Can Democracy Hold a Dysfunctional America Together?

A republic can't survive a democracy- a democracy intentionally mis educates its citizens- SMH
Only immoral false witness bearers do that, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

What ya smokin boyo? BTW McCarthy has been proven to have been right.

The more plural a society becomes, the more everyone should become aware of their own interest in preserving everyone's privileges and immunities equally.

After all, most come to understand that what can be done to anyone can also befall them.

When there is a single dominant group that can domineer over the rest, you have a tyranny like the state of racial terrorism that characterized America during the evil 20th Century.

"public opinion erects itself into an Inquisition, and exercises it’s office with as much fanaticism as fans the flames of an Auto da fé" -- Thomas Jefferson
A republic can't survive a democracy- a democracy intentionally mis educates its citizens- SMH
Only immoral false witness bearers do that, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

What ya smokin boyo? BTW McCarthy has been proven to have been right.

He wasn't, That Right. And, his tactics were worse than the reality tv guy in the White House now.

However, all he really did was prove (free market) Capitalism is worthless and he needed Big Government nanny-Statism instead of free market Capitalism.
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A republic can't survive a democracy- a democracy intentionally mis educates its citizens- SMH
Only immoral false witness bearers do that, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

What ya smokin boyo? BTW McCarthy has been proven to have been right.

He wasn't, That Right. And, his tactics were worse than the reality tv guy in the White House now.

However, all he really did was prove (free market) Capitalism is worthless and he needed Big Government nanny-Statism instead of free market Capitalism.

Humans are dysfunctional by nature. Democracy is the only thing that is holding the world together.
Perhaps we get too hung up on labels....which confuses some.
Indeed- labeling people is confusing. A system of gov't, not so much.

To cut to the chase......and eliminate confusion.....America as we have known it is rapidly ceasing to exist....minorities are getting way too much power
Follow the money, see the agenda. And no, it doesn't lead to China.
The more plural a society becomes, the more everyone should become aware of their own interest in preserving everyone's privileges and immunities equally.

After all, most come to understand that what can be done to anyone can also befall them.
He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself- Thomas Paine

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, Endowed by his Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

That founding life philosophy has no caveats- words mean things, or they don't. If not, we may as well revert to grunting at each other for communicating- which many do- many creates a democracy, a republic offers representation of, for the ensuring of, liberty, thereby foiling a democracy formed by prejudicial and preferential, legal means; which is what laws restricting liberty do, especially in the arenas of commerce and trade-

Our PPE (piss poor education) system has so diminished an Individuals right(s) it borders on immoral, albeit, legally.
I said long ago that democracy is no longer going to work in America....the reason for that is quite simple we have become too diverse and we are getting more diverse every day.

......when you have self destructive cultures like the black culture, the nation will get fkd up ..then you have the Dem party embracing that culture = more fkd up
I said long ago that democracy is no longer going to work in America....the reason for that is quite simple we have become too diverse and we are getting more diverse every day.

In fact, we are becoming less diverse.

Currently, we have a pretty reasonable population profile -- for a nation that has become multicultural (whether one likes or not).

If we could freeze the percentages as they are, we might be able to stay a democratic country.

But populations are constantly increasing or decreasing.

Demographers tell us that Caucasian Americans are simply failing to have enough babies to maintain their current percentage of the population.

So by the end of this century, this country will be mainly populated by two certain non-Caucasian groups.

Voila! LESS diversity! And -- in my humble opinion -- less of a chance that this country will remain a democracy.
when you have self destructive cultures like the black culture, the nation will get fkd up ..then you have the Dem party embracing that culture = more fkd up
When you act superior the example you set is to act- be the change you want to see- when you have a culture of pretentious, like you act, guess what will be emulated?
The more plural a society becomes, the more everyone should become aware of their own interest in preserving everyone's privileges and immunities equally.

After all, most come to understand that what can be done to anyone can also befall them.
He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself- Thomas Paine

Good to see that we agree on that
The more plural a society becomes, the more everyone should become aware of their own interest in preserving everyone's privileges and immunities equally.

After all, most come to understand that what can be done to anyone can also befall them.
He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates his duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself- Thomas Paine

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, Endowed by his Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

That founding life philosophy has no caveats- words mean things, or they don't. If not, we may as well revert to grunting at each other for communicating- which many do- many creates a democracy, a republic offers representation of, for the ensuring of, liberty, thereby foiling a democracy formed by prejudicial and preferential, legal means; which is what laws restricting liberty do, especially in the arenas of commerce and trade-

Our PPE (piss poor education) system has so diminished an Individuals right(s) it borders on immoral, albeit, legally.

That was written by a man who had over 200 slaves and never freed any of them.

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The equality of equal protection of the laws is actually in our federal and State Constitutions.

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