Can Homophobia Be Cured?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013

Homophobia is a psychological disorder characterized by an unnatural fear, dislike, or aversion to homosexuals.

It does not occur spontaneously, but is instead either instilled by parental influence or spread by contact with other active sufferers.

Homophobia outbreaks are usually triggered by the repressed homosexual longings of an individual near the middle of the continuum of sexual orientation (the Kinsey Scale). These primary cases often lead to the secondary infection of those around them as the victims use compensating behaviors to mask their own insecurities (such as quoting obscure scriptural verses they interpret to prohibit homosexual acts and generally demonizing gays and lesbians).

Although its prevalence has been in decline for years, more than a third of the population is still believed to suffer from the disorder to some measurable degree.

Learn more by clicking on the headings to the left!

Follow the link and cure yourself!
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Repressed feelings of same-sex attraction

Human sexuality is not binary. It is a fluid continuum all the way from completely-homosexual to completely-heterosexual.

Many individuals in the middle of the spectrum experience some degree of same-sex longing and attraction, but the majority are constrained from acting on these feelings due to the social consequences they believe would accompany a perception that they are anything other than completely-straight.

This ongoing conflict makes these individuals highly prone to suffer from homophobia and to engage in homophobic compensating behaviors in order to mask their true feelings.

Sigmund Freud called these compensating behaviors "reaction formation" and recent studies have confirmed his long-standing theory.

People tend to dislike that which they secretly want, but feel that they shouldn’t have.


Homophobia is a psychological disorder characterized by an unnatural fear, dislike, or aversion to homosexuals.

It does not occur spontaneously, but is instead either instilled by parental influence or spread by contact with other active sufferers.

Homophobia outbreaks are usually triggered by the repressed homosexual longings of an individual near the middle of the continuum of sexual orientation (the Kinsey Scale). These primary cases often lead to the secondary infection of those around them as the victims use compensating behaviors to mask their own insecurities (such as quoting obscure scriptural verses they interpret to prohibit homosexual acts and generally demonizing gays and lesbians).

Although its prevalence has been in decline for years, more than a third of the population is still believed to suffer from the disorder to some measurable degree.

Learn more by clicking on the headings to the left!
Follow the link and cure yourself!

I guess that means you think there is a cure for homosexuality, which makes you an idiot.

Homophobia is a psychological disorder characterized by an unnatural fear, dislike, or aversion to homosexuals.

It does not occur spontaneously, but is instead either instilled by parental influence or spread by contact with other active sufferers.

Homophobia outbreaks are usually triggered by the repressed homosexual longings of an individual near the middle of the continuum of sexual orientation (the Kinsey Scale). These primary cases often lead to the secondary infection of those around them as the victims use compensating behaviors to mask their own insecurities (such as quoting obscure scriptural verses they interpret to prohibit homosexual acts and generally demonizing gays and lesbians).

Although its prevalence has been in decline for years, more than a third of the population is still believed to suffer from the disorder to some measurable degree.

Learn more by clicking on the headings to the left!
Follow the link and cure yourself!

I guess that means you think there is a cure for homosexuality, which makes you an idiot.

Not a comparison sweetie.
Is this all the confidence you have in yourself?

You're truly a lost and wandering soul.

Several of my best friends, three of my cousins, and possibly (yes possibly) my own daughter is gay.

None of them act as flagrantly stupid as you. Howey, you shame the Gay community.

I suggest you mind your own business. Enjoy your cock in your lover's ass.

It's not Front Page News.

Not to me or any other of my Conservative bretheren.

Keep yourself... just don't think yourself as Front Page News.

That's how we all behave in society. Well, normally anyway.

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Howey is gay. There, you're out of the closet.

Now get on with the rest of your life, if there is one.

My interaction with the Gay Community has been nothing but a stellar experience.

My experience with you, however, has been nothing but dreadful.

You suck at being Gay. Literally.
Being that homophobia is the extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality or people that are homosexual yes it can be treated. Not sure if cureis the right word. Having been a sufferer of a phobia myself, yes you can over come it and move on.
"Homophobia" is a form of speech.

Last I checked we had Freedom of Speech in this good ol' U.S. of A.

Expression of opinion, however contrary, is something to be tolerated and not expectantly accepted.

As an example, if I were to say something like "fuck off you goddamn faggot", would you interpret that as a hate crime or simply an expression of opinion?
In 59 years, the number of times Mr. H. said "fuck off you goddamn faggot".


In 59 years, the number of times Mr. H. was told "fuck off you goddamn white heterosexual Conservative".


Get the fuck out, get over yourselves, and get a fucking life.
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.
Howey is gay. There, you're out of the closet.

Now get on with the rest of your life, if there is one.

My interaction with the Gay Community has been nothing but a stellar experience.

My experience with you, however, has been nothing but dreadful.

You suck at being Gay. Literally.

I am really tempted to introduce him to some of the in your face leather community that I have met, they would beat the crap out of him for using being gay as an insult. Why the fuck would someone who allegedly supports gay rights think that accusing people of being gay is a valid argument? I actually am beginning to think he is a sock trying to make gays look stupid.
A good friend of mine was walking his Great Dane. I happened upon them while driving through town.

I stopped and rolled down the window.

What did Mr. H. say?

a) Hey you mother fucking faggot! You are a cancer upon society! Get off my streets before I shoot you with my properly registered and concealed handgun!


b) "Wow, Stephen! I've seen pictures of her on your Facebook posts. I had no idea. Beautiful dog".

You... be... the... judge.
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you around children's parks?
Howey is gay. There, you're out of the closet.

Now get on with the rest of your life, if there is one.

My interaction with the Gay Community has been nothing but a stellar experience.

My experience with you, however, has been nothing but dreadful.

You suck at being Gay. Literally.

I am really tempted to introduce him to some of the in your face leather community that I have met, they would beat the crap out of him for using being gay as an insult. Why the fuck would someone who allegedly supports gay rights think that accusing people of being gay is a valid argument? I actually am beginning to think he is a sock trying to make gays look stupid.

I don't give a fuck about "socks" around here. It doesn't effect my fun.

But I agree- using your own persona as a weapon of hate is counter to that persona.
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you at pride parades?
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you peering in my bedroom windows?
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you looking at my junk?
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you at pride parades?

Why do you parade?

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