Can anyone imagine 7 more "six-months" periods like this last one?

Illegal border crossings down 76% allowing ICE to re-allocate agents to sanctuary cities to arrest and deport more illegals

yeah........THAT will cure this country's problems and keep the xenophobes happy.....LOL

Calling someone an xenophobe for not wanting unvetted people entering this country in violation of our democratically enacted laws, i

is you being as ass.

Nothing about us being anything.
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.


Will there be a few days of calm and peace between your extremely long periods?


Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

Sure. You lefties will continue to be riled up by the fact that we have a president who is not intimidated by your bullshit.

You will shout and yammer and maybe riot.

Meanwhile Trump is doing his job. Illegal immigration is down, deportations are up. Our trading partners are bitching, that's a good sign.

Better than the alternative of you commies getting your way.
Tell us about all the major pieces of legislation trump has signed. Even with a republican congress, he accomplishes nothing

What has Congress sent him?
Its his job to get Congress moving on an agenda. He has done nothing but try to cover up his crimes.

Congress is it's own branch of government. He is not in charge of them. THeir actions are on them.
Snowflakes couldn't imagine a Trump nomination, then a Trump p[residency. I guess lack of imagination is part-and-parcel of being a snowflake.

Did you imagine Trump's first 6 months would be this bad for him?
-------------------------------------------------- hasn't been bad , TRUMP is doing fine , i hope for MORE of the same Carbineer !!

More of the same will be no repeal of Obamacare, for example.
Snowflakes couldn't imagine a Trump nomination, then a Trump p[residency. I guess lack of imagination is part-and-parcel of being a snowflake.

Did you imagine Trump's first 6 months would be this bad for him?
-------------------------------------------------- hasn't been bad , TRUMP is doing fine , i hope for MORE of the same Carbineer !!

More of the same will be no repeal of Obamacare, for example.
------------------------------------------- we will see Carbineer !!
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

The hate trump machine went into motion before he took office. How dare he unthrone queen hilary? Oh well, payback is a bitch. The repubs went after obama before he took office also.
Calling someone an xenophobe for not wanting unvetted people entering this country in violation of our democratically enacted laws, i

is you being as ass.

Nothing about us being anything.

NO,'re perfectly in your rights to be a moron......

There are tons of reports that crops in California are rotting in farms for lack of "pickers".......We will see this fall and winter prices on our food go up.....BUT, you did get rid of those "darkies"...LOL
Personally, I doubt Democrats are all that happy.

Well, THAT is because you're a moron......The prospect of kicking an orange turd t the curb makes me very,very happy......Our country's ethical rudder can maybe be restored.
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

View attachment 139984

Will there be a few days of calm and peace between your extremely long periods?



Above is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia"....Be ;proud conservatives to have this "level" of intelligence in your midst. LOL
Congress is it's own branch of government. He is not in charge of them. THeir actions are on them.

A fantastic example of Trump's "leadership" skills.......That swamp is a bit harder to drain than expected, Corney???...........LOL
Calling someone an xenophobe for not wanting unvetted people entering this country in violation of our democratically enacted laws, i

is you being as ass.

Nothing about us being anything.

NO,'re perfectly in your rights to be a moron......

There are tons of reports that crops in California are rotting in farms for lack of "pickers".......We will see this fall and winter prices on our food go up.....BUT, you did get rid of those "darkies"...LOL

The convenience of a few farmers does not outweigh the democratically expressed Sovereign Rights of the American People.

My point about it being the act of an ass to smear people who want our borders secured, stands.

also, once the current crisis is dealt with and the millions and millions of illegals are reduced, we can talk about a reason and harshly enforced guest worker program, for the few thousand jobs that Americans actually don't want.

The rest of the employers can raise their wages or drown in their own vomit for all I care.

Oop, and this is for you.

Democrats are waging an all out war against the elected government. Then, they blame the victims of their atrocities. It's becoming the pattern. If only victims would not fight back, then the hostilities would be over.

Even if democrats reach their heart's desire and Trump is removed, resigns, whatever, do they think that it's the end of it? Will the divisions be healed? No, of course not, they will be worse with a desire for revenge boiling over.
Congress is it's own branch of government. He is not in charge of them. THeir actions are on them.

A fantastic example of Trump's "leadership" skills.......That swamp is a bit harder to drain than expected, Corney???...........LOL

I never expected it to be easy, and you can't lead people who refuse to respect anyone beyond themselves.

McCain? How you going to lead that asshole?

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