Can any right winger give me one example

Of a unionized company going belly up and it wasn't the union's fault? Personally unless it's a company owned by George Soros or something I doubt very much that they can because they have a knee jerk reaction to blame it on the union regardless of the facts. Hostess is a very stark example of that and I think proves it. Back in 2012 the Hostess employees took an 8% pay cut at the same time management gave themselves $1,800,000 in bonuses. Hostess employees get 8% pay cut, management gets $1.8m bonuses Then in 2013 the employees were told to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. Take a wild guess which ones the rightwing says are being selfish?

Why yes I can! Churchill Truck Lines based in Kansas City Mo. Yet another example of fucked up Unions screwing their workers and those who employed them. By sisters brother worked for them and hated what the Union was doing to the company. Because of their bullshit work rules fully 25% of the workforce did nothing. My brother in law was a basic trucker and he was one of the very few that Dennis Churchill got a job for after they shut down.

Now piss off you union whore.

The company shut down never to reopen April 11, 1994, less than a week after being targeted by the Teamsters union in a strike against more than 20 less-than-truckload carriers.

The company, which employed 1,561 Teamsters and 530 nonunion employees at the time of the strike, lost $15.6 million on $162.4 million in revenue in 1993.

Former President of Churchill Truck Lines Dies | JOC

Did you even read the question? I asked for an example where you DIDN'T blame the union
The unions took a fucking pay cut while the management gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses. Then they were expected to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions in bonuses and pay raises and also stole the employees pensions. You don't have a right to work you only have a right to be screwed

They got the bonuses because they probably didn't have those unions sucking the life out of them anymore. Unions are parasitic. If they would actually do what they are designed to do, they would be an asset. But nothing is ever satisfactory with them, they are always asking for more. Which is why I say GOOD RIDDANCE.

They got those bonuses and stole the employees pensions because they are assholes. Unions are supposed to be on the side of the workers and that's what they do. And if they are always asking for more then why did they take a fucking 8% pay cut in 2012?

LINKS. Now. I don't care what you believe, support your accusations with facts!
Thank God I live in Florida. Right to work baby!

Screw the unions, lazy fuckers.

The unions took a fucking pay cut while the management gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses. Then they were expected to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions in bonuses and pay raises and also stole the employees pensions. You don't have a right to work you only have a right to be screwed

The unions gave themselves a %100 pay cut by shutting down the company.

When your labor costs are too high, you have to trim the fat. They probably should have fired the less productive people instead, but getting rid of a union thug is like getting rid of herpes.

The executives are there to make the stockholders a profit. If they do that, they get rewards. Typical successful executives work long hours, they're consumed with their work. Unlike most employees who punch out at 1700 and don't give their jobs a second though.
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

yea a right to work for less state where the dumb donkeys have a plantation mentality:eusa_whistle:

They can't have their free labor anymore so they go for the next best thing: cheap labor.
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

You're blaming unions for those cities having bad local economies? Personally I think you don't know what the hell you're talking about but will always blame the unions no matter what. But maybe I'm wrong, let's find out

The latest Hostess bankruptcy, whose fault was that? Was it the ones who had taken an 8% pay cut in 2012 and then in 2013 refused to take another pay cut? Or was it the fault of the ones who gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses while the company was going through bankruptcy in 2012 and then in 2013 while the company was going through bankruptcy again they gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises?

Uh yeah? Unions killed Hostess. If the company tells you that it can't afford to pay you those insane wages you're demanding, you may want to listen! And if you didn't notice last June, people in Wisconsin had enough of your pro-Union bullshit. Scott Walker's resounding recall victory sounded the death knell for unions all across the country.

Now I must ask you to provide evidence for all that you've said. You have just words. Link me to these things, or your argument is invalid.

Ok then, that settles it. If you think it was the unions that killed Hostess then you don't know what the hell you are talking about and we can safely assume that your assertion about those cities having troubles because of unions is pure bullshit. And I do believe there is a link in my OP. Or at least an URL, maybe it's not activated. If not just copy and paste
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

You're blaming unions for those cities having bad local economies? Personally I think you don't know what the hell you're talking about but will always blame the unions no matter what. But maybe I'm wrong, let's find out

The latest Hostess bankruptcy, whose fault was that? Was it the ones who had taken an 8% pay cut in 2012 and then in 2013 refused to take another pay cut? Or was it the fault of the ones who gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses while the company was going through bankruptcy in 2012 and then in 2013 while the company was going through bankruptcy again they gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises?

Uh yeah? Unions killed Hostess. If the company tells you that it can't afford to pay you those insane wages you're demanding, you may want to listen! And if you didn't notice last June, people in Wisconsin had enough of your pro-Union bullshit. Scott Walker's resounding recall victory sounded the death knell for unions all across the country.

Now I must ask you to provide evidence for all that you've said. You have just words. Link me to these things, or your argument is invalid.

If the company tells you they can't afford those "insane" wages while giving themselves tens of millions of dollars in pay raises and bonuses why the hell should you listen?
We wouldn't be in this mess if only American workers learned to accept shit wages and crappy working conditions.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Unions killed union trucking.

Who's left? The LTL's...and you're seeing a shift away from that with Conway buying out CFI. And the Car haulers tied into the Auto workers like Jack Cooper and Cassens.
Thank God I live in Florida. Right to work baby!

Screw the unions, lazy fuckers.

The unions took a fucking pay cut while the management gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses. Then they were expected to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions in bonuses and pay raises and also stole the employees pensions. You don't have a right to work you only have a right to be screwed

That isn't what happened at my company, or in my state. It's probably a union-state phenomina. Dumbasses.
You're blaming unions for those cities having bad local economies? Personally I think you don't know what the hell you're talking about but will always blame the unions no matter what. But maybe I'm wrong, let's find out

The latest Hostess bankruptcy, whose fault was that? Was it the ones who had taken an 8% pay cut in 2012 and then in 2013 refused to take another pay cut? Or was it the fault of the ones who gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses while the company was going through bankruptcy in 2012 and then in 2013 while the company was going through bankruptcy again they gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises?

Uh yeah? Unions killed Hostess. If the company tells you that it can't afford to pay you those insane wages you're demanding, you may want to listen! And if you didn't notice last June, people in Wisconsin had enough of your pro-Union bullshit. Scott Walker's resounding recall victory sounded the death knell for unions all across the country.

Now I must ask you to provide evidence for all that you've said. You have just words. Link me to these things, or your argument is invalid.

Ok then, that settles it. If you think it was the unions that killed Hostess then you don't know what the hell you are talking about and we can safely assume that your assertion about those cities having troubles because of unions is pure bullshit. And I do believe there is a link in my OP. Or at least an URL, maybe it's not activated. If not just copy and paste

It doesnt matter if management ran that company into the ground the end game was that local union kiiled it for all. I remember the teamsters telling them to get back to work
Of a unionized company going belly up and it wasn't the union's fault? Personally unless it's a company owned by George Soros or something I doubt very much that they can because they have a knee jerk reaction to blame it on the union regardless of the facts. Hostess is a very stark example of that and I think proves it. Back in 2012 the Hostess employees took an 8% pay cut at the same time management gave themselves $1,800,000 in bonuses. Hostess employees get 8% pay cut, management gets $1.8m bonuses Then in 2013 the employees were told to take another pay cut while management gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. Take a wild guess which ones the rightwing says are being selfish?

Hostess Union took out like 14, 000 non union workers jobs right before christmas, yup, the Unions were the greedy ones all they had to do was go back to work and what I read they wont invite the Unions back.


As for the unions they'll be back, you can count on that. The company will make damn sure of it. They'll need somebody to blame when they go out of business again and give themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises again and steal the workers pensions again
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

You're blaming unions for those cities having bad local economies? Personally I think you don't know what the hell you're talking about but will always blame the unions no matter what. But maybe I'm wrong, let's find out

The latest Hostess bankruptcy, whose fault was that? Was it the ones who had taken an 8% pay cut in 2012 and then in 2013 refused to take another pay cut? Or was it the fault of the ones who gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses while the company was going through bankruptcy in 2012 and then in 2013 while the company was going through bankruptcy again they gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises?

It was the fault of the union for driving them into bankruptcy. It doesn't matter that they took a pay cut, that's like pissing in the ocean against the huge debt and liability they forced on the company. But I don't expect YOU to know that or even accept it. You are after all dumb enough to argue FOR unions.
Churchill Trucking started to collapse 1985 when management decisions to hold pricing amplified the effects of deregulation and heavy discounting of LTL freight. The costs of union truckers were a factor, but management made no effort to dial back costs until it was too late. After a few years of wrangling the family shut the business down to save what they had left.

Couldn't find anything on Consolidated Freight going out of business.
Not sure this is the same company, but it seems to be doing okay. Consolidated Freight Company

Uh yeah? Unions killed Hostess. If the company tells you that it can't afford to pay you those insane wages you're demanding, you may want to listen! And if you didn't notice last June, people in Wisconsin had enough of your pro-Union bullshit. Scott Walker's resounding recall victory sounded the death knell for unions all across the country.

Now I must ask you to provide evidence for all that you've said. You have just words. Link me to these things, or your argument is invalid.

Ok then, that settles it. If you think it was the unions that killed Hostess then you don't know what the hell you are talking about and we can safely assume that your assertion about those cities having troubles because of unions is pure bullshit. And I do believe there is a link in my OP. Or at least an URL, maybe it's not activated. If not just copy and paste

It doesnt matter if management ran that company into the ground the end game was that local union kiiled it for all. I remember the teamsters telling them to get back to work

They took an 8% pay cut. What the fuck do you want them to do? Why the hell is it always the workers who are asked to sacrifice while the bosses give themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises

If the unions had taken this pay cut it would have lasted maybe a year before management demanded a third pay cut while giving themselves huge bonuses and pay raises, then if the union didn't take that third pay cut and the company went under you'd blame it all on the union. If they did take that third pay cut you'd blame them for not taking a fourth pay cut
Unions are workers and that money they get they work for that money. If you think that they're parasites because they take a pay check for the work they do then there is something seriously wrong with you

You aren't fooling anyone. We've all seen the "work" that unions do and we know you are full of shit.
What some Americans no longer seem to understand or appreciate is that it is the extremely rare person who goes into business in order to provide money, benefits, opportunity to employees. In 99.9% of the population, people go into business to make a profit for themselves. They may enjoy providing a living for the people who work for them--they may care about those people a great deal--but that is not why they went into business. And when the businessman takes ALL the risks inherent in starting a business--and those risks are legion--the businessman is entitled to whatever profits he can generate for his own use. And to provide a safe working environment as is practical/reasonable for the industry and to pay what he negotiates with the employee to pay is ALL the businessman owes that employee.

At the same time, 99.9% of his employees do not go to work for somebody to help that somebody or for that somebody's benefit. They go to work to profit themselves. They may like, love, be willing to sacrifice for their employer and look out for his interests, but that is not why they went to work for him. Their labor is a commodity as much as any other component of the business and they negotiate a price they are willing to work for with that employer. And to give an honest day's work for an agreed price is all they owe that employer.

That is how a free economy works. Everybody is looking to their own interests and in doing what they can do to maximize benefits for themselves, they provide opportunity for others to profit. If they become friends and voluntarily help out one another, that is an extra benefit, but that is not what drives the system. Not what drives the economy.

Japanese unions are so successful because they know the employer's success and a thriving economy is the very best possible situation for the workers. So they work hand in hand with management to help the business succeed.

American unions too often see the employer as a provider of entitlements no matter whether the business shows a profit or not.
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

You're blaming unions for those cities having bad local economies? Personally I think you don't know what the hell you're talking about but will always blame the unions no matter what. But maybe I'm wrong, let's find out

The latest Hostess bankruptcy, whose fault was that? Was it the ones who had taken an 8% pay cut in 2012 and then in 2013 refused to take another pay cut? Or was it the fault of the ones who gave themselves 1.8M in bonuses while the company was going through bankruptcy in 2012 and then in 2013 while the company was going through bankruptcy again they gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises?

It was the fault of the union for driving them into bankruptcy. It doesn't matter that they took a pay cut, that's like pissing in the ocean against the huge debt and liability they forced on the company. But I don't expect YOU to know that or even accept it. You are after all dumb enough to argue FOR unions.

They already took an 8% pay cut and manegement gave themselves tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and pay raises. You are a damned idiot
You can look at Detroit, Michigan and Stockton, California to see what unions have done to their local economies. Quit playing this oh poor-pity-me party.

Unions can kill cities, not just companies. Man am I glad I live in a right to work state!

Include the company and the article showing that a Union killed the company.

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