Trump will be President

1 and 3 are absolutes
I would go with 6 and 7 as well.

I‘m worried about the devil judge. Could he sentence Trump to his house just days before the RNC, or would he realize that such nasty vindictiveness will backfire even more? (Dems are slow to learn.)
No, you don't. Just another leftist loon suffering from severe TDS

You're so stupid, you don't even realize what makes someone a leftist.

Here's you a few example:

Banning bump stocks
Spending $8 trillion in just 4 years, funding things like gender studies in Pakistan.
Trying to give blacks $500 Billion (with a B) just for being black.
signing 12 cr's.
Only vetoing 1 spending bill in 4 years.

^^Trump did ALL of those things.

Now before you start calling someone a lefty, you might want to figure out what a lefty is.

BTW, someone with TDS, just makes up BS about Trump. Things like calling him a racist. Or saying all those 1/6 protesters stormed the capital on Trump orders. You know, lying leftist BS.
I would go with 6 and 7 as well.

I‘m worried about the devil judge. Could he sentence Trump to his house just days before the RNC, or would he realize that such nasty vindictiveness will backfire even more? (Dems are slow to learn.)

Yeah 6 and 7 too.
Actually, he won't be.

Now for a more accurate prediction.

Not only Trump, but his entire family will be in the crosshairs. There will be no peace, nor will there be no quarter, for any of them.

This goes double for the entire MAGA criminal cabal.

When those election results come in. I would suggest you have your travel plans in order.
The Fascist speaks.

Whenever you feel skippy
I've considered it a tossup for months, and will continue to do so. I think it's best to just sit back and watch the election returns to find out who wins.
And, speaking of "toss", the prospect of either of these two as President provokes an urge to vomit.
And, speaking of "toss", the prospect of either of these two as President provokes an urge to vomit.
Why? The country - and world - was doing well under Trump.

  • No new wars
  • Record low unemployment for blacks and 50-year low for all
  • Inflation of about 2%
  • real wage growth for the first time in decsdes
  • energy surplus
  • well-contained southern border
  • progress toward Middle East peace via Abraham accords
  • Iran was broke so they couldn’t fund Islamic terrorist attacks
  • Jews weren’t being vilified, with calls to genocide them

And finally, nobody but Trump could withstand the Democrats‘ evil being thrown at the Republican candidate.
Except that Trump was tongue-in-cheek and only wanted to be dictator for a day to close the border and lift Biden's restrictions on the oil industry. After that he wouldn't be a dictator. Biden or whoever is controlling the puppet strings has been a dictator since Day 1 and the country is in a huge mess because of it.
That's a load of horseshit! What has Biden done that has anything to do with being a dictator?

Trump, on the other hand, admires dictators. Putin, Kim Jong Un, Orebregon, all people Trump has praised.

Yrump has also stated he wants to consolidate the DOJ, the State Department and Homeland Security all under the executive branch to exert more control over those government entities.

Trump has spoken repeatedly at length about going after his enemies, if elected. "I am your retribution!", is what has said many times.

So, when he "say's" he just wants to be dictator for one day, he is lying.

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