Can Democrats Win .. Without Cheating?

Yes they can.

By telling blacks nothing is their fault, they are oppressed, they deserve everything just for being black, whiteys slavery ruined their lives, promising to give them stuff and so on.

By telling young people they are amazing and wonderful and deserve 35 dollars an hour for menial jobs. By telling them conservatives want to destroy them and destroy the environment. By telling them they are the future and that they are the smartest people ever.

By telling the 30 something well to do professionals and semi well to do professionals that never had to actually work a real job and instead work jobs where most of their time is spent on zoom meetings that they are going to make a difference and that America can change to fit their unrealistic ideas.

They will run around talking about taxing the rich so everyone with less will think "yeah the rich suck. Tax them!"

Everytime something goes wrong that's their fault they will go on the news and blame conservatives and since conservatives have the minority voice on the msm it will look like it's true.

They will cause problems and then spend all their time saying how they are going to fix the problems while not actually fixing anything but they will talk a lot and sound serious.

They can win without cheating, but it will all just be a bunch of jaw flapping and not because of actual real results of things they have done to actually be a benefit to America.

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