but for us individual shop owners that ship small packages....UPS and FEDX are out of reach.

Bull shit. I personally use FEDEX all the time.
Then you and/or your customers must be rich!!!! :D

or your items must be very expensive that you are selling so the shipping costs don't seem so high to them....

But what I sell are lightweight items for the most part, outside of my bath rugs and even using the less expensive USPS, my customers still pay an additional 25%-50% of the bought item's price, for their shipping costs...that's a lot!!!!!!!!!!

What? Then you are getting screwed.

how so, smarter than the average bear???

It just seems like if you are paying 25-50% of the cost of your item to ship, you're paying too much. Now if you have a bunch of small items, yes I believe the "if it fits it ships" from the USPS might be your best option.

But just for giggles I did some checking

FedEx Rates and Transit Times

The cheapest you can send a package, weighing .5 lbs in a legal sized envelope FedEx from LA to NYC is $22e

From the post office, the same package would cost you $19.99

Postage Price Calculator

$3. I mean granted , over many shipments that adds up. But given how much more reliable FedEx is than the USPS, perhaps it's worth the $3.
yes, like I said, I have many lightweight, under $20 and under $10 items....that are 3 dimensional, so many can not fit in flat rate envelopes...

BUT you are wrong on the envelope price,,, USPS has a Priority Mail Flat rate Legal envelope, from NYC to LA , it's only $5.75 if you buy the postage online, and it can weigh as much as you can fit in the envelope and they provide the envelope....door to door in 2 days....

THAT'S a huge, HUGE savings....

Well, I knew they had a if it fits it ships box, but I didn't see a $5.75 option. Not saying they don't , I believe you, just saying I didn't see it.

But I have to ask. Do you think that maybe the price difference is because the federal government is subsidizing the post office? In other words, if the Post Office HAD to make a profit, do you think they would still be charging $6? I think we both know they would not be.

But , that being said, I can't blame you for paying the lower price.


No, I don't think it is because it is subsidized....the only reason USPS is in the hole each year is because they were ORDERED by congress to pay in to their employees retirement fund more than what any other gvt agency or private company has to pay as a percentage towards employee retirement funds....this one act, one single ridiculous act, is what puts them in the RED each year....if I read this correctly when doing research on it about 6 months to a year ago....they even have to fund a percentage of the retirement, of employees that have not even hired yet, for employees that they will hire somewhere down the road...out 50 years..... do a google on it, it can be explained better than I am explaining it.....

I think usps can deliver the flat rate legal envelope and other light weight packages more reasonably because USPS delivers mail, every day, to every address in the, they have a lot of mail and packages continually going across country via Air, from Nyc TO LA, and they don't need to schedule a driver to go to some address he's never been to before, 4 miles from his next delivery like Fedx....USPS delivers your mail, and your side neighbor's mail and their side neighbor's etc etc.... so with the same fuel used (and paid salary) vs the Fedx guys, USPS can deliver a lot more pieces of mail and they can charge less for each one... and USPS can fit small packages in to your mail box, while no matter what, fedx and UPS delivery men, MUST get out of their trucks to deliver each package...
the PO is delivering a lot of Fed's and Browns parcels in residential neighborhoods for was called something like the "last mile delivery".....
That's me....

90% of the time I get my Fedx deliveries via a note in my mail box on the main road, to pick it up at my post office, and 50% of the time with UPS deliveries as well.... I have to pick them up at the PO.

I am in Rural the middle of a forest, but the post office is only 2 miles from me!!!! UPS drop off is like 30 miles from here! :eek:
Both accounts are anecdotal and irrelevant.

And the notion of 'efficient' is meaningless absent an agreed upon definition.

Moreover, it's a fallacy to attempt to compare public and private sectors, given their different roles, responsibilities, and restraints, just as it's a fallacy to say that 'all' government agencies are 'inefficient.'

In fact it's extremist nonsense.
LOL. Nice try. Most of us live in the real world, been there done that. The fallacy is between your ears, sending packages via USPS and FedEx/UPS are generally not the same in efficiency. Performance rules the private sector, job security rules the public sector. And that IS the fucking point!

No one could afford to send letters at UPS's prices.

And honestly, what is wrong with a little job security. This insanity where we all change jobs every five years isn't really doing us very much good as a society.

ROFL! UPS is forced by law to charge a certain minimum price, so your whine about that is pure idiocy.
UPS is?.....

ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

I would argue that the federal government MUST operate the post office.

If you read the COTUS it lists certain powers of the federal government and then says all other powers belong to the states or the people. Meaning the POST OFFICE MUST remain with the federal government.

Of course if you read the COTUS that specifically, you must wonder how states are empowered to build roads at all, clearly postal roads are the responsibility of the federal government.

Nope. A "power" is the legal authority to do something. It's not a requirement to do anything.

Oh really? So if I were to say do a little digging around I wouldn't find any postings where you are bitching about Obama not doing anything to defend our southern border?

MMMM I think I would find that you HAVE been bitiching about that.....

That's not a power. It's a legal requirement. Obama swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States. That includes our immigration laws.

Did you seriously just say that?

Here is the text in reference to both the Postal roads

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

Now if you would be so kind, please point me to the section of the cotus requiring the federal government to prevent people from entering this country.

It doesn't, but Congress passed a law requiring the federal government to do so. Obama is required to enforce all the laws Congress passes.

It's hard to believe anyone could be as stupid as you. These are simple concepts that any retard can understand.

Here's a link to the various immigration laws passed by Congress

List of United States immigration laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Feel free to show me which laws the federal government is ignoring and not enforcing.

Oh and before you go around calling anyone retarded, maybe you should reread and that that I never said the federal government wasn't required to do anything about illegal immigration. In fact I said the opposite you idiot. I said the federal government is required both to control immigration AND to run the post office.

In your haste to "prove me wrong" you revealed your illiteracy. Now THAT is funny

You're an even bigger moron than I thought. The federal government is required to obey and enforce all laws passed by Congress. Congress is not required to use a power granted by the Constitution. You don't seem to understand the difference between a Constitutional power and a law passed by Congress. The Postal monopoly is legislation passed by Congress. The Constitution does not require Congress to pass legislation.

It's as simple as that, dumbass.

Now go away because I'm tired of instructing you.
Will either one deliver a letter door to door cross country for 49 cents?
The actual cost is more like 3 bucks, but then the taxpayers have to foot the bill. USPS will be history in short order.

Guy, the USPS pays its own way. and no, people will never be rid of it.

NOw, I Do think the USPS has to make some adjustments. For instance, there's no good reason for Saturday Deliveries to continue, but you can't even get rid of that without an outcry.

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