Trump will be President

"I'm a convicted felon, yes Sir indeed.
Running to be the President, of the United States of Me".
First, Trump blew off Covid as a "Democrat hoax". Then he continued to hold rallies and go golfing.

Then he waved his magic arms in the air and said Covid would just go away on his word.

But more importantly, he blew off contact tracing and testing. He thus allowed Covid to run rampant and unimpeded at the beginning of the pandemic when that is the most critical period to begin tracing and testing.

Here is what the stable genius said. These are the colossal dumb fuck's actual words: “When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

But that's only the SECOND dumbest thing any America president has ever said.

Here is the stupidest, most retarded thing ever said by any America president in our entire history:

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

So...yeah. One million dead are on his hands. The most advanced nation that ever existed had the highest number of deaths. Because we had a complete do-nothing dumbshit fucking moron at the helm.
The BLM riots SPONSORED AND PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATS were the biggest super spreader of all.
Correct, most can't "SEE" this fake TDS you accuse others of, but...... I can clearly see your "Devotion" to the Life-Long Con Man.

Quotes from you like this >>>>> You are embarrassing to humanity
really don't help your case.
See how full of shit these leftards are? ^^^

Completely devoid of principle, still trying to make the whole thing about one man.

Leftards are fucking INSANE. The TDS has become very, very dangerous.

Democrats have completely lost sight of what matters.
The government MAY NOT suppress political speech.

Doing so is explicitly unconstitutional.

It's time for righties to decide if they want our Constitution or not.

If the answer is yes, it's time to engage.

I told this forum from day one when I got here, that at some point each and every one of us would have to put our personal butts on the line.

That includes everything you own, including your reputation.

Seems to me the time has come.

If not now, when?

We just witnessed a blatantly unconstitutional proceeding against a former president, unprecedented in all of American history.

It is abundantly clear the leftards don't like our Constitution and refuse to abide by it.

Righties, it's your choice.

Tell you what - if you don't act NOW you're going to end up like the Jews in Germany. They're going to make you wear little yellow stars in public.

Trump said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. He also said he was justified.

BTW, he's barred from 37 countries because he's a convicted felon.

Now for a more accurate prediction.

Now, that's a laugh.

You've been accurate about....never.

Trump's fundraising is up and his poll numbers are climbing.

Soon this becomes a "Big Brother" discussion and then you really lose.

Don't forget: They called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and kept him in jail for 27 years.

Nobody thinks all that highly of the S.A. government for doing so.

Good luck.

See you in November. Loser.
Trump said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. He also said he was justified.

BTW, he's barred from 37 countries because he's a convicted felon.

Trump said this....

Trump said that.....

Blah blah blah blah blah blah........

Who cares about the 37 countries ? We need to take care of business here.

You need to worry about the girl sniiffing, Stuttering Incontinent Celery Stalk you are going to run.

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