Can Biden's Infant Formula Be Trusted??

You are jumping from the topic which is how government effects food products to government corruption. Yes corruption is obviously not a good thing... But how specifically is corruption or the government causing our food supply to be different than Germany? You cited a few examples... taxing unhealthy ingredients, M Obamas work out program, but never tied them to how they cause us to be different than Germany. Can you draw the line for me?
Sorry if what I was trying to say confused you or went over your head. It's either that or you're just intentionally missing the point.

The point I made a couple of hours ago was that government corruption causes a Marie Antoinette attitude in Washington.
What's worse is these folks have taken millions from our enemies to set themselves up in their cushy lifestyles.
It's one of the reasons that bribing public officials is a crime....along with taking bribes.
Not only are they supposed to avoid making decisions that helps themselves personally, but they aren't supposed to conduct themselves in a manner that gives the appearance of impropriety.

It's getting to the point that Democrats feel they can get away with murder.....and they dare anyone to do anything about it.
Republicans can't fart without someone trying to impeach them over it.

On the other hand Democrats can do anything....and not have to worry about being held accountable......and that is a very dangerous situation for you and me.

The primary difference between us and Germany is Germans take pride in what they do.....and we don't. At every level of the public and private sector Germans try to do the right thing.....which leads to a better society and better health for it's people. Democrats/Communists call people with a German mindset "White Nationals".....which to them is evil.
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Sorry if what I was trying to say confused you or went over your head. It's either that or you're just intentionally missing the point.

The point I made a couple of hours ago was that government corruption causes a Marie Antoinette attitude in Washington.
What's worse is these folks have taken millions from our enemies to set themselves up in their cushy lifestyles.
It's one of the reasons that bribing public officials is a crime....along with taking bribes.
Not only are they supposed to avoid making decisions that helps themselves personally, but they aren't supposed to conduct themselves in a manner that gives the appearance of impropriety.

It's getting to the point that Democrats feel they can get away with murder.....and they dare anyone to do anything about it.
Republicans can't fart without someone trying to impeach them over it.

On the other hand Democrats can do anything....and not have to worry about being held accountable......and that is a very dangerous situation for you and me.

The primary difference between us and Germany is Germans take pride in what they do.....and we don't. At every level of the public and private sector Germans try to do the right thing.....which leads to a better society and better health for it's people. Democrats/Communists call people with a German mindset "White Nationals".....which to them is evil.
Ok but yet again you don’t address the topic which is good quality. I understand that you think our government is corrupt and dysfunctional and Dems are to blame. Read ya loud and clear. But how is their distinction responsible for the food situation you speak of. Is there something the Dems did to cause our food be so poor in quality? Is there something they aren’t doing that Germany does which would help make our food more like Germany’s? If you could clear that up, that would be great
Good, clarity is key for good communication. You were being sarcastic right?

Sometimes I am being factual and it went right over their head…

You can slap them with 2 x 4 of truth and they will just never understand it…
Lol, I get it personal responsibility is out the window. The government needs to solve all issues these days. The number one reason for an actual true need for formula over other natural products is a protein allergy. Lived with a girl for two years that had particular allergy. Funny thing was she did not use baby formula. See back in the day they had these things called books. People with problems picked one up read it and found out what to do about the problem. They survived with out their meals being served out of a can. Lol. You are an idiot as usual.
I knew a woman that couldn't breast feed and the only thing her baby could keep down was a certain formula... But you are smarter than she was and I guess you don't care about dumb people like her....
Ok but yet again you don’t address the topic which is good quality. I understand that you think our government is corrupt and dysfunctional and Dems are to blame. Read ya loud and clear. But how is their distinction responsible for the food situation you speak of. Is there something the Dems did to cause our food be so poor in quality? Is there something they aren’t doing that Germany does which would help make our food more like Germany’s? If you could clear that up, that would be great
Please go back and re-read the last paragraph.....and if you still don't understand...I can't help you.

Singapore is an example of a nearly perfect society. Their laws are extremely punitive....which makes their society more peaceful. They encourage a feeling of respect for authority and so do Germans.

America has the Democrat party that not only encourages a lack of respect for authority but recently has started rewarding people for criminal activity. If you can't understand how that will effect this country top to bottom, then I suggest you research the subject on your own.

The reason American food is of poor quality is a lack of pride in what we do at all levels....and a lack of consideration for the customer. Some countries are worse (Russia for example)....but America is starting to catch up with them.
Please go back and re-read the last paragraph.....and if you still don't understand...I can't help you.

Singapore is an example of a nearly perfect society. Their laws are extremely punitive....which makes their society more peaceful. They encourage a feeling of respect for authority and so do Germans.

America has the Democrat party that not only encourages a lack of respect for authority but recently has started rewarding people for criminal activity. If you can't understand how that will effect this country top to bottom, then I suggest you research the subject on your own.

The reason American food is of poor quality is a lack of pride in what we do at all levels....and a lack of consideration for the customer. Some countries are worse (Russia for example)....but America is starting to catch up with them.
Ok so you prefer to see our government be rid of corruption and the become more strict and authoritarian so they can prevent companies from producing and selling unhealthy foods and that’s how you’d like to see us address the problem and get our food closer to Germany quality. Is that correct?
Ok so you prefer to see our government be rid of corruption and the become more strict and authoritarian so they can prevent companies from producing and selling unhealthy foods and that’s how you’d like to see us address the problem and get our food closer to Germany quality. Is that correct?

I noticed that you always seem to spot the negative aspect of everything. That's why you're a leftist.

What I was saying, and keep having to repeat to you, is we need a government that isn't corrupt and doesn't try to kill it's own people.

We also need to encourage people to do the right thing instead of commit crimes. End of story.
Ok so you prefer to see our government be rid of corruption and the become more strict and authoritarian so they can prevent companies from producing and selling unhealthy foods and that’s how you’d like to see us address the problem and get our food closer to Germany quality. Is that correct?

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