Can Hillary be stopped?

Yes she Can!
Looks like she's gonna stop herself.

She has already made some surprising mistakes, just as she did in 2008. In 2008 her campaign had some serious momentum going when she inexplicably decided to tell a false story about being under gunfire when she got off a plane in Bosnia. Did she not know that her arrival in Bosnia had been captured in multiple, video-taped news reports and that it would be very easy to go back and check that footage?

A couple of Clinton's senior campaign staffers later voiced the view that Hillary was her own worst enemy and that they spent a good deal of time doing damage control after her mistakes.

All that said, I think it's quite possible that we would be substantially better off today if Hillary had won in 2008.

I will be very interested to see how the far left and their numerous media allies challenge Hillary in the Dem primary. In 2008 a real difference emerged between Team Hillary and Team Obama as it became clear that Hillary was to the right of Obama. Remember that in 2008 Hillary challenged Obama on his association with his radical racist pastor Jeremiah Wright, that she disagreed with him on raising the capital gains tax, that more recently she has criticized his foreign policy (and then issued the obligatory, PR-necessitated walk-back). Remember, too, that Hillary and her senior supporters were privately furious over Team Obama's attacks on Bill Clinton; they felt, and rightly so, that Obama's people were purposely distorting some of Bill Clinton's comments in order to turn racially sensitive voters against the Clinton campaign.

I don't think so. The way that the media glorifies the Dims and bashes the Repubes makes it a sure thing.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP is so incompetent it couldn't find a clown who could beat her.

That's why Obama won. Twice.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP is so incompetent it couldn't find a clown who could beat her.

That's why Obama won. Twice.

obama won twice because of his skin color, a biased media, and conservatives who refused to vote.

McCain/Palin was a crappy ticket, Romney ran a bad campaign. But Romney would have been a very good president.
The fact that Hillary, despite her baggage, which includes Bill is still the frontrunner with Dems says it all. They have nothing.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP is so incompetent it couldn't find a clown who could beat her.

That's why Obama won. Twice.

It was more than that.
Yes. Dems voted Obama into office on the promise of Hope And Change. Then after he started his program of Divide and Destroy America it was too late to turn back and then he was elected a second time as a defiant act against reasonable people and a surrender to Evilness. History will prove my charges.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP is so incompetent it couldn't find a clown who could beat her.

That's why Obama won. Twice.

It was more than that.
Yes. Dems voted Obama into office on the promise of Hope And Change. Then after he started his program of Divide and Destroy America it was too late to turn back and then he was elected a second time as a defiant act against reasonable people and a surrender to Evilness. History will prove my charges.



If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP is so incompetent it couldn't find a clown who could beat her.

That's why Obama won. Twice.

It was more than that.
Yes. Dems voted Obama into office on the promise of Hope And Change. Then after he started his program of Divide and Destroy America it was too late to turn back and then he was elected a second time as a defiant act against reasonable people and a surrender to Evilness. History will prove my charges.



If I'm proved wrong I will be the first to admit it.
The only thing that will stop Republicans from winning in 2016 is if SCUM in the Liberturdian camp start with their BULLSHIT "They're all the same" crap again.

Which is why I hate and despise Liberturdians.

Liberturdian scum are who is responsible for the fucking mess we have in Politics today, not dimocrap scum.

Liberturdian filth are who promoted and supported the IDIOT Ross Perogi and we got Bill the rapist Clinton because of it.

Liberturdian scum are who's behind the current belittling and negativity toward Republicans in Congress.

People, I'm telling you right now -- We would never lose the Presidency if it weren't for Liberturdian scumbags bitching and complaining about how "They're all the same" at every opportunity.

Conservatives don't like politicians in the first place.... Not even our own.

So if Liberturdian scum can convince a significant percentage of them that they really are "All the same" they're gonna stay home...

Which is what happened in 2012.

Liberturdians are the only thing that can stop us. Don't listen to them. Ever.

They infested and destroyed the Tea Party. Don't listen to them.

Any group of people whose Foreign Policy more closely resembles Code Pink's or the scum of the earth dimocraps can't possibly be on our side.

They're not. Believe it. They're castoffs from the dimocrap scum party. Old hippies that need to take a shower once in a while.

There IS a difference. Anybody that tries to tell you there isn't is a lying scumbag.

I heard someone call Hillary Nixon in a pant suit

I almost pissed my pants laughing
Of course but only by direct actions! If they don't want to see Hillary "running" they should find something more serious than e-mails, or they should make this scandal international.
The only thing that will stop Republicans from winning in 2016 is if SCUM in the Liberturdian camp start with their BULLSHIT "They're all the same" crap again.

Which is why I hate and despise Liberturdians.

Liberturdian scum are who is responsible for the fucking mess we have in Politics today, not dimocrap scum.

Liberturdian filth are who promoted and supported the IDIOT Ross Perogi and we got Bill the rapist Clinton because of it.

Liberturdian scum are who's behind the current belittling and negativity toward Republicans in Congress.

People, I'm telling you right now -- We would never lose the Presidency if it weren't for Liberturdian scumbags bitching and complaining about how "They're all the same" at every opportunity.

Conservatives don't like politicians in the first place.... Not even our own.

So if Liberturdian scum can convince a significant percentage of them that they really are "All the same" they're gonna stay home...

Which is what happened in 2012.

Liberturdians are the only thing that can stop us. Don't listen to them. Ever.

They infested and destroyed the Tea Party. Don't listen to them.

Any group of people whose Foreign Policy more closely resembles Code Pink's or the scum of the earth dimocraps can't possibly be on our side.

They're not. Believe it. They're castoffs from the dimocrap scum party. Old hippies that need to take a shower once in a while.

There IS a difference. Anybody that tries to tell you there isn't is a lying scumbag.

You win a seegar! :beer:

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