Can Christians Ever Answer WHY?

Why was there the Big Bang?

So, as physics conventional wisdom goes, all of a sudden, the entire universe popped into existence in fractions of a picosecond with shit traveling faster than the speed of light. ..and 'shit happens' is the only explanation?

Hort, Like Exodus 3:5.
Removal of shoes signified removal of contaminants (i.e., shoes before entering a house).
Sometimes to submit/obey/pay attention and pay homage. Hence what it says in Joshua 5:14.
When something is made a focus of holy it's sometimes to shine a beacon on it so you never lose site of it's importance. Since Joshua was "NEAR" Jericho and not at Jericho then that holy ground could have been Qumran or Jerusalem.
Once again, there is no anthropromor0hizing of words/terms in Judaism, so your propaganda just validates Judaism for distinguishing itself from idol/deity worship.
About the Talmud it's used to document the many Rabbis and historical references and because of this Christians demonize the text because it exposes the historical accurate truth that exposes it's Roman manipulation and fabrication of history.
Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?
Why did your god say he had a G0d?
Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?
Why could he not deliver on his promises?
Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?
Why does your god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?
Why does your god try to convert Jews away from YHWH if he is one in the same and why does he switch names and birthdates and eras to suit your stories?
Why would your god say he was the nemesis of the hebrew God (Rev 22;16) if they are the same?
Why would your god say he was Lucifer the one placed higher then G0d?
Why can't Priests/Pastors/Followers answer the most basic question:
Who is the historical christ you are calling Jesus? So simple yet 1 out of a hundred ever answer it.
I hate to sound mean, but it seems to me that most "Jews" are agnostic. I find that most I talk to are willing to uphold traditions for the sake of the "family," but have long ago quit attending the synagogue weekly. I would imagine that a higher percentage of Christians attend church weekly than Jews attend a synagogue weekly. So my feeling is that a Messianic (Christian) Jew is by far more Jewish than most Jews are.

As for the rest, the world is still under the curse of sin. Someday all the believers will be as Christ and there will be no more suffering or aging for them. They will be forever with the LORD.
That's not mean, many will admit that's true, but isn't that the intent of the religion in the first place?
Seperating ourselves from the idol worshipers, multi deity worshipers, reliances on outside forces and sorcery etc...
In the archaic age beliefs were outside human potential and reliance was on fantasy images and letting things magically happen instead of doing the deeds and repairs necessary to progress there. Judaism is a more humanistic naturalist or transhumanist theology then
the old mythologies of figurine gods.
The problem is when Babylon had us in captivity and the Hellanistic influences and Gentile world tainted and controlled us we lost site of the basic precepts as intended to convey.
We have no equal rights to mankind in having our own central source of Reaching and
teaching (no main temple) so no outlet to straighten how we perceive our Torah and teachings.
I would not say messianic Jews are more Jewish but many JW's and Adventist seem to be just as in tune with the ideas of this life being the creator's creation and the Biblical Messiah being Michael.
This is my favorite of your post:
"a higher percentage of Christians attend church weekly thanJews attend a synagogue weekly."
My reply to this:
But a higher percentage of Christians also visit the inside of a jail, inside of a bar, inside of a crack house, so how is that working out for them? ; )
Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?
We are not privileged - not even god is privileged.
Why did your god say he had a G0d?
Because god is the god of god.
Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?
I do not understand this question. Counterquestion: Since when are you an antisemite under the rulership of the illusion of the Antichrist? You have the right to say whatever you like to say - but nothing in this world here is able to take away from you your reponsibility in the eyes of the Lord. Maybe one day he will ask you ... And in the world in the moment are murdered lots of Christians from people who are thinking atheistic nonsense about god and their own and our own religion. And one source for nonsense stimulating agressions is you. Could be good for you to live in fear (=respect) of god.

But okay - questions need answers - let me try to understand what you are asking. The english speaking world is a very absurde world for a German like me: A dark foggy swamp with irritating little flying flames. Whatever. What is the question? Do you refer to the words ‏אלי אלי למה עזבתני‎ ("Eli, Eli, lama asabtani")? That's the begin of Psalm 22. Jesus prayed.

Why could he not deliver on his promises?
It's not over yet. We are still waiting. Maranatha.

Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
I guess he did not heal anyone. They healed themselve. Jesus said often: "Your belief helped you". And the belief that we are able to help ourselve with our belief is still active. The transzendent secret: We made hospitals.

Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?
I'm not sure wether you ever will climb up to the Olymp of the humorless humor what is not humor any longer but life itselve. Short: We developed lots of methods in hundreds and even thousands of years to help in case of sickness. But still today no one is able to win a war against brother death. In the end helps only compassion. Before helps also only compassion.

Why does your god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?

Who visits a "Hospital of the Satan"? Not everyone in the world lives in your anticategories of antilife.

Why does your god try to convert Jews away from YHWH if he is one in the same and why does he switch names and birthdates and eras to suit your stories?

You are not a Jew but an Antisemite. I'm sure every Jew knows this - but unfortunatelly some people could be confused from your masquerade.

Why would your god say he was the nemesis of the hebrew God (Rev 22;16) if they are the same?

Nemesis? Was this not a film with Leonard Nimoy? Good grieve: I the book revelation is written in chapter 22 verse 16: "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” What for heavens sake are you speaking about?

Why would your god say he was Lucifer the one placed higher then G0d?

Ah - your are speaking about the anticatholic propaganda "Lucifer". Very old. Wide spreaded. Very idiotic. Could be this has to do somehting with shoroatrism and a kind of belief where there's not only god but also a kind of antigod. But this has nothing to do with the christian religion. The devil is not an antigod but creation. We believe in the triune god and not in a wrong translation of a word like "mornign star", what's the planet and godess venus - a symbol for love. The first of all greek gods was btw "Eros, the god of heavenly love". If the light of love appears soon the light of life will come.

Why can't Priests/Pastors/Followers answer the most basic question:
Because you never asked one or because they don't have enough time to answer your completly unimportant questions?
Who is the historical christ you are calling Jesus? So simple yet 1 out of a hundred ever answer it.

Let us start slowy: I am not Jesus. You are not Jesus ... now continue. ... See you. ... oh: I found some people you can ask for the way: ttps://

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This is my favorite of your post:
"a higher percentage of Christians attend church weekly thanJews attend a synagogue weekly."
My reply to this:
But a higher percentage of Christians also visit the inside of a jail, inside of a bar, inside of a crack house, so how is that working out for them? ; )
Are they the same ones attending church regularly ------ or are they "Christian" because their mother or parents were? Being a "Christian" isn't by birth, it is a relationship with GOD through the Messiah God (Christ Jesus).
As to how could Yeshua be Yeshua and God at the same time, isn't impossible in fact. Temporal Coexistence is a physics-reality in which 1 atom exists simulataneously in two locations. :)

As far as I heared it's not a temporal coexistance - once created this coexistance between particles (german word: "Verschränkung") is existing forever over an endless distance. But this is physics

... the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons; nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father unlimited; the Son unlimited; and the Holy Ghost unlimited. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal. As also there are not three uncreated; nor three infinites, but one uncreated; and one infinite. So likewise the Father is Almighty; the Son Almighty; and the Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties; but one Almighty. So the Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods; but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord; the Son Lord; and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord; So are we forbidden by the catholic religion; to say, There are three Gods, or three Lords. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created; but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten; but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before, or after another; none is greater, or less than another. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal. ...

Always wondered why churches had locks on their doors. Isn't the thief just damning himself stealing from a church anyway? :)

I'm sure this question lets you not sleep day and night and one day you will get billions of cupcakes for the criminal behavior of the Christians not to let you sleep.

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You were warned about that first and fallen messiah, those who don'tlisten are cursed along with him.
His image and the club affiliation being used as a get away with sin card and this is why there are so many people in jail with cross tattoos, cross necklaces and earings.
By the way bringing up the excuse of their regularity was not the standard you used, you said percentages furthermore your reasoning was flawed in the sense that places like the bible belt have little to no synagogues to go to and as you admited they keep their traditions and devotion from home without a need for a bldg or guilt to make them want to do the right thing.
Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?

Considering He has been living the past 2000 since He rose from the dead and has guaranteed that every human who ever lived on this planet will likewise rise from the dead, how on earth can you conclude that He hasn't?

Why did your god say he had a G0d?

Kind of self explanatory isn't it?

Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?

He doesn't. And didn't. And the fact that you are arguing both this and the previous question which are contradictory tells me you really don't care about the truth.

Why could he not deliver on his promises?

He has and will continue tom

Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?

The faithfulness and unbelief of man.

Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?

Not all have faith to be healed at this moment in time. Anand often we have to wait till the timing is right as well.

Besides, non believers are welcome to church. Some of them are handicap too. Should we discriminate against them because of your lack of faith?

Why does your god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?

Why are you asking stupid questions? You say we should heal people in His name and then complain that we build places to heal in His name.

And why should those who pass be given a resting place in his name? What ridiculous assumptions are you making about God?

Why does your god try to convert Jews away from YHWH if he is one in the same and why does he switch names and birthdates and eras to suit your stories?

Because you rejected Him when He walked in the House of His brethren. Just as the prophets warned throughout the ages. We are trying to bring you back. And the Lord has countless names and titles as any Jew should know.

Why would your god say he was the nemesis of the hebrew God (Rev 22;16) if they are the same?

He didn't.

Why would your god say he was Lucifer the one placed higher then G0d?

He didn't. And Lucifer isn't placed higher than God in anyone's mind but his own.

Why can't Priests/Pastors/Followers answer the most basic question:
Who is the historical christ you are calling Jesus? So simple yet 1 out of a hundred ever answer it.

He is The messiah. He is Jehovah, Son of Elohiem, your King and Savior and because He suffered your pains as Isaiah prophecies you can be healed. He is a light to the Gentiles. He became a man so that men could be redeemed and become gods.

None of these questions are unanswerable in the slightest and many are deceptive. So tell me this if you are right, why do you feel the need to lie to make your points? Why not rely on the truth? Because the truth will set you free.

I invite you to come to know Jesus Christ for yourself. Study His doctrine. He has said that if a man will do the doctrine they will know that it's from God.

I also invite you to get on your knees in sincere prayer with your Father in Heaven. Ask Him if Jesus is who He claimed to be. Ask Him to reveal the truth to you so that you can know for yourself and I promise you that He will answer your prayer and reveal the truth.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him" James 1:5
You stated:"Considering He has been living the past 2000 since He rose from the dead and has guaranteed that
every human who ever lived on this planet will
likewise rise from the dead."

1) that's a lie without backing
2)the way Christians bash Mormons for believing he visited them in the Americas is proof Christians don't believe this is possible themselves=epic fail!
3)You have Christian mortuaries, grave yards, life insurance, that say you are wrong and prove you are wrong.
Furthermore using your logic a dog named Dosha rose from the dead a few years ago, so you should be wearing a replica fire hydride around your neck, eating dog biscuit communnions, and howling at full moons.
The difference is Dosha is in the name of the temple
(MikDosh) as required in the prerequisite for secreting Moshiach while Jesus is not. Dosha>Jesus.

Your second answer proved my point so I stoped there.
'God' and belief are such purely personal matters, what are you achieving by trying to prove the impossible?
faun said:"There is nothing but boneheaded conjecture to
match Jesus as Lucifer"

Well you shouldn't use the word bonehead when you make such a mistaken statement, it just makes you look worse and silly. *L*
Reason being is nobody but Jesus can be deemed Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 because he's the only prophet deemed perfect and none called christ (anointed)nazarene(cherub)
add to the fact it says he falls to the pit by the hands of the seas (rome) for claiming to be a god and we have a winner. Acts 2:27, 1 peter 3:19, and apostles creed Jesus falls to the pit aka perdition=son of perdition.
Where you throw Jesus under the bus and look silly is the fact this standard is Christian standards in validating and placing Jesus as messish, so when you denounce your standard as bonehead you instantly remove Jesus as Messiah and call all Christians boneheads and if Jesus isn't messiah then that makes him the imposter deceiver lucifer which he admited being in Rev 22:16.

What part of check mate don't uou people understand, you placed your own king into a corner so don't blame me for your suicide king move.

Value of letters in hashev ... 63

Value of letters in boneheaded ... 63

:ack-1: :ack-1: :ack-1:

Looks like I've stumbled upon the mystery behind this thread. :thup:
Once again trapped yourself and you threw Jesus under the bus just to get at someone , because you could not refute the post.
1) Because Jesus =74 and Lucifer=74
=throwing Jesus under the bus in making your ad hominom attack.
2) My name means return so everytime Jesus said he was gonna return you equate him as being such bonehead.
3) Yashu proper transliteration y=h sometimes the eew =v the messianics use of the name woukd make Jesus= with bonehead.
: ) No mystery here except Jesus himself said you'd be the fool for Christ.
Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?
Why did your god say he had a G0d?
Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?
Why could he not deliver on his promises?
Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?
Why does your god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?
Why does your god try to convert Jews away from YHWH if he is one in the same and why does he switch names and birthdates and eras to suit your stories?
Why would your god say he was the nemesis of the hebrew God (Rev 22;16) if they are the same?
Why would your god say he was Lucifer the one placed higher then G0d?
Why can't Priests/Pastors/Followers answer the most basic question:
Who is the historical christ you are calling Jesus? So simple yet 1 out of a hundred ever answer it.
why didn't you pay attention the last time those questions were answered?.....
SEE YOU ARE calling them suicidal. But we know these are lame excuses.
One can give themselves and not cause harm to ones friends in doing so. If one has power to save himself and friends and dies not then that power is bogus and claims insane.
1)you'd be claiming David Koresh and Jim Jones followers gave of themselves instead of being lead to death by a delusional and forbidden by the rules warned not to listen to. So not only did Jesus go down a cursed death for breaking the rules and warnings, but so too was his followers cursed along side him.
2) the martyred apostles is from the accounts of Theudas the ad christ figure in your trinity of christs making up the image Jesus. So is Theudas your Jesus then?
This is whrre you avoid telling us who your christ is- pkead the fifth like the rest.
3) God says Moshiach can't quit nor fail, love means providing what you claim you can not teasing people and giving nothing you claim uou can and will.
Lucifer is such a tease that way.

Delta, you just exposed a flaw in the xtian logic.
The Hebrew God is not a msn nor form and being in 2 lsyers of existance is still a form and a ghost and kingdom in heaven still has a form and place in snother time dimension therefore it can't be the same Teaching of God and furthermore they'd still exist with the same name and not change that name including the foolish JW and Adventist and some coptics who say Jesus is Michael. Michael must be Michael for prophecy to be true and not jim joe or jesus, Yhwh can't come as Jim Jones, David Koresh or Jesus.
Existing in 1 or 2 or several layers or another planet they all still keep their name and have a further process in creating them thus all have a creator thus can't be the most finite source and power in life.
If I'm wrong he can strike me dead before the next sentence.

Well looks like I was right, he has no power except that in the pen of men who wrote the stories and their little fishies that bought it hook line and sinker.
No, you are wrong.
Once again trapped yourself and you threw Jesus under the bus just to get at someone , because you could not refute the post.
1) Because Jesus =74 and Lucifer=74
=throwing Jesus under the bus in making your ad hominom attack.
2) My name means return so everytime Jesus said he was gonna return you equate him as being such bonehead.
3) Yashu proper transliteration y=h sometimes the eew =v the messianics use of the name woukd make Jesus= with bonehead.
: ) No mystery here except Jesus himself said you'd be the fool for Christ.
You are a liar.
As to how could Yeshua be Yeshua and God at the same time, isn't impossible in fact. Temporal Coexistence is a physics-reality in which 1 atom exists simulataneously in two locations. :)

Always wondered why churches had locks on their doors. Isn't the thief just damning himself stealing from a church anyway? :)

Churches should have food bags people can just walk in and take and even a couple bunks in case someone needs a place to crash in the middle of the night. Churches should never be closed.

We could do a lot better.

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