Can any right winger give me one example

Here is a fine example of what a Union Boss does all day, during his 2 hour work day...


I wrote this in opinion hasn't changed:

If Unions would get their heads out of their asses, there is definitely a need for Unions, but today's incarnation of much can I get, how little can I get away with doing, how difficult can I make it to fire me...doesn't make the grade.


I've been on at least three, maybe four sides of the battle.

I've been a non-union employee with a company that also had a union workforce.

I joined the union workforce of the same company and became a member of the IBEW Union.

I worked for a non-union company in a different field that competed with union companies.

I started my own business and have been forced to work with many union companies...and I mean forced, because if you want any job to take as long as humanly possible, make sure to hire a union contractor.

I know that we need unions, in fact, I agree with Sallow that we need more unions, but different unions...a new incarnation of the old unions.

Unions should be fighting for a fair wage, not an unsustainable grossly inflated wage.

Unions should protect workers from unwarranted termination, not protect the incompetent, unqualified and just plain lazy from warranted termination.

Unions should incentivize productivity instead of stifle it.

Unions should be concerned with all workers, not just union workers.
Unions are so anti non-union, is it any wonder no one wants to unionize?

Unions should work with management to build better companies, not constantly be at loggerheads. Business wants to make money, unions can contribute to that goal AND advance the interests of their workers.

Unions in their current structure are doomed...the union companies cannot compete unless "the fix is in".

You'll notice at the union rallies, you don't see the Brotherhood, or the Boilermakers, or the Pipefitters or the Teamsters, only the government workers really remain, and that is only because the fix is in...the government doesn't need to make a profit, or have private competition...but they do have to satisfy their investors...the taxpayers.
Of a unionized company going belly up and it wasn't the union's fault? Personally unless it's a company owned by George Soros or something I doubt very much that they can because they have a knee jerk reaction to blame it on the union regardless of the facts. Hostess is a very stark example of that and I think proves it. Back in 2012 the Hostess employees took an 8% pay cut at the same time management gave themselves $1,800,000 in bonuses. Hostess employees get 8% pay cut, management gets $1.8m bonuses Then in 2013 the employees were told to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. Take a wild guess which ones the rightwing says are being selfish?

Why yes I can! Churchill Truck Lines based in Kansas City Mo. Yet another example of fucked up Unions screwing their workers and those who employed them. By sisters brother worked for them and hated what the Union was doing to the company. Because of their bullshit work rules fully 25% of the workforce did nothing. My brother in law was a basic trucker and he was one of the very few that Dennis Churchill got a job for after they shut down.

Now piss off you union whore.

The company shut down never to reopen April 11, 1994, less than a week after being targeted by the Teamsters union in a strike against more than 20 less-than-truckload carriers.

The company, which employed 1,561 Teamsters and 530 nonunion employees at the time of the strike, lost $15.6 million on $162.4 million in revenue in 1993.

Former President of Churchill Truck Lines Dies | JOC

Did you even read the question? I asked for an example where you DIDN'T blame the union

We all read the question. We all gave you examples. Another one, such as the Pittsburgh Press, in joint operation with the Post-Gazette; where unions were responsible for shuttering it on May 17, 1992.

Another would be Eastern Airlines, which as a result of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers going on strike in 1989, caused the company to hemorrhage money, and it finally went dark in January of 1991.

And as a result of the Steel Strike of 1959, steel imports soared afterwards and industry jobs in the US have fallen steadily over the decades to about 87,000. China now produces 45 percent of the world's steel.

On the flip side, where Unions got what they deserved, Reagan was personally involved with the PATCO strike. PATCO violated anti strike laws, as a result Reagan ordered them back to work. Only 1,300 of the 13,000 unioneers went back to work. The rest of them were fired; forbidden from entering Federal service again.

Unions are not helpful to our economy, it's high time you recognized that.
Where would two of the big three union automakers be right now if they had not been bailed out with taxpayer dollars? What happened to the steel industry which was also heavy union?

I wrote this in opinion hasn't changed:

If Unions would get their heads out of their asses, there is definitely a need for Unions, but today's incarnation of much can I get, how little can I get away with doing, how difficult can I make it to fire me...doesn't make the grade.


I've been on at least three, maybe four sides of the battle.

I've been a non-union employee with a company that also had a union workforce.

I joined the union workforce of the same company and became a member of the IBEW Union.

I worked for a non-union company in a different field that competed with union companies.

I started my own business and have been forced to work with many union companies...and I mean forced, because if you want any job to take as long as humanly possible, make sure to hire a union contractor.

I know that we need unions, in fact, I agree with Sallow that we need more unions, but different unions...a new incarnation of the old unions.

Unions should be fighting for a fair wage, not an unsustainable grossly inflated wage.

Unions should protect workers from unwarranted termination, not protect the incompetent, unqualified and just plain lazy from warranted termination.

Unions should incentivize productivity instead of stifle it.

Unions should be concerned with all workers, not just union workers.
Unions are so anti non-union, is it any wonder no one wants to unionize?

Unions should work with management to build better companies, not constantly be at loggerheads. Business wants to make money, unions can contribute to that goal AND advance the interests of their workers.

Unions in their current structure are doomed...the union companies cannot compete unless "the fix is in".

You'll notice at the union rallies, you don't see the Brotherhood, or the Boilermakers, or the Pipefitters or the Teamsters, only the government workers really remain, and that is only because the fix is in...the government doesn't need to make a profit, or have private competition...but they do have to satisfy their investors...the taxpayers.

I agree with most of this..
Why yes I can! Churchill Truck Lines based in Kansas City Mo. Yet another example of fucked up Unions screwing their workers and those who employed them. By sisters brother worked for them and hated what the Union was doing to the company. Because of their bullshit work rules fully 25% of the workforce did nothing. My brother in law was a basic trucker and he was one of the very few that Dennis Churchill got a job for after they shut down.

Now piss off you union whore.

The company shut down never to reopen April 11, 1994, less than a week after being targeted by the Teamsters union in a strike against more than 20 less-than-truckload carriers.

The company, which employed 1,561 Teamsters and 530 nonunion employees at the time of the strike, lost $15.6 million on $162.4 million in revenue in 1993.

Former President of Churchill Truck Lines Dies | JOC

Did you even read the question? I asked for an example where you DIDN'T blame the union

We all read the question. We all gave you examples. Another one, such as the Pittsburgh Press, in joint operation with the Post-Gazette; where unions were responsible for shuttering it on May 17, 1992.

Another would be Eastern Airlines, which as a result of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers going on strike in 1989, caused the company to hemorrhage money, and it finally went dark in January of 1991.

And as a result of the Steel Strike of 1959, steel imports soared afterwards and industry jobs in the US have fallen steadily over the decades to about 87,000. China now produces 45 percent of the world's steel.

On the flip side, where Unions got what they deserved, Reagan was personally involved with the PATCO strike. PATCO violated anti strike laws, as a result Reagan ordered them back to work. Only 1,300 of the 13,000 unioneers went back to work. The rest of them were fired; forbidden from entering Federal service again.

Unions are not helpful to our economy, it's high time you recognized that. articles.

Colored me shocked.
Of a unionized company going belly up and it wasn't the union's fault? Personally unless it's a company owned by George Soros or something I doubt very much that they can because they have a knee jerk reaction to blame it on the union regardless of the facts. Hostess is a very stark example of that and I think proves it. Back in 2012 the Hostess employees took an 8% pay cut at the same time management gave themselves $1,800,000 in bonuses. Hostess employees get 8% pay cut, management gets $1.8m bonuses Then in 2013 the employees were told to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. Take a wild guess which ones the rightwing says are being selfish?

Take a guess which ones the other unions are calling slefish and you will have a better picture of the facts.

By the way, your question doesn't actually ask what you want it to ask, which might explain why you think everyone else is stupid.
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

Include the company and the article showing that a Union killed the company.

You should ask the OP to provide his own proof before you make any demands of me. I've given three examples off the top of my head just now. Read. Educate thyself.
Did you even read the question? I asked for an example where you DIDN'T blame the union

We all read the question. We all gave you examples. Another one, such as the Pittsburgh Press, in joint operation with the Post-Gazette; where unions were responsible for shuttering it on May 17, 1992.

Another would be Eastern Airlines, which as a result of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers going on strike in 1989, caused the company to hemorrhage money, and it finally went dark in January of 1991.

And as a result of the Steel Strike of 1959, steel imports soared afterwards and industry jobs in the US have fallen steadily over the decades to about 87,000. China now produces 45 percent of the world's steel.

On the flip side, where Unions got what they deserved, Reagan was personally involved with the PATCO strike. PATCO violated anti strike laws, as a result Reagan ordered them back to work. Only 1,300 of the 13,000 unioneers went back to work. The rest of them were fired; forbidden from entering Federal service again.

Unions are not helpful to our economy, it's high time you recognized that. articles.

Colored me shocked.

Wow, no argument. Why am I not surprised? Give me proof that unions have been helpful to our compaines. Come on. You liberals love to run your mouths all day but you can't back any of you BS up.

Let's go, on the double, Sallow.
Ok then, that settles it. If you think it was the unions that killed Hostess then you don't know what the hell you are talking about and we can safely assume that your assertion about those cities having troubles because of unions is pure bullshit. And I do believe there is a link in my OP. Or at least an URL, maybe it's not activated. If not just copy and paste

It doesnt matter if management ran that company into the ground the end game was that local union kiiled it for all. I remember the teamsters telling them to get back to work

They took an 8% pay cut. What the fuck do you want them to do? Why the hell is it always the workers who are asked to sacrifice while the bosses give themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises

If the unions had taken this pay cut it would have lasted maybe a year before management demanded a third pay cut while giving themselves huge bonuses and pay raises, then if the union didn't take that third pay cut and the company went under you'd blame it all on the union. If they did take that third pay cut you'd blame them for not taking a fourth pay cut

Again the Teamsters knew the score, the retarded baker's union thought they could bluff.... And they killed hostess

Hostess Brands closing for good due to bakers strike - Nov. 16, 2012

"Teamster Hostess members, based on
the facts and advice from respected restructuring advisors, understood what was at stake and voted to protect all jobs
at Hostess."

an the Unions are getting blackballed ha ha ha......

Daily Kos :: New Hostess Brands blacklisting union workers falsely accused of demise of Old Hostess
Wow, no argument. Why am I not surprised? Give me proof that unions have been helpful to our compaines. Come on. You liberals love to run your mouths all day but you can't back any of you BS up.

Let's go, on the double, Sallow.

Not all union members are liberals. I'm conservative and thanks to GW Bush's policies, I had to organize a union to save workers' salaries, cost of living raises, step increases, and benefits. We were denied time and a half overtime, and the union got us that overtime pay that we had been cheated out of for so many years, as well as back pay. Not all unions are bad, but I tend to agree with you that the bad ones far exceed those unions that help workers.
We all read the question. We all gave you examples. Another one, such as the Pittsburgh Press, in joint operation with the Post-Gazette; where unions were responsible for shuttering it on May 17, 1992.

Another would be Eastern Airlines, which as a result of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers going on strike in 1989, caused the company to hemorrhage money, and it finally went dark in January of 1991.

And as a result of the Steel Strike of 1959, steel imports soared afterwards and industry jobs in the US have fallen steadily over the decades to about 87,000. China now produces 45 percent of the world's steel.

On the flip side, where Unions got what they deserved, Reagan was personally involved with the PATCO strike. PATCO violated anti strike laws, as a result Reagan ordered them back to work. Only 1,300 of the 13,000 unioneers went back to work. The rest of them were fired; forbidden from entering Federal service again.

Unions are not helpful to our economy, it's high time you recognized that. articles.

Colored me shocked.

Wow, no argument. Why am I not surprised? Give me proof that unions have been helpful to our compaines. Come on. You liberals love to run your mouths all day but you can't back any of you BS up.

Let's go, on the double, Sallow.'ve provided nothing..and ask for something.

In any case Unions created the middle class in this country.

You don't have this standard of living in countries without Unions.

Or maybe you can find a comparable standard of living around the world in a place without Unions..I haven't heard of any.

Unions provide a decent wage..which in turn provides a customer for businesses with a good deal of disposable income.

Your guy's model for the perfect economy is one guy with a million bucks and 99 guys with 10 bucks.

Our model is one guy 200K bucks and a 99 guys with 80K.

Which economy do you think does better?
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

Include the company and the article showing that a Union killed the company.

I had a friend who owned and managed a medium sized manufacturing plant - 200 workers - in Missouri, a union shop state. They got along okay for awhile, but gradually the union started making more and more demands regarding work schedules, what jobs the workers could and could not do, etc. etc. etc.

When, during a recession, the union demanded an increase in wages and benefits, my friend brought the union bosses in and opened his books and showed them that he was barely making a profit as it was and any pay increase would put him into serious deficit. They were unmoved and called a strike.

My friend closed the business, sold the property, and moved his equipment to Arkansas where he reopened in that right to work state and never had a union again. Ironically, being able to organize and utilize his work force for maximum efficiency, he was able to pay them better than he had been paying the union employees.

But there will always be those who cut off their noses to spite their faces I guess.
Of a unionized company going belly up and it wasn't the union's fault? Personally unless it's a company owned by George Soros or something I doubt very much that they can because they have a knee jerk reaction to blame it on the union regardless of the facts. Hostess is a very stark example of that and I think proves it. Back in 2012 the Hostess employees took an 8% pay cut at the same time management gave themselves $1,800,000 in bonuses. Hostess employees get 8% pay cut, management gets $1.8m bonuses Then in 2013 the employees were told to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. Take a wild guess which ones the rightwing says are being selfish?

Consolidated Freight. I went to work for them part-time in 1995. When asked if I 'wanted' to join the union I advised that since I was only working about 16 hours a week, I'd pass. Next time I visited the john, there were three union 'recruiters' waiting on me.

The 'shop steward' came to work and slept on his fork lift and you couldn't wake him up. You had to unload your trucks by hand... PERIOD. The teamsters decided that they wanted a 6% pay increase. When the company showed them declining profits and said that they couldn't afford it, they responded by forcing every employee to go to a warehouse where we spent the day making sharpened nail stars that would puncture the tires of the trucks. The very same shop steward and his cronies then spread them over the parking lot and docks.

The company spent a boatload of money putting in a new bathroom with showers and lockers. The union responded by completely trashing the place because one of it's members had been fired after being caught jacking freight from the dock.

Unions... yeah, they're such a wonderful thing. After working at this nightmare I promised myself I WOULD NEVER join or be a part of a union again.

yeah... Didn't they pull the plug on CF when the union workers were all on Christmas vacation? Truly fitting. articles.

Colored me shocked.

Wow, no argument. Why am I not surprised? Give me proof that unions have been helpful to our compaines. Come on. You liberals love to run your mouths all day but you can't back any of you BS up.

Let's go, on the double, Sallow.'ve provided nothing..and ask for something.

In any case Unions created the middle class in this country.

You don't have this standard of living in countries without Unions.

Or maybe you can find a comparable standard of living around the world in a place without Unions..I haven't heard of any.

Unions provide a decent wage..which in turn provides a customer for businesses with a good deal of disposable income.

Your guy's model for the perfect economy is one guy with a million bucks and 99 guys with 10 bucks.

Our model is one guy 200K bucks and a 99 guys with 80K.

Which economy do you think does better?

Spare me you Keynesian crap. All I saw were words. You could have merely Googled my claim. But you choose to sit there and wallow in your own ignorance. You cannot be helped.
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

Include the company and the article showing that a Union killed the company.

Just for you swallow
Bakery union says it lost hope in Hostess -

Ninety-two percent of the voting members of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International voted to strike. Hostess responded by closing bits plants and putting 6,000 bakery union employees out of work. “Our people … just gave up on this employer,” Durkee said. “Our members were very discouraged with the huge amount of debt brought into the deal. Enough was enough.”
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

yea a right to work for less state where the dumb donkeys have a plantation mentality:eusa_whistle:

Nice comeback! Now, what was your argument?

As usual, troll_polkow has none.

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