Can it Be Considered Racist to Prefer The Company of Your Own Race?

I'm not too sure you are using the word racist in accordance with its proper definition. Because this word is is so often misused I'd be interested in knowing exactly what you mean by it.

According to Webster, the word racist (and racism) refers to a belief that one's own race is superior to another race or all other races. Is that what you mean?

I'm not taking a position in this question. I'm academically curious.
aparently most people believe their own race is superior company to hang around with !!

Apparently most racists will say anything in an effort to make themselves seem normal.
It is a scientific and medical fact that the COLON is full of SHIT !!!:lol::lol:
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aparently most people believe their own race is superior company to hang around with !!

Apparently most racists will say anything in an effort to make themselves seem normal.
It is a scientific and medical fact that the COLON is full of SHIT !!!:lol::lol:

How did I know you would trot out the same tired old response. Must be because I recognise how many sandwiches you are short of a picnic! You obviously never got to borrow that brain cell then! :cuckoo:
Apparently most racists will say anything in an effort to make themselves seem normal.
It is a scientific and medical fact that the COLON is full of SHIT !!!:lol::lol:

How did I know you would trot out the same tired old response. Must be because I recognise how many sandwiches you are short of a picnic! You obviously never got to borrow that brain cell then! :cuckoo:
:lol::lol:The COLON has his head so far up his own ass the lump in his throat is his nose!!! :lol::lol:
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yeah like the DNC......

It's too bad that you are too stupid to realize why that group would actually apply (historically) to the likes of cowards like you.
so are you saying the DNC is nothing more than a bunch of cowards !!!

Not all of them, not today, but they have their share as do all the other parties. As expected, you are too fucking stupid to have understood the reference.
It's too bad that you are too stupid to realize why that group would actually apply (historically) to the likes of cowards like you.
so are you saying the DNC is nothing more than a bunch of cowards !!!

Not all of them, not today, but they have their share as do all the other parties. As expected, you are too fucking stupid to have understood the reference.
and it's a shame you didn't get enough oxygen at birth Einstein !!:razz:
so are you saying the DNC is nothing more than a bunch of cowards !!!

Not all of them, not today, but they have their share as do all the other parties. As expected, you are too fucking stupid to have understood the reference.
and it's a shame you didn't get enough oxygen at birth Einstein !!:razz:

That's the best you and the rest of the white sheet club could come up with? What a surprise.
Why is choosing to associate with who you want to ignorant? I prefer not to rub shoulders with criminals. Does that make me ignorant, too?

Your topic is a trigger point of our PC culture. I guess we are all supposed to have friends of other races. You can associate with whomever you want. All my friends are white and so am I.

I don't think many people think we are 'supposed' to have friends of other races... as long as we don't choose not to be friends with anyone based on their race.

There's nothing wrong with race being a factor when choosing a friend, it's just illegal to choose a domestic employee based on race.
OK, does choosing to not rub shoulders with criminally active individuals make me ignorant? If you want to continue in this thread, I'll kindly ask you to answer the question without any further evasion. A simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice.

So which bit of "Racist, no" do I need to explain to your dumb ass?

We've already established your position on the OP, dickhead. What I'd like is a straight answer to is my second question, which was induced by your ascertion that to prefer the company of your own race was ignorant. I then drew a parallel in asking if my choosing to not associate with a part of society based on determing factors was ignorant. You evaded the question, so I'll ask again. Does choosing not to associate with criminally active groups or individuals make me ignorant. And if so, how?


Is it just me, or is someone calling a GIRL a 'dickhead' just plain weird?

I can't get beyond the phrase in the post - someone tell me if it's worth pushing beyond my comfort zone to read.
We've already established your position on the OP, dickhead. What I'd like is a straight answer to is my second question, which was induced by your ascertion that to prefer the company of your own race was ignorant. I then drew a parallel in asking if my choosing to not associate with a part of society based on determing factors was ignorant. You evaded the question, so I'll ask again. Does choosing not to associate with criminally active groups or individuals make me ignorant. And if so, how?

Personally, I don't think anyone can say 'yes' or 'no' with any real honesty. I tend to judge people as individuals - I don't worry overly about a criminal record or the color of their skin, just the content of their character.


I'll declare my position now - honestly and in plain English. I prefer the company of my own race. I don't hate those who belong to another race, I just have more in common with those who belong to mine.

Granted, but do you exclude brown people out of hand before getting to know anything else about them? That would be racist.

Ending up in a posse or crew of all white skinned members is only racist if the doofus picked to drive the car was picked for his skills and not just cause he was a white guy with a valid drivers license when Wendel Scott was also available.
rdean is acting like a "typical white person".

rdean is playing politics in this thread because he can.

rdean can play politics in this thread because he has a somewhat valid point.
It would depend on why you preferred to do so.

Can it be considered racist to prefer the company of a different race than your own?
Without incurring kneejerk indignation (or one of Daveman's dancing Hitlers), is it racist, or indeed, morally repugnant to (within the law) go out of your way to restrict yourself from interacting with people who don't belong to your race?

Yes of course IF YOU ARE MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON RACE, that is a kind of racism

Is that level of racism evil?

No, not really.

I think it's kind of silly, and I also think it limits you personally, but so what?

It's YOUR life, isn't it?
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yes it is racism :eusa_angel: in it's purest form!! but don't worry everyone is a racist to a certain degree ....some are more racist than others,but every one is a racist!! the fact that most intelligent whites prefer to be with whites,and blacks congregate around other blacks,and other ethnic groups also practice the same racist activity is proof!!
I'm not too sure you are using the word racist in accordance with its proper definition. Because this word is is so often misused I'd be interested in knowing exactly what you mean by it.

According to Webster, the word racist (and racism) refers to a belief that one's own race is superior to another race or all other races. Is that what you mean?

I'm not taking a position in this question. I'm academically curious.
aparently most people believe their own race is superior company to hang around with !!

I disagree. I think most people believe their own race is preferable company to hang around with.

Racism is something we all practice. We ALL make judgements, both quick and contemplative, about people and groups of people based on a myriad of factors, race being one of them.

Hate and superiority on the other hand, are choices. Don't make that choice in haste, you may miss something good.
It is a scientific and medical fact that the COLON is full of SHIT !!!:lol::lol:

How did I know you would trot out the same tired old response. Must be because I recognise how many sandwiches you are short of a picnic! You obviously never got to borrow that brain cell then! :cuckoo:
:lol::lol:The COLON has his head so far up his own ass the lump in his throat is his nose!!! :lol::lol:

I want a do-over. I'm changing my guess from 14 to 12.

Here is some humor for you, young man. Scientifically proven to keep you entertained for minutes!
[ame=]Boys farting - YouTube[/ame]
Without incurring kneejerk indignation (or one of Daveman's dancing Hitlers), is it racist, or indeed, morally repugnant to (within the law) go out of your way to restrict yourself from interacting with people who don't belong to your race?

I'd say it depends on how far out of your way you go. If you ask to be moved to a different table at restaurant because your waitress is black, that would be racist.
How did I know you would trot out the same tired old response. Must be because I recognise how many sandwiches you are short of a picnic! You obviously never got to borrow that brain cell then! :cuckoo:
:lol::lol:The COLON has his head so far up his own ass the lump in his throat is his nose!!! :lol::lol:

I want a do-over. I'm changing my guess from 14 to 12.

Here is some humor for you, young man. Scientifically proven to keep you entertained for minutes!
[ame=]Boys farting - YouTube[/ame]

:lmao: Actually, I'm sure it'll keep him amused all day!
La Raza recommends hispanics to associate with just hispanics

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