Can Atheists be Moral?

Maybe atheists who troll religious forums can't be moral.

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.Jul 12, 2017

Trolls understand what hurts people but they simply don't care
And yet pointing out people that are racist and hate minorities and follow a troll who says some Mexicans don’t rape and boasts about sexual assault and lies with every other sentence is trolling?

Guilty people absolutely hate being discovered. And the fact that they follow Trump when they know he has unprotected sex with porn stars and assaults women, maligns our soldiers, doesn’t pay his workers and strips parents of their babies.

Of course they’re going to be very angry. But not because he does these things, but because these things are pointed out to the public and it shows the world what kind of people Republicans are.

They can’t handle the truth.
i don't trust women who are not doing me; does that count?
So you don’t trust any woman. Got it.
Man must have invented money for a reason. We even put, In God We Trust, on it.
So you pay to get laid. Why am I not surprised?
i also resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; coincidence or conspiracy?
You’re a lying sack of shit beans. Stop pretending.
lol. only those who lack morals, say that.
So you don’t trust any woman. Got it.
Man must have invented money for a reason. We even put, In God We Trust, on it.
So you pay to get laid. Why am I not surprised?
i also resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; coincidence or conspiracy?
You’re a lying sack of shit beans. Stop pretending.
lol. only those who lack morals, say that.
Taz doesn't claim to be moral. That makes him more moral than many dedicated believers out there who base their claim to moral authority on a professed belief in bullshit.
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Maybe atheists who troll religious forums can't be moral.

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.Jul 12, 2017

Trolls understand what hurts people but they simply don't care
And yet pointing out people that are racist and hate minorities and follow a troll who says some Mexicans don’t rape and boasts about sexual assault and lies with every other sentence is trolling?

Guilty people absolutely hate being discovered. And the fact that they follow Trump when they know he has unprotected sex with porn stars and assaults women, maligns our soldiers, doesn’t pay his workers and strips parents of their babies.

Of course they’re going to be very angry. But not because he does these things, but because these things are pointed out to the public and it shows the world what kind of people Republicans are.

They can’t handle the truth.

Whatever that is.
Man must have invented money for a reason. We even put, In God We Trust, on it.
So you pay to get laid. Why am I not surprised?
i also resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; coincidence or conspiracy?
You’re a lying sack of shit beans. Stop pretending.
lol. only those who lack morals, say that.
Taz doesn't claim to be moral. That makes him more moral than many dedicated believers out there who base their false claim to moral authority on a professed belief in bullshit.
Like you, hob?
So you pay to get laid. Why am I not surprised?
i also resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; coincidence or conspiracy?
You’re a lying sack of shit beans. Stop pretending.
lol. only those who lack morals, say that.
Taz doesn't claim to be moral. That makes him more moral than many dedicated believers out there who base their false claim to moral authority on a professed belief in bullshit.
Like you, hob?

Well, no. I am talking about where right and wrong and judgement lie concerning the subjects of written stories that anyone can read. Morality has nothing to do with it except if someone claims moral authority based on a professed belief which when scrutinized is completely false making that person immoral calling the revealed truth a lie and a belief in superstitious mysteries, with all of the miracles, demonstrations of power and attendant signs of a lie, the truth.

When someone like you comes along and starts talking about sucking cock, anal sex, and cum dribbles for giggles that doesn't make you immoral, just a degenerate lowlife who finds a perverse humor in his own pathetic aberrations exactly like the hopelessly insane jerking off in his very own rubber room laughing his ass off every time he shoots a load into his own eye.
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i also resort to the fewest fallacies in my arguments; coincidence or conspiracy?
You’re a lying sack of shit beans. Stop pretending.
lol. only those who lack morals, say that.
Taz doesn't claim to be moral. That makes him more moral than many dedicated believers out there who base their false claim to moral authority on a professed belief in bullshit.
Like you, hob?

Well, no. I am talking about where right and wrong and judgement lie concerning the subjects of written stories that anyone can read. Morality has nothing to do with it except if someone claims moral authority based on a professed belief which when scrutinized is completely false making that person immoral calling the revealed truth a lie and a belief in superstitious mysteries, with all of the miracles, demonstrations of power and attendant signs of a lie, the truth.

When someone like you comes along and starts talking about sucking cock, anal sex, and cum dribbles for giggles that doesn't make you immoral, just a degenerate lowlife who finds a perverse humor in his own pathetic aberrations exactly like the hopelessly insane jerking off in his very own rubber room laughing his ass off every time he shoots a load into his own eye.
Do you think that Jesus ever sucked any cock?
Religious forces are beginning to drool as they become more intense, more rabid:

27 Jan 2018 Nancy Pelosi: 'Moral Responsibility to Ensure All Children of God are Treated with Compassion and Decency
Nancy Pelosi: ‘All Children of God' Should Be 'Treated with Compassion'
'....House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - have lain down a very specific marker on a wall, calling it immorality.'

It is now a good time to study nationalism's history in Germany. Nick Land: 'There's no sense in making a moral case against nazism. Nazism is morality itself.' (Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)

27 Jan 2019 The Moral Question of Trump's Border Wall
The Moral Question Of Trump's Border Wall
bearing true witness to women about being willing to practice full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work is moral.

bearing false witness for poon is immoral and merely imperils the "Greater Glory of our Immortal Souls".
Maybe atheists who troll religious forums can't be moral.

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.Jul 12, 2017

Trolls understand what hurts people but they simply don't care
And yet pointing out people that are racist and hate minorities and follow a troll who says some Mexicans don’t rape and boasts about sexual assault and lies with every other sentence is trolling?

Guilty people absolutely hate being discovered. And the fact that they follow Trump when they know he has unprotected sex with porn stars and assaults women, maligns our soldiers, doesn’t pay his workers and strips parents of their babies.

Of course they’re going to be very angry. But not because he does these things, but because these things are pointed out to the public and it shows the world what kind of people Republicans are.

They can’t handle the truth.
You are obsessed.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International

Morality is a human concept and not a Godly standard.

As Christians we seek to act in accordance with the perfect will of God. To act contrary to the perfect will of God, no matter the reason, is sin.

Can atheists accidentally act in a manner which is consistent with the perfect will of God? Absolutely.

Can they always act in a manner which is consistent with the perfect will of God. Absolutely not...but take heart atheists, neither can Christians.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23.

God's standard is perfection and none of us can be perfect (save God).

Sadly, I don't believe that even using the human standard of morality, there isn't a human that can act morally all the time.

To bridge the gap in language between atheist and Christian let's exchange the terms morality and sin for selflessness.

To do the perfect will of God one must continually submit their own selfish will to the perfect will of God and place the needs of others above their own. Any honest Christian will admit that they struggle to put the needs of others ahead of their own.

Human morality seeks to produce ethical and "good behavior" by restricting one man's behavior so s moral person's actions don't adversely affect others (sound familiar). Most honest atheists will admit they struggle to do so.

There are some Buddhist Monks who might argue they have achieved this standard, but there is one additional problem with that argument.

Under the Godly standard, it not sufficient to act correctly, because thinking of acting sinfully is the same as actually taking the action.

If you can show me the other person who has ALWAYS thought and acted selflessly (there was one), I'd really like to meet that person.
As Christians we seek to act in accordance with the perfect will of God.

what makes that different being a christian ...

If you can show me the other person who has ALWAYS thought and acted selflessly (there was one), I'd really like to meet that person.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

, is your construct, no need for the Almighty for that ... the metaphysical does provide doubt.

hopefully in accordance with the religion of antiquity you might someday meet one - triumphal (always), not being capable yourself, christian.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
Of course they can.

The bigger question is "can religious folks, like child-molesting Catholics, be moral?"

Its not only Catholics who molest children, just as many Protestants do as well.
and haredi jews, Jerusalem - Chief Rabbi Lau: Do Not Sweep Sexual Abuse Claims Under The Carpet

The question to ask, is why are not all Christians moral?
Why are so many christians less moral than atheists?

Once again morality is a human construct.

By less moral, I assume you mean less tolerant.

The bible doesn't teach tolerance it teaches love. (One is selfish and one is selfless)

Jesus was extremely intolerant of sin, but in a loving way.

Sin isn't bad because it is forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it is bad (for us).

unfortunately our selfish sin nature wants to do what it wants to do and it makes us recoil from anyone or anything that tells us what to do.

Therefore mankind brands intolerance (even when it's actually love) hate.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
Of course they can.

The bigger question is "can religious folks, like child-molesting Catholics, be moral?"

Its not only Catholics who molest children, just as many Protestants do as well.
and haredi jews, Jerusalem - Chief Rabbi Lau: Do Not Sweep Sexual Abuse Claims Under The Carpet

The question to ask, is why are not all Christians moral?
Why are so many christians less moral than atheists?

Once again morality is a human construct.

By less moral, I assume you mean less tolerant.

The bible doesn't teach tolerance it teaches love. (One is selfish and one is selfless)

Jesus was extremely intolerant of sin, but in a loving way.

Sin isn't bad because it is forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it is bad (for us).

unfortunately our selfish sin nature wants to do what it wants to do and it makes us recoil from anyone or anything that tells us what to do.

Therefore mankind brands intolerance (even when it's actually love) hate.
Morals are 100% relative. I've argued that til I'm blue in the face.

But "intolerance is love"?

Pull the other one.
As Christians we seek to act in accordance with the perfect will of God.

what makes that different being a christian ...

If you can show me the other person who has ALWAYS thought and acted selflessly (there was one), I'd really like to meet that person.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

, is your construct, no need for the Almighty for that ... the metaphysical does provide doubt.

hopefully in accordance with the religion of antiquity you might someday meet one - triumphal (always), not being capable yourself, christian.

Are you arguing that non Christians seek to act according to the perfect will of God. Non Christians do you concur?

"always in your construct..."

It's not my construct.

" no need for the Almighty for that... "

Are you arguing that it's human nature to be selfless (any parents of toddlers want to chime in here).

"the metaphysical provides doubt"

Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen - Hebrews 11:1.

Evidence provides knowledge not faith. Mankind's self serving sin nature provides all the doubt any need.

No one is capable - that's the point.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
Of course they can.

The bigger question is "can religious folks, like child-molesting Catholics, be moral?"

Its not only Catholics who molest children, just as many Protestants do as well.
and haredi jews, Jerusalem - Chief Rabbi Lau: Do Not Sweep Sexual Abuse Claims Under The Carpet

The question to ask, is why are not all Christians moral?
Why are so many christians less moral than atheists?

Once again morality is a human construct.

By less moral, I assume you mean less tolerant.

The bible doesn't teach tolerance it teaches love. (One is selfish and one is selfless)

Jesus was extremely intolerant of sin, but in a loving way.

Sin isn't bad because it is forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it is bad (for us).

unfortunately our selfish sin nature wants to do what it wants to do and it makes us recoil from anyone or anything that tells us what to do.

Therefore mankind brands intolerance (even when it's actually love) hate.
Morals are 100% relative. I've argued that til I'm blue in the face.

But "intolerance is love"?

Pull the other one.

Sometimes intolerance is love.

Jesus forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery, but he warned her to go and sin no more (demonstrating his intolerance of the act which brought her into his presence)
Of course they can.

The bigger question is "can religious folks, like child-molesting Catholics, be moral?"

Its not only Catholics who molest children, just as many Protestants do as well.
and haredi jews, Jerusalem - Chief Rabbi Lau: Do Not Sweep Sexual Abuse Claims Under The Carpet

The question to ask, is why are not all Christians moral?
Why are so many christians less moral than atheists?

Once again morality is a human construct.

By less moral, I assume you mean less tolerant.

The bible doesn't teach tolerance it teaches love. (One is selfish and one is selfless)

Jesus was extremely intolerant of sin, but in a loving way.

Sin isn't bad because it is forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it is bad (for us).

unfortunately our selfish sin nature wants to do what it wants to do and it makes us recoil from anyone or anything that tells us what to do.

Therefore mankind brands intolerance (even when it's actually love) hate.
Morals are 100% relative. I've argued that til I'm blue in the face.

But "intolerance is love"?

Pull the other one.

Sometimes intolerance is love.

Jesus forgave the woman caught in the act of adultery, but he warned her to go and sin no more (demonstrating his intolerance of the act which brought her into his presence)
"Go and sin no more" is the opposite of intolerance.
Ding: 'atheists who troll religious forums.' Where would ding like for this thing called 'trolling' to happen, a bowling alley?

'One fatal flaw: Kant's failure to push his thought beyond its common sense subjective biases and conformism. This flaw is what Deleuze calls Kant's 'moralism', and it is so significant that the dogmatic Image of thought is synonymously referred to throughout Difference and Repetition as the 'moral Image' of thought. Deleuze contests the dogmatic Image of thought in the way that he claims Kant could not: by subjecting it to a 'radical critique.' According to this radical critique, the Kantian critical model Deleuze has laid out nust undergo its own critique and submit to a series of radical modifications aimed at the 'common sense' presupposition of morality that Deleuze believes Kant failed to abandon....His radical critique thus begins not by overthrowing the original Kantian initiative (the effort to turn the examination of the relationships and limits of power inward) but by applying that initiative to a systematic evaluation of the dogmatic Image of thought and the moral presuppositions on which it is built.'
(Carr CL, Deleuze's Kantian Ethos: Critique as a Way of Life, pp. 80-1)
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
But how do you get your morality from god? The Bible?

I was on another thread and half of the people there said prostitution should be legal. What does your holy book say about prostitution and why do so many believe it should be legal?

Like abortion maybe it’s not moral but it’s a immoral act that our Christian nation might allow?

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