Can Hillary be stopped?

No Democrat can be stopped. Obama has been proving that for the last six years.
Any of them can be stopped if voters stop the party politics BS that's sent this country down to the abyss of ruin. As long as voters continue to vote along party lines, and elect and re-elect professional politicians to run this country, we, the citizenry will be the only thing stopped. We'll be stopped from having a job, stopped from being self-supporting members of society, and stopped from our Constitutional rights to privacy and freedom. Look at what's happened over the past 50 plus years. Then, ask yourself what went wrong, and how did it all happen.

What has any of them done for this once great nation and her citizens? Exactly what have we gained in the past 50 plus years? Are we more prosperous, do we have more opportunities, are we united and a economic super power, and do we have the respect that we once enjoyed from around the world? Can we still brag about America being the land of opportunity and freedom? Can we openly display our flag anywhere we choose? Do we now have to be politically correct in our speech and actions?

Sometimes reality is a hard pill to swallow, but unless we open our eyes and see that reality, we'll continue to peddle backwards and lose what little of this country we still have. Instead of honoring the sacrifices made to make this nation what it once was, we've played politics and the political game, and as a result, we've made a mockery of every drop of blood lost to give us freedom, justice, and hope for the future. We've played into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction, and continue to support them, aid and abet them, until we've reach the point where we are today.

Our leaders have put future generations of Americans in deep debt, turned our allies into enemies, sent our young men and women of the armed forces to fight and die in nonsense politically based wars, and have sold us out to foreign economies. We risk going to prison if we say something that offends the establishment, there's talk of disarming the general public, our police are dressed as soldiers on the battle field, our schools have banned prayer, and we service non-Americans and illegal immigrants more than we service our own. As we look at those entrusted with our well-being and safety, we see greed, self-service, corruption, favoritism, and passage of anti-America legislation and policies.

Yes, voters have swallowed hook, line, and sinker, every single word spewed from the mouths of professional politicians, voted them into office, and have trusted that they would act in our best interest, only to discover their true intent and purpose for wanting to hold public office. Politics, as we know it to be, is the biggest scam ever run on the American public. Yet, voters seem blind to it, and continue to aid and abet the power mongers and their agendas. We, the American public, have lost the battle but not the war. There's still time to rebuild this nation, but time is rapidly running out. We have to unite and elect pro-America representative to run this country, and stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to sit in Washington. We, all of us, need to shout this message loud and long, until we reach enough ears and minds, else the war will be lost. Division plays into the hands of those doing us harm. Their worst enemy is a united citizenry, therefore we must unite and stop the "Taxation Without Fair, Equal, And Just Representation".
Jarrett and Obama are out for Hillary's head. They're the ones drumming up all the rumours according to a host of insiders.

They are viciously attempting to block Hillary from becoming President.

Jarrett is said to have helped Lewinsky get her speaking engagements and Jarret is also said to have been in contact with O'Malley and this is why you see his potential candidacy emerge at the same time as email gate.

God help us all if we allow Jarret to be in control for another eight years. I am no fan of Hillary, but Jarret is pure progressive mother trucking evil.
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No Democrat can be stopped. Obama has been proving that for the last six years.

The Democrat party is the cradle of power, there is no doubt about that.
The cradle of power is the American people, but they don't use it. Instead, they willingly hand their power over to the damn crooks that sit in Washington. Politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, WE allow them to sit in Washington. Basically, every election cycle, we forfeit the power, giving up the voice of the people in all matters for the next four years. The Constitution says the power is held by the people. But, in today's America, the people have handed over all power to the government.

Party politics is a scam on the American people, but the majority of the people are blind to it. Party politics is just another means of keeping the general public divided, due to the fact that politicians fear a united citizenry. It's amazing to listen to, and hear so many supposedly intelligent people argue over which party is better and truly represents the American people. To hear them tell it, all of our socioeconomic woes are the fault of one political party or the other, never realizing that it's the entire "Washington Brotherhood" working against John Q. Public.

Over the past 50 plus years, America has declined, and has done so under the leadership of both Republicans and Democrats, through many administrations. Our problems didn't just start yesterday, nor last year, but has been a work in progress basically since the end of WWII when we decided to rebuild Japan's economy. Neither party can wash its hands of the mess we're in today, it's been a collective effort by both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Taking the side of either party is music to the hears of professional politicians, they love to listen to us argue over which party is the best. After all, as I have mentioned already, their power comes from a divided citizenry.

Which party was responsible for "ALL" of our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies? Which party was responsible for the failed senseless deadly costly wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party is responsible for the illegal immigration fiasco? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for our old rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for creating a poor and dependent society living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Which party is responsible for corporate greed which allows off-shore out-sources our jobs and imports labor, putting America out of work? Which party is responsible for taxpayers' hard earned dollars leaving this country and going to foreign governments at a high rate of speed? Which party is responsible for lose of privacy and freedom? Which party is responsible for government corruption and the selling of votes on the floors of Congress? Which party is responsible for excessive military spending and no-bid government contracts? Which party is responsible costly subsidies paid to big oil and rich farmers?

The list of American problems could fill many pages, as everyone already knows. And, the roots to many of those problems can be traced back through many decades. So, which party is pro-America, stands for equal, fair, and just representation of the American people? Which party stands for fair and equal taxation, and actually fights to protect our rights and freedom? Which party puts America first, above all else, and is determined to make and keep America strong, secure, and the land of equal opportunity for ALL? Which party is determined to protect the Constitution, and allow it to serve all Americans equally? Which party stand with and for every American citizen, and promotes not only a self-supporting nation, but also a self-supporting citizenry?

Think about the above mentioned items before you argue which political party is pro-America, and represents "THE PEOPLE".

Not from the right. Not unless you can drum up a sane individual. A man with a plan. You don't have that right now. Any debate that she has she can nail her opponent. Solidly. Right now all of the drama that is being kicked out does nothing but provide guffaws for people that were not going to vote for her anyway. Once you start really looking at her stances then you find that she is right wing.

You don't have anyone in the Democratic Party that has a solid chance either.

I'm not a Hillary fan.

What nobody sees coming is Bernie Sanders. That's why the GOP is trying to play nicey-nice with the working class right now.

There are more insults to the intelligence of Americans contained in this post than any I have read ever...on this board.

Look out for Bernie Sanders?...Good God.

Is there? It's only fun and games until someone loses an eye.

The Democrats are referred to as Republican-lite for a reason. So far the right wing has been able to pull the Democrats further right(like they fought it) but if Sanders enters than the Democrats will be pulled to the left. He is also the only one with the ability to debate Hillary Clinton and win.
If Hillary runs, she will likely win.
Her supporters will vote for her no matter what. Anyone doubting that should remember that the left still support Obama. If that is possible, then voting for Hillary will be completely automatic.
The only way she will not win is of some truly HUGE violation or act she has committed; and she knows this as evident with her "email statement" that was dripping with condescension and deliberate obtuse remarks.
If they go after the emails then someone is going to break out the email issues with Bush and then we can spend the next year listening to a bunch of finger pointing in the media.

Looks like she's gonna stop herself.

She has already made some surprising mistakes, just as she did in 2008. In 2008 her campaign had some serious momentum going when she inexplicably decided to tell a false story about being under gunfire when she got off a plane in Bosnia. Did she not know that her arrival in Bosnia had been captured in multiple, video-taped news reports and that it would be very easy to go back and check that footage?

A couple of Clinton's senior campaign staffers later voiced the view that Hillary was her own worst enemy and that they spent a good deal of time doing damage control after her mistakes.

All that said, I think it's quite possible that we would be substantially better off today if Hillary had won in 2008.

I will be very interested to see how the far left and their numerous media allies challenge Hillary in the Dem primary. In 2008 a real difference emerged between Team Hillary and Team Obama as it became clear that Hillary was to the right of Obama. Remember that in 2008 Hillary challenged Obama on his association with his radical racist pastor Jeremiah Wright, that she disagreed with him on raising the capital gains tax, that more recently she has criticized his foreign policy (and then issued the obligatory, PR-necessitated walk-back). Remember, too, that Hillary and her senior supporters were privately furious over Team Obama's attacks on Bill Clinton; they felt, and rightly so, that Obama's people were purposely distorting some of Bill Clinton's comments in order to turn racially sensitive voters against the Clinton campaign.
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Even her own party has a problem with her.

I think one key indicator could be whom Hillary picks as her VP, assuming she gets the nomination. She may feel she has no choice but to pick a VP acceptable to the far left. So her VP pick may not indicate her intentions. But if she picks a more mainstream Democrat in the Joe Lieberman/Evan Bayh mode, that could be--not necessarily will be, but could be--a hopeful sign that she will govern much like her husband did.

If Hillary wins the Dem nomination, this will be the first election since 2000 where I don't dread the prospect of another Democratic presidency. I certainly won't vote for her, but I think there is reason to hope that she would govern as a centrist as president.
If they go after the emails then someone is going to break out the email issues with Bush and then we can spend the next year listening to a bunch of finger pointing in the media.


The Democrats have a huge problem on their hands. That bitch Jarrett has decided that Hillary shouldn't become President.And she's started a vicious campaign against her.

REVEALED: Top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett 'was behind Hillary Clinton email scandal leak'
  • A new report claims that Valerie Jarrett, one of President Barack Obama's top advisers, leaked the Hillary Clinton email scandal to the press
  • What's more, the leak was reportedly planned to hit at the same time Clinton planned to announce her run for presidency
  • The New York Post claims that Jarrett was angry that the Clintons had been working to 'marginalize' President Obama
  • Jarrett reportedly blamed the Clintons for the fact that members of the party refused to campaign with Obama during the midterm elections
  • There are reportedly six more probes going on investigating Clinton and more leaks are expected
  • President Obama reportedly told Clinton in a meeting with Jarrett and the First Lady that he would not support her in the presidential primary
Top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett reported to have leaked Hillary Clinton email scandal to press just as she was to announce her candidacy for president and more leaks are planned Daily Mail Online
she does have one big ASSet


still likes his whores eh???

A 16-year old girl has presented a paternity action lawsuit this morning, before an Arkansas state court, alleging that the former president of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, is her biological father.



mover over Cosby the pro is here :asshole:
If they go after the emails then someone is going to break out the email issues with Bush and then we can spend the next year listening to a bunch of finger pointing in the media.


The Democrats have a huge problem on their hands. That bitch Jarrett has decided that Hillary shouldn't become President.And she's started a vicious campaign against her.

REVEALED: Top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett 'was behind Hillary Clinton email scandal leak'
  • A new report claims that Valerie Jarrett, one of President Barack Obama's top advisers, leaked the Hillary Clinton email scandal to the press
  • What's more, the leak was reportedly planned to hit at the same time Clinton planned to announce her run for presidency
  • The New York Post claims that Jarrett was angry that the Clintons had been working to 'marginalize' President Obama
  • Jarrett reportedly blamed the Clintons for the fact that members of the party refused to campaign with Obama during the midterm elections
  • There are reportedly six more probes going on investigating Clinton and more leaks are expected
  • President Obama reportedly told Clinton in a meeting with Jarrett and the First Lady that he would not support her in the presidential primary
Top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett reported to have leaked Hillary Clinton email scandal to press just as she was to announce her candidacy for president and more leaks are planned Daily Mail Online

White House Millions of e-mails may be missing -

She has some six investigations?

What if that is not feared but ............invited? Maybe welcomed is the better word. Maybe orchestrated is the better word.

Do you see any potential Democratic candidates that have a snowball chance in hell? Why gift the republicans the WH?
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