Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

Does Jim H - VA USA actually believe that ZERO terrorists crossed the border in 2019. That's what the chart says.
Jim H VA USA did not say that. (you lie - see how that works?) :)

What I did was show that apprehensions of people on the terror watch list for perceived links to terror have dramatically increased under Biden, which supports Trump's claim that others said was a lie.

Yes, probably some fraction of those on the watch list are actual terrorists or terror sympathizers.

The data is from CBP. It says there were zero apprehensions. If you think it is a lie, take it up with them.

As you may know, after Trump beefed up the border, apprehensions dramatically decreased, so it is not surprising that apprehensions of terror suspects also dramatically decreased.

Today, with millions crossing annually, the bad guys are willing to take their chances. CBP is overwhelmed, and they work mainly on processing, not border enforcement.
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Jim H VA USA did not say that. (you lie - see how that works?
Jim posted the chart.
Jim supported the Chart? Right.

Zero Encounters DOESN'T mean that no terrorist crossed.
It could mean one of two things.
1). No Terrorists were at the border to be encountered (what the chart implies)
2). No Terrorists were caught at the border.
The claim that his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's.





Weird, the second picture does not seem to match these actual picture of the Trump inauguration crowd where Trump can clearly be seen actually on stage....



Perhaps your picture is yet another example of fake news.
Another easy one you can't refute, but you will anyway.
Good Luck, looking forward to the spin from Roy C

Trumps LIE about giving the Military their only raise in a Decade.
And a 10% raise, which it wasn't.
Military has received a raise (most, I say most because I don't have a record of every year dating back to the start of our Military) every year.

Spin away.

Your links say that the 2.4% increase the troops received in 2018 was the largest pay increase in eight years, which is pretty close to what Trump said.

He never claimed that they got a 10% increase, but he said that was what he wanted.

You get points since what Trump said was not exactly true, an exaggeration even. A lie? Maybe. No way to really tell, but it would be foolish of him to deliberately tell everyone they get a 10% pay raise and then give them 2.4%.
Weird, the second picture does not seem to match these actual picture of the Trump inauguration crowd where Trump can clearly be seen actually on stage....



Perhaps your picture is yet another example of fake news.

Different angle just changes perspective. It doesn't actually refute this...




Weird, the second picture does not seem to match these actual picture of the Trump inauguration crowd where Trump can clearly be seen actually on stage....



Perhaps your picture is yet another example of fake news.
Yes it does. It matches perfectly. You can the exact same empty spaces.
When the loser said:

You believed him didn't you?

It was a preconceived lie to boot.

He believed it. All indications are that he still believes it. He believes that Biden won due to fraud, which is debatable. Therefore, it is not a lie.

Gave you thumbs up for being responsive to the OP.

Clearly not true, but perhaps he believed it at the time. Pretty good example even though it is simply a prediction of future events, something which no one should be accused of lying about.

If you say you are going to do something tomorrow, which is your true intention, and something comes up which changes your plans, it's was not a lie if you don't do it.

So, he was wrong. He did have time to play golf. Wow. :)

Gave you thumbs up since your post is responsive to the OP. Thanks.
Clearly not true, but perhaps he believed it at the time. Pretty good example even though it is simply a prediction of future events, something which no one should be accused of lying about.

If you say you are going to do something tomorrow, which is your true intention, and something comes up which changes your plans, it's was not a lie if you don't do it.

So, he was wrong. He did have time to play golf. Wow. :)
(He privately admitted he lost right after the election)
So trump never said what is quoted below?

Military pay raises are tied to increases in private-sector wages, as calculated by the Department of Labor. Congress can also enact raises that exceed that rate, as well.

Trump insisted that he personally had fought for this raise, because the troops put their lives on the line.

"They said: 'You know, we could make it smaller. We could make it 3 percent. We could make it 2 percent. We could make it 4 percent.' I said: 'No. Make it 10 percent. Make it more than 10 percent,'" Trump told the troops. "Because it's been a long time. It's been more than 10 years. That's a long time. And, you know, you really put yourselves out there, and you put your lives out there. So congratulations."

Trump LIED. ^^^^^^
I don't think you understand what a lie is, which is somewhat surprising.

He did not say that the troops got a 10% raise; he said he fought for one. There is a big difference.

In order to prove that he lied, you need to prove that he did not say the quote, and it's usually impossible to prove a negative.


I think he is lying in the video you provided. He normally does not give such short answers, and he desperately wanted to move on to other questions, but the press did not let him. I could be wrong.

To actually prove he was lying, you should have also provided a link which proves that he knew about the payment to Stormy.

Thumbs up for a responsive post.

Terrible example.

This was not a lie. It was Trump's full intention to repeal and replace Obamacare. Only Congress could do that. What they did to was make ObamaCare no longer mandatory, which was progress towards Trump's goal.
I don't think you understand what a lie is, which is somewhat surprising.

He did not say that the troops got a 10% raise; he said he fought for one. There is a big difference.

In order to prove that he lied, you need to prove that he did not say the quote, and it's usually impossible to prove a negative.

Oh Jim, I understand the Love you have for trump.

But, he said..... "And I got you a big one" and "You haven't gotten a raise in 10 years."

But I see.
Terrible example.

This was not a lie
Let's go here Jim.
Tell me exactly what is going on in the 1 minute video with Biden talking about the Loan to Ukraine.
I know you've seen it. It has been discussed ad nauseam here on USMB.

I want your honest assessment of this video, posted below.

Weird, the second picture does not seem to match these actual picture of the Trump inauguration crowd where Trump can clearly be seen actually on stage....



Perhaps your picture is yet another example of fake news.
Your photos are the truth. From where Trump spoke to the Washington monument is 1.47 miles. Enough to support the claims of Trump. Beyond the Washington monument which is on a rise, is a pool that starts by the Lincoln Memorial. Trump also counted those like me who saw it on the internet. Think how many can be in a distance covering almost 1.5 miles and you see how vast was Trump's guests for his inauguration.
Oh Jim, I understand the Love you have for trump.

But, he said..... "And I got you a big one" and "You haven't gotten a raise in 10 years."

But I see.
They get annual raises. On that Trump lied to the troops and yet they cheered him.

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