Can I say this yet? It's over. Trump is the nominee. There is no other option now for Republicans.

Who, of all offered by the two party dictatorship, truly looks 'presidential'?

Define 'Presidential'.

Sanders comes the closest to shrugging off a party mantle, and admittedly his policies fail to charm the American electorate.

Sanders is the future of American politics.

Third party! End the dualist hegemony!

The duopoly is no better than a monopolistic one party state.

Why do you like it? How is it real democracy?
On FOX a few minutes ago...Karl Rove just admitted that Trump could win big against Hillary because Hillary is not nimble.....holy mackerel...the worm turns!

Karl Rove --- ah yes, the old reliable denizen of "math you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better".

Whelp.... there was this one guy who ran for the nomination (criticized by some as a massive egotist), won most of the primaries, something like 8 of the last 10 and most by wide margins. But come the convention they spurned him and ran the establishment guy, who barely won two states.

So the first guy (Teddy Roosevelt) went off in a huff and ran as a third party. The end result of that was that TR came in second but siphoned off so many votes that Taft came in third, resulting in the Democrat (Wilson) running away with the electoral college vote despite getting less than 42% of the popular.

Interesting times.
With the rigged ballot access laws and matching funds qualifications that are designed to ensure a duopoly system, that would kill the GOP today.

Not so sure; in 1912 it was but a bump in the road. Once Wilson had his 8 years he was so despised that the 1920 RP candidate (Harding) barely had to campaign at all and won in what was then the biggest landslide ever, so they recovered with a vengeance.
“Does Hillary look Presidential?” Donald Trump, Yesterday. Speaking to what you have dubbed, his “idiots”.

You Trump haters have been consistently wrong about him from day one, and everyone else is still the idiots?


Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think which you excel in.
“Does Hillary look Presidential?” Donald Trump, Yesterday. Speaking to what you have dubbed, his “idiots”.

You are a bald face liar. I never mentioned Trump. It's people like YOU that are the idiots that vote for the way people look or what gender they are.

And then, this, again:

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Constant state of denial
To date 38% of the vote, 47% of the delegates, not something to be pounding ones chest and jumping up and down about. I think it is rather presumptuous to compare a spineless RINO with a narcissistic demigod that is no more conservative then that of Mitty. To some an overwhelming flood of support to others a realistic recipe for defeat.
Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think

Ummmmmmmmm..... I don't think a religious wacko in freaing Guyana can be a "Democrat", or any other political party.

Where's the connection? Blind mob mentality, that's where. Like for instance taking a religious wacko in freaking Guyana and assigning him a political party so you can score what you think are "points" on a message board. Mob mentality means inability to think for oneself. That fits Rumpbots to a T.

which you excel in.

The GOP has no choice. In many ways. Trump has the nomination, they lose the general. They deny him the nomination, way too many of the GOP simply stay home. We have just witnessed a political party commit suicide.

For an election cycle. The fundamental division within the party won't kill it quite yet.
Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think

Ummmmmmmmm..... I don't think a religious wacko in freaing Guyana can be a "Democrat", or any other political party.

Where's the connection? Blind mob mentality, that's where. Like for instance taking a religious wacko in freaking Guyana and assigning him a political party so you can score what you think are "points" on a message board. Mob mentality means inability to think for oneself. That fits Rumpbots to a T.

which you excel in.

Peoples Temple in San Francisco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Temple also distinguished itself from most cults with its overtly political message.[26] It participated in political processes and formed political alliances, not just for the sake of expediency, but also out of genuine political sympathies.[26] As the social direction of the Temple became more openly socialist, it depended more upon the political world.[26] Jones made it known that he was interested in politics and former press secretary to Mayor George Moscone Corey Buscher stated that Jones "made his followers available to support progressive Democratic candidates,"[27] though earlier Jones had also supported at least some local Mendocino County Republicans.[28] However, the Temple played a double game of working underground among progressive circles, assuming the political establishment consisted of "corrupt enemies", while working publicly in traditional channels to advance its own causes.

Buscher explained that, soon after the San Francisco office of the Temple opened, it "became common knowledge that if you were going to run for office in San Francisco, and your constituency included the black, the young or the poor, you'd better have Jones in your corner."[27] The Temple had 3,000 registered members, though it regularly drew 3,000 members to its San Francisco services alone, whether or not these were registered members.[29][30] Some more recent accounts state the effective membership numbered perhaps 8,000.[31] Of particular interest to politicians was the Temple's ability to produce 2,000 people for work or attendance in San Francisco with only six hours notice.

Buscher stated that Jones offered thousands of "foot soldiers" willing to walk precincts and get out the vote, which was "an offer no politician in his right mind could refuse."[27] Similarly, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos stated that "If you were having a rally for a presidential candidate, you needed to fill up the crowd, you could always get busloads from Jim Jones' church."[33] Agar Jaicks, who was chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco, referred to the Temple as "a ready-made volunteer workforce."
Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think

Ummmmmmmmm..... I don't think a religious wacko in freaing Guyana can be a "Democrat", or any other political party.

Where's the connection? Blind mob mentality, that's where. Like for instance taking a religious wacko in freaking Guyana and assigning him a political party so you can score what you think are "points" on a message board. Mob mentality means inability to think for oneself. That fits Rumpbots to a T.

which you excel in.

Peoples Temple in San Francisco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Temple also distinguished itself from most cults with its overtly political message.[26] It participated in political processes and formed political alliances, not just for the sake of expediency, but also out of genuine political sympathies.[26] As the social direction of the Temple became more openly socialist, it depended more upon the political world.[26] Jones made it known that he was interested in politics and former press secretary to Mayor George Moscone Corey Buscher stated that Jones "made his followers available to support progressive Democratic candidates,"[27] though earlier Jones had also supported at least some local Mendocino County Republicans.[28] However, the Temple played a double game of working underground among progressive circles, assuming the political establishment consisted of "corrupt enemies", while working publicly in traditional channels to advance its own causes.

Buscher explained that, soon after the San Francisco office of the Temple opened, it "became common knowledge that if you were going to run for office in San Francisco, and your constituency included the black, the young or the poor, you'd better have Jones in your corner."[27] The Temple had 3,000 registered members, though it regularly drew 3,000 members to its San Francisco services alone, whether or not these were registered members.[29][30] Some more recent accounts state the effective membership numbered perhaps 8,000.[31] Of particular interest to politicians was the Temple's ability to produce 2,000 people for work or attendance in San Francisco with only six hours notice.

Buscher stated that Jones offered thousands of "foot soldiers" willing to walk precincts and get out the vote, which was "an offer no politician in his right mind could refuse."[27] Similarly, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos stated that "If you were having a rally for a presidential candidate, you needed to fill up the crowd, you could always get busloads from Jim Jones' church."[33] Agar Jaicks, who was chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco, referred to the Temple as "a ready-made volunteer workforce."


List of Democratic Party members in Guyana

Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think

Ummmmmmmmm..... I don't think a religious wacko in freaing Guyana can be a "Democrat", or any other political party.

Where's the connection? Blind mob mentality, that's where. Like for instance taking a religious wacko in freaking Guyana and assigning him a political party so you can score what you think are "points" on a message board. Mob mentality means inability to think for oneself. That fits Rumpbots to a T.

which you excel in.

Peoples Temple in San Francisco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Temple also distinguished itself from most cults with its overtly political message.[26] It participated in political processes and formed political alliances, not just for the sake of expediency, but also out of genuine political sympathies.[26] As the social direction of the Temple became more openly socialist, it depended more upon the political world.[26] Jones made it known that he was interested in politics and former press secretary to Mayor George Moscone Corey Buscher stated that Jones "made his followers available to support progressive Democratic candidates,"[27] though earlier Jones had also supported at least some local Mendocino County Republicans.[28] However, the Temple played a double game of working underground among progressive circles, assuming the political establishment consisted of "corrupt enemies", while working publicly in traditional channels to advance its own causes.

Buscher explained that, soon after the San Francisco office of the Temple opened, it "became common knowledge that if you were going to run for office in San Francisco, and your constituency included the black, the young or the poor, you'd better have Jones in your corner."[27] The Temple had 3,000 registered members, though it regularly drew 3,000 members to its San Francisco services alone, whether or not these were registered members.[29][30] Some more recent accounts state the effective membership numbered perhaps 8,000.[31] Of particular interest to politicians was the Temple's ability to produce 2,000 people for work or attendance in San Francisco with only six hours notice.

Buscher stated that Jones offered thousands of "foot soldiers" willing to walk precincts and get out the vote, which was "an offer no politician in his right mind could refuse."[27] Similarly, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos stated that "If you were having a rally for a presidential candidate, you needed to fill up the crowd, you could always get busloads from Jim Jones' church."[33] Agar Jaicks, who was chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco, referred to the Temple as "a ready-made volunteer workforce."


List of Democratic Party members in Guyana


Your link, like your brain, no worky, dude.
Yeah actually, they are.
When Jim Jones went "hey everybody let's commit mass suicide" and they obeyed --- who were the idiots?
But where is the connection with Trump? Jones was a DEMOCRAT as were his followers.

Yeah, the Vagina Minions are like Jones Kool Aid drinkers as they both like the same group-think

Ummmmmmmmm..... I don't think a religious wacko in freaing Guyana can be a "Democrat", or any other political party.

Where's the connection? Blind mob mentality, that's where. Like for instance taking a religious wacko in freaking Guyana and assigning him a political party so you can score what you think are "points" on a message board. Mob mentality means inability to think for oneself. That fits Rumpbots to a T.

which you excel in.

Peoples Temple in San Francisco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Temple also distinguished itself from most cults with its overtly political message.[26] It participated in political processes and formed political alliances, not just for the sake of expediency, but also out of genuine political sympathies.[26] As the social direction of the Temple became more openly socialist, it depended more upon the political world.[26] Jones made it known that he was interested in politics and former press secretary to Mayor George Moscone Corey Buscher stated that Jones "made his followers available to support progressive Democratic candidates,"[27] though earlier Jones had also supported at least some local Mendocino County Republicans.[28] However, the Temple played a double game of working underground among progressive circles, assuming the political establishment consisted of "corrupt enemies", while working publicly in traditional channels to advance its own causes.

Buscher explained that, soon after the San Francisco office of the Temple opened, it "became common knowledge that if you were going to run for office in San Francisco, and your constituency included the black, the young or the poor, you'd better have Jones in your corner."[27] The Temple had 3,000 registered members, though it regularly drew 3,000 members to its San Francisco services alone, whether or not these were registered members.[29][30] Some more recent accounts state the effective membership numbered perhaps 8,000.[31] Of particular interest to politicians was the Temple's ability to produce 2,000 people for work or attendance in San Francisco with only six hours notice.

Buscher stated that Jones offered thousands of "foot soldiers" willing to walk precincts and get out the vote, which was "an offer no politician in his right mind could refuse."[27] Similarly, San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos stated that "If you were having a rally for a presidential candidate, you needed to fill up the crowd, you could always get busloads from Jim Jones' church."[33] Agar Jaicks, who was chairman of the county Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the Democratic Party in San Francisco, referred to the Temple as "a ready-made volunteer workforce."


List of Democratic Party members in Guyana


Your link, like your brain, no worky, dude.

Oh it works perfectly. But I can see you read it about as deeply as my posts.
Looks like Cruz is about to announce his running mate. Which is odd, given that he has yet to secure the nomination.

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