Can anyone imagine 7 more "six-months" periods like this last one?

Can anyone imagine 7 more "six-months" periods like this last one?

Hell, ya!


See???? A fellow moron "thought" that your response was "brilliant" and gave you a star......Now you can go back to bed...LOL

His point is valid. The turmoil and strife you cited in the op, A. doesn't hurt us in any way, and B. is a sign that you guys are losing.

And keep in mind this is who you guys are. YOu are happy when we die. So, your unhappiness is a good thing.

Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

View attachment 139984

Will there be a few days of calm and peace between your extremely long periods?



Above is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia"....Be ;proud conservatives to have this "level" of intelligence in your midst. LOL

I'm not the one threatening to throw a tantrum like a spoiled two year old for the next three point five to seven point five years. But if you must insist on doing so then...


The stock market soared into record territory, illegal immigration (drug smuggling) dropped by around 80%, China opened trade for the U.S. Beef industry and angry lefties are bogged down chasing phantom Russians. I'll take another six months of this.
Trump deserves all the attacks he gets.

He committed the crime of legally and lawfully winning 30 out of 50 states and became president.

How dare he steal from Hilary her natural birth right?

Impeach him!!!
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

Trump didn't do it liar, the left did. It is 100% their fault.
when did the new crop of trolls hatch

They're being led here or imported. The snowflakes think the more they circle melt down, that that lunacy will somehow give them a win... at... what I don't know, looking like ass clowns I guess.

Meanwhile president Trump continues to shape up America after 8 years of the kenyan trying to destroy it and republicans keep winning elections.
Illegal border crossings down 76% allowing ICE to re-allocate agents to sanctuary cities to arrest and deport more illegals

yeah........THAT will cure this country's problems and keep the xenophobes happy.....LOL
------------------------------------------------- this Countries got no problems that i myself can't handle . Course i do appreciate TRUMP shutting down the flow of illegals , working on immigration and rebuilding the USA Military . [see the commissioning of the newest Aircraft Carrier being done today] But other than the 3 things that i just mention , heck , i as an American can handle all the little niggling problems Nat .
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

I can imagine it happening because we're talking about Trump -- he's 70 and has been like this for 60 years -- and his drama-laden way of handling things and presenting himself. That perhaps was entertaining when he hosted a reality TV show. It's frightfully disconcerting with him as POTUS.
Six months of Trump has been heaven compared to the eight years of Obama hell.
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

We can and will. He will hone his craft and get us back on track. It is the obstructionists we won't put up with.
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

I can imagine it happening because we're talking about Trump -- he's 70 and has been like this for 60 years -- and his drama-laden way of handling things and presenting himself. That perhaps was entertaining when he hosted a reality TV show. It's frightfully disconcerting with him as POTUS.
----------------------------------------------- good to hear that you are frightfully disconcerted Xelor !!
Seriously, can anyone really imagine the discord and division that Trump has brought to this country during these past 6 go on for another SEVEN, 6-months periods???

If he fires Mueller (as his attorneys are researching the "best" way to do this,) most Americans...INCLUDING many republicans.......estimate that such would be the end of his administration (so, I actually hope that he does fire Mueller.)

Like someone holed up in a bunker, Trump is appealing to his minions to find a way, ANY way, to rid himself of the Russian collusion investigation; an investigation that at "best," de-legitimizes his election.....and, at "worst," would have him resign in his and his family's shame.

Trump foolishly thought that he could run OUR government as his own little business (bear in mind that Trump's businesses and Trump himself never had a board to contend with or respond to).....Well, Trump was horribly wrong; whereas his businesses could fail and his mistakes buried in settlements or lengthy court messes, our government is based on our Constitution dictating lots of checks-and balances.

We cannot and will not put up with these messes for 7 more periods.

Do you need your diaper changed?

I think Don Lemon is dreaming of you changing your diaper...

The real question is when the current LMSM stops feeding you, who's going to really change yours?


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The stock market soared into record territory, illegal immigration (drug smuggling) dropped by around 80%, China opened trade for the U.S. Beef industry and angry lefties are bogged down chasing phantom Russians. I'll take another six months of this.

Do YOU really want to credit Trump or Obama for the stock market rise???

But, regarding the China trade deals.....Here's the pros and cons

The result of THAT deal is a U.S. trade deficit of $347 billion, the largest of any U.S. trading partner.

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