Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

You can't provide any evidence that Biden had anything to do with the Doha Accords, or the removal of nearly 80% of our troops that Trump made without the Taliban complying with 6 out of 7 conditions of those Accords. He was left with an unsustainable force that he had to decide to remove or reinforce them. He decided on the former and pretty much left the specifics of the final withdrawal up to the greatest military minds we have.
I can't prove that Biden acted to secure our own Border you should have said. I am talking about him when he took control of the US. He flat out is a bad commander in chief. Do you truly think his actions in Ukraine are excellent? He is all over Israel for what Israel is doing to Hamas. My point and you can't deny it is he is a shitty CIC.

Were General Tommy Franks still in charge of our troops in Afghanistan, he would be really pissed at Biden for his poor job in Afghanistan.
My understanding is breaching a promise is not a lie. Unless you never intended to fulfill the promise when you made it.
It was probably his true intent when he said it. Things did change over time, and everyone in the world began to attack Trump. I am sure Trump changed his mind after the election, weighing the pro's and cons of releasing tax returns and realizing there was not much upside, but plenty of downside potential.

My personal opinion is that he did not fulfill his promise, and he had good reason not to do so, but it is pretty close to being dishonest, and it's a negative from my view. He screwed up by making the promise in the first place.

As you said, they have been released. I remember when Rachel Maddow leaked some of the returns to much fanfare, dedicating a whole show to it, and a review of the leaked material showed it was a big nothing burger. :)

Surely, if there was something illegal in there, we would have heard about it by now!
Well even though Trump didn't enforce the conditions, including stopping terrorist groups from operating out of Afghanistan, I think it would have been hard for either one to stop any ISIS suicide bomber regardless

Still trying to pretend Benedict Donald didn't fucked up the Accords by not enforcing most of the provisions that all the troops removal in 2020 were suppose to be based on? Why do you think he blurted out "They couldn't stop the process"?
Here is a fact you get to chew on. Biden is not bragging he was right to bail out on Afghanistan. You know what he did though. He caused some 250,000 Afghanis to now be in the USA and if you can speak afghani you get to welcome them.
It was probably his true intent when he said it. Things did change over time, and everyone in the world began to attack Trump. I am sure Trump changed his mind after the election, weighing the pro's and cons of releasing tax returns and realizing there was not much upside, but plenty of downside potential.

My personal opinion is that he did not fulfill his promise, and he had good reason not to do so, but it is pretty close to being dishonest, and it's a negative from my view. He screwed up by making the promise in the first place.

As you said, they have been released. I remember when Rachel Maddow leaked some of the returns to much fanfare, dedicating a whole show to it, and a review of the leaked material showed it was a big nothing burger. :)

Surely, if there was something illegal in there, we would have heard about it by now!
I owned a mortgage firm in CA and we were forbidden to ever release customers tax returns. Trump never should have allow himself to be in such a dumbass trap.
Note: Customers sign approval to release the tax returns to the underwriters when we made loans.
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Fred's financial support began way before he died. The NY Times piece is pretty thorough.
Oh, I read your link which was from the AP.

The NY Times LINK is indeed very thorough. I skimmed through about half of it - it seems to be largely in chronological order - and I do see lots of money from Fred Trump to Donald, but they were not generally gifts; they were payments for managing properties and such. I'm sure I missed some things.

One thing it mentions is that Fred Trump once bought $3.5M in chips at a DJT casino which was not doing well. I don't think gifts like that are particularly relevant, as they occurred well after Trump had established himself, and I believe the relevant context of the original claim was related to when Trump was originally starting out.

Like I said, I may have missed something, as I was skimming. Also, people might disagree with my "relevant context" claim, but it's my honest opinion, because most people say the only reason Trump became so wealthy was due to handouts from his father - no doubt they played a part, but lie is a whole 'nother level.

One thing it mentions is that Fred Trump once bought $3.5M in chips at a DJT casino which was not doing well. I don't think gifts like that are particularly relevant, as they occurred well after Trump had established himself, and I believe the relevant context of the original claim was related to when Trump was originally starting out.
It's actually quite relevant because that infusion of money was almost certainly illegal and came at a time that Trump was failing. If he required assistance throughout his career, you really can't call yourself self-made by any stretch of the imagination.
Here is a fact you get to chew on. Biden is not bragging he was right to bail out on Afghanistan. You know what he did though. He caused some 250,000 Afghanis to now be in the USA and if you can speak afghani you get to welcome them.
Biden has always said he made the right choice to end the occupation.

"It came when Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained why he and the other chiefs—the top officers of the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines—all agreed that we needed to pull out by Aug. 31. The Doha agreement, which President Donald Trump had signed with the Taliban in early 2020 (with no participation by the Afghan government), required a total withdrawal of foreign forces. If U.S. troops had stayed beyond August, Milley said, the Taliban would have resumed the fighting, and, in order to stave off the attacks, “we would have needed 30,000 troops” and would have suffered “many casualties.”

And yet, as Milley also testified on Tuesday, he, the chiefs, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and other military officers advised Biden to keep 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan beyond the Aug. 31 deadline. The difference is that those troops wouldn’t be attached to any “military mission.” Instead, they would “transition” to a “diplomatic mission.”

However, it is extremely unlikely that the Taliban would have observed the semantic distinction. In their eyes, 2,500 U.S. troops would be seen as 2,500 U.S. troops, regardless of whether their mission was officially said to be “military” or “diplomatic.” Therefore, the Taliban would resume fighting, as Milley said they would, and Biden would then have been faced with a horrendous choice—to pull out while under attack or send in another 30,000 troops."

That's the choice Orange Jesus left him. Remove 2,500 troops or send in another 30,000.
He lied about mocking a handicapped reporter.

He did no such thing. The weird hand motions he used to mock that reporter had absolutely nothing to do with the reporter's disability. Trump mocked all kinds of people this way.

Here is proof that you fell for the lie - the lie by the media - what Trump said was truthful....

There used to be a more-extensive video proving this, but it is gone now, and the one above is good enough to debunk the oft-repeated falsehood.
Weak attempt at false equivalence. Expected.
Why would I waste my time trying to change you? I’m not that stupid.

You just give me a chance to post views and links for others to read. I may change the opinions of a few of those, but if I don’t it’s no big deal.

The main reason I post is to keep my mind active. I am 77 1/2 years old (the same age as Trump). I don’t want to develop dementia like Joe Biden.

I also read ebooks. Over the last 5 years I have read 411 ebooks for an average of 82 per year. Most were 300 pages or longer. For example I read the entire Bible twice.

I also find time to play computer chess.

Every year I get a Medicare wellness review with my doctor that includes a test for dementia. So far I have aced them.

This ^^^^ means that the trump administration is terrible at recognizing and apprehending Terrorists.
He saw Palis celebrating and thought they were in New Jersey? I've seen people celebrating much worse. so not a stretch.

"your turn"
There were indeed thousands of Muslims overseas celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers.

There were also some Muslims in New Jersey doing the same...

It's another terrible example of a non-lie.

cc rightwinger
and the one above is good enough to debunk the oft-repeated falsehood.
You will always defend that POS.

It's 100% obvious that trump mocked that reporter.
Did you miss the part where trump specifically mentioned the reporter?
Oh when trump referred to him as, with Arms Flailing....... "Nice reporter, now the poor guy, you gotta see this guy, uhh, I don't know what I said, uhh I don't remember." you truly don't believe he was talking about that specific reporter.
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Why would I waste my time trying to change you? I’m not that stupid.

You just give me a chance to post views and links for others to read. I may change the opinions of a few of those, but if I don’t it’s no big deal.

The main reason I post is to keep my mind active. I am 77 1/2 years old (the same age as Trump). I don’t want to develop dementia like Joe Biden.

I also read ebooks. Over the last 5 years I have read 411 ebooks for an average of 82 per year. Most were 300 pages or longer. For example I read the entire Bible twice.

I also find time to play computer chess.

Every year I get a Medicare wellness review with my doctor that includes a test for dementia. So far I have aced them.

I am pleased you do not have dementia.

But try as you might, you will not be equating Trump and his Big Lie with anyone else. And I think you know that.
There were indeed thousands of Muslims overseas celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers.

There were also some Muslims in New Jersey doing the same...

It's another terrible example of a non-lie.

cc rightwinger

Nice try, but that story was never validated

No, Trump did not see thousands of Arabs celebrating in Jersey City… did not happen
If the Muslims in your report were celebrating, there would be TV reports. Otherwise, Trump could not have “seen it”
He lied
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You will always defend that POS.

It's 100% obvious that trump mocked that reporter.
Did you miss the part where trump specifically mentioned the reporter?
Oh when trump referred to him as, with Arms Flailing....... "Nice reporter, now the poor guy, you gotta see this guy, uhh, I don't know what I said, uhh I don't remember." you truly don't believe he was talking about that specific reporter.
What he didn’t remember was ever seeing thousands of Arabs celebrating.
When he wouldn’t support Trumps lie, he mocked his disability
This ^^^^ means that the trump administration is terrible at recognizing and apprehending Terrorists.
You're funny.

It's a witty interpretation, so kudos.

But we both know the interpretation is not true. Border crossings have reached record levels and the bad guys are trying to get across.

There is more recent data available. The below is not the latest. I saw on Fox that 2023 is a record year, but I don't have a link to what I saw on TV...


He did no such thing. The weird hand motions he used to mock that reporter had absolutely nothing to do with the reporter's disability. Trump mocked all kinds of people this way.

Here is proof that you fell for the lie - the lie by the media - what Trump said was truthful....

There used to be a more-extensive video proving this, but it is gone now, and the one above is good enough to debunk the oft-repeated falsehood.

Which proves you are a MAGA cult member. No one takes you seriously.

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