Zone1 Can fornication be considered a serious sin today?


VIP Member
Oct 26, 2014
In fact, when religious dogmas were laid down, sex before marriage could lead to unwanted pregnancy and even abortion, and could also contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Now, with modern contraceptives, this can be practically eliminated. In addition, modern doctors say that sex is good for health. Modern Western society has experienced several sexual revolutions, so now society generally accepts several models of sexual behavior:
1. Promiscuous sex with different partners.
2. Short-term relationships with sexual partners.
3. Long-term relationship with one partner, but without official marriage (there is no clear boundary between clauses 2 and 3).
4. Living with a partner with legal marriage.
5. Singles, singles, life without a sexual partner at all.
(Only heterosexual relationships with adult partners are taken into account here.)
In modern society, paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 is usually practiced in youth before marriage, then paragraph 4 usually follows. Should the Church condemn this way of life?
Would you want your daughter or your grandchildren in one of those marriages? Would you like your son to be tearing up his marriage, his family, his children everytime he turns around when he decides it is his right to destroy his marriage whenever he gets the itch.
In fact, when religious dogmas were laid down, sex before marriage could lead to unwanted pregnancy and even abortion, and could also contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Now, with modern contraceptives, this can be practically eliminated. In addition, modern doctors say that sex is good for health. Modern Western society has experienced several sexual revolutions, so now society generally accepts several models of sexual behavior:
1. Promiscuous sex with different partners.
2. Short-term relationships with sexual partners.
3. Long-term relationship with one partner, but without official marriage (there is no clear boundary between clauses 2 and 3).
4. Living with a partner with legal marriage.
5. Singles, singles, life without a sexual partner at all.
(Only heterosexual relationships with adult partners are taken into account here.)
In modern society, paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 is usually practiced in youth before marriage, then paragraph 4 usually follows. Should the Church condemn this way of life?
The secular view of sex is that it is just another bodily function, like going to the bathroom. It's nothing special really. Once you get the urge, you just act on that urge, assuming you have a willing participant.

When it is over, you want no "baggage", such as emotional bonds, children, or STD's, etc. Essentially, you are just using each other for your own selfish urges and desires.

From a religious perspective, sex is a gift from God that joins to people in love, further bonding their affection together as they produced offspring which further cements the bond between the two for life. It is a lifelong commitment where you build a history together alongside of a loving family. You would lay down your life for your family if need be and serve them however you need to do so in order to see to their safety and happiness. However, this is foreign and rejected by secular society who prefers to depend on government instead.
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In fact, when religious dogmas were laid down, sex before marriage could lead to unwanted pregnancy and even abortion, and could also contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Now, with modern contraceptives, this can be practically eliminated. In addition, modern doctors say that sex is good for health. Modern Western society has experienced several sexual revolutions, so now society generally accepts several models of sexual behavior:
1. Promiscuous sex with different partners.
2. Short-term relationships with sexual partners.
3. Long-term relationship with one partner, but without official marriage (there is no clear boundary between clauses 2 and 3).
4. Living with a partner with legal marriage.
5. Singles, singles, life without a sexual partner at all.
(Only heterosexual relationships with adult partners are taken into account here.)
In modern society, paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 is usually practiced in youth before marriage, then paragraph 4 usually follows. Should the Church condemn this way of life?
Marriage was invented because human society required agriculture and agriculture required a dedicated work force.

Until the development of reliable contraception, women were forced to marry immediately after puberty. It was contraception that allowed the age of majority to be pushed out to 18-21.

When religious dogma were lain down, abortion was not medically possible. STDs in some form are noted in numereous ancient texts though some varieties do not seem to have appeared till medieval times.
Marriage was invented because human society required agriculture and agriculture required a dedicated work force.

Until the development of reliable contraception, women were forced to marry immediately after puberty. It was contraception that allowed the age of majority to be pushed out to 18-21.

When religious dogma were lain down, abortion was not medically possible. STDs in some form are noted in numereous ancient texts though some varieties do not seem to have appeared till medieval times.
In ancient times, marriage helped protect women who had no power within society other than their marriage.

Without a husband, they literally had nothing and no future.

Only those societies that promoted marriage helped protect women back then.

And if the truth be known, much of the world is still like this.
Homo sapiens are NOT monogamous ... religion imposes this on us ... and it is quite UNnatural ... a guy wants to fuck anything that will spread their legs, and let the girl deal with the baby all alone ... like the all other beasts of the fields ... the dog-fox leaves the vixen "high-and-dry" ... she alone raises the kits ...

Monogamy is rare in the natural world, almost exclusively confined the the more evolved bird class ... and here it's generally used to conserve resources ... whatever elaborate courtship behaviors is performed just once in an individuals lifetime ... as they mate-for-life ... the pair meet up every year, procreate, and fly off ... saves the time and trouble so that more baby chicks survive ... our measure of evolutionary success ...

Sex is good ... God wants us to have sex with our spouses ... read Song of Solomon ... a whole book of the Bible about erotic pleasures ... one man one woman lots of kids, and we raise the kids together ...

"And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." -- Matthew 19:9

Clear enough for me ... TV is lying to us ...
Homo sapiens are NOT monogamous ... religion imposes this on us ... and it is quite UNnatural ... a guy wants to fuck anything that will spread their legs, and let the girl deal with the baby all alone ... like the all other beasts of the fields ... the dog-fox leaves the vixen "high-and-dry" ... she alone raises the kits ...

Monogamy is rare in the natural world, almost exclusively confined the the more evolved bird class ... and here it's generally used to conserve resources ... whatever elaborate courtship behaviors is performed just once in an individuals lifetime ... as they mate-for-life ... the pair meet up every year, procreate, and fly off ... saves the time and trouble so that more baby chicks survive ... our measure of evolutionary success ...

Sex is good ... God wants us to have sex with our spouses ... read Song of Solomon ... a whole book of the Bible about erotic pleasures ... one man one woman lots of kids, and we raise the kids together ...

"And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." -- Matthew 19:9

Clear enough for me ... TV is lying to us ...
Are you saying that you think humans should be monogamous or that we should not?

BtW, I think humans are actually serially monogamous.
Here we are not talking about the need for marriage, but about whether it is considered a sin that young people usually have several other sexual partners before getting married?
Here we are not talking about the need for marriage, but about whether it is considered a sin that young people usually have several other sexual partners before getting married?
Isn't such religious dogma outdated from the point of view of modern Western society?
Now the Church even seems to sanctify same-sex marriages?
In my humble opinion, it depends on the person, environment/culture, the person was brought up in, etc.

If "fornication" is a societal "norm" and all that person sees, hears, is given, as a standard, throughout that person's life, is that it is "normal" - how can that person be judged?

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