Can One Of You Repubs Kindly Explain Why Reagan Raised Taxes 11 Times in 8 Years?

Aug 7, 2009
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.
A Democrat controled Congress.

Boy. That was a tough one.
Anybody who uses the moniker "Kerry Won Ohio" is too ignorant to bother responding to.

The fact that everything this clown posts is GARBAGE, is beside the point.
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

hey Kerry there you are.....been looking for you.....My trailer lurches to the left whenever i walk to that you think i should put a wheel there?......i took the other one was getting tired of moving the stove and fridge back into place.....try taking a shit at a 45 degree angle.....can you help me?.....
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

Nothing wrong with raising taxes, as long as the people support it and its raised on everyone, not a singled out few.
A Democrat controled Congress.

Boy. That was a tough one.

What did they do? Forge Reagan's signature on those bills?

They lied. Said they would cut $2 spending for every $1 of taxes raised.

This is precisely why Republicans dont trust Democrats any time they promise cuts for tax increases. They have never followed through a single time they've promised it.
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

Why did RR raise taxes? He hated America and wanted to destroy it, obviously.
Because raising taxes contracts the money supply and reduces aggregate consumer demand which is the quickest and easiest way to constrain inflation without spiking interest rates. Inflation at over 11% was a very real problem in 1981 when Reagan took office. Not the case when Obama came into office in 2009.

Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2012, Annual and Monthly Tables - US Inflation Calculator

Nice try, but very wrong. Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in history in 1981 --

Soon after taking office in 1981, Reagan signed into law one of the largest tax cuts in the postwar period.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

And, according to your chart, inflation was even higher in 1980 than 1981. So it's not like inflation "snuck up" on him. Thus, Reagan obviously was not concerned about inflation.

However, Reagan was concerned about the budget deficit, which is why...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together "constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,"

You see, Ronald Reagan wasn't Grover Norquist's bitch, like virtually every Repug in Congress today. Reagan would never have signed a "no new taxes pledge" like over 90% of the Repug cowards in Congress.

If Reagan were alive today, every idiot tea bagger on this messageboard would be calling him a RINO. It's absolutely ridiculous (and quite scary) how far to the right the Repug Party has moved in the past 20 years.

Unlike the idiot Repugs in Congress today, Reagan knew the budget deficit and national debt couldn't be reduced without closing tax loopholes for the rich...hence the 1982 and 1984 tax bills.
The simple fact is that even raising taxes was not enough, Reagan also tripled the national debt by borrowing two trillion dollars. America also, under Reagan, went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation under Reagan. But Reagan was able to make Americans feel good, and many still believe Reagan paid off the debt, lowered taxes, reduced the size of government and built star wars.
They can't answer that any more than they can answer why they ignore the FACT that President Obama cut taxes to small business 17 times in three years and cut taxes to individuals and cut payroll taxes.

All the while, the pubs are trying to raise taxes on the poor and working class while cutting taxes to the very rich.

There's a huge disconnect here and the only explanation is that all the rw's on this forum are independently wealthy.

Or, they're just plain dumb.
The simple fact is that even raising taxes was not enough, Reagan also tripled the national debt by borrowing two trillion dollars. America also, under Reagan, went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation under Reagan. But Reagan was able to make Americans feel good, and many still believe Reagan paid off the debt, lowered taxes, reduced the size of government and built star wars.

This is the most basic of the GObP/Repub games - they accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing.

Fact is, the GObP/pubs LOVE huge government. They want lots of laws to control every tiny detail of our private lives while stealing our money. Amazingly, all the time they're stealing us blind, they're lying about it.

Exactly right about Reagan and we cannot let the pubs continue this tax and spend crap. We cannot afford any more pubs in power. The only way we can be #1 again is to stop them from selling us out.
Oh My....Ronald Reagan, the hero worshipped by all tea baggers, raised taxes 11 times in 8 years. This is a historical FACT and whining and crying about it like all tea baggers love to do will not make this historical fact go away.

Not only that, Reagan believed strongly in ending tax loopholes for the rich. Here's a quote from a speech Reagan gave in 1985 --

We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory, some of those loopholes were understandable, but in practice they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying ten percent of his salary, and that’s crazy.

Golly, tea baggers....what do you have to say about this?? It appears to me that if Reagan were alive today, he would agree with Obama and the Democrats and he would be calling you deranged lunatics "crazy"!!

The tea baggers on this board ain't going to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole. :lol: Well, unless they tell their usual ridiculous lies, then they might.

Unlike Barry...who seems to have been out smoking a fattie instead of attending his economics classes when all this was being covered...Reagan grasped the Keynesian theory that you should only raise taxes in an economy that is doing well and not when it was stagnant.

You see...unlike Barry...Dutch Reagan actually did things to FIX the economy which provided us with the longest sustained period of economic growth in our country's he could afford to raise some taxes.

You really don't think conservatives want to touch this topic? I'll discuss Reagan's handling of the economy compared to Barry's any time you'd like, KWO! One got is clueless. What's daunting about that?
The simple fact is that even raising taxes was not enough, Reagan also tripled the national debt by borrowing two trillion dollars. America also, under Reagan, went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation under Reagan. But Reagan was able to make Americans feel good, and many still believe Reagan paid off the debt, lowered taxes, reduced the size of government and built star wars.

This is the most basic of the GObP/Repub games - they accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing.

Fact is, the GObP/pubs LOVE huge government. They want lots of laws to control every tiny detail of our private lives while stealing our money. Amazingly, all the time they're stealing us blind, they're lying about it.

Exactly right about Reagan and we cannot let the pubs continue this tax and spend crap. We cannot afford any more pubs in power. The only way we can be #1 again is to stop them from selling us out.

Did you REALLY just accuse the GOP of being the tax and spend crowd? You progressives get more amusing with every passing day.
A Democrat controled Congress.

Boy. That was a tough one.

What did they do? Forge Reagan's signature on those bills?

They lied. Said they would cut $2 spending for every $1 of taxes raised.

This is precisely why Republicans dont trust Democrats any time they promise cuts for tax increases. They have never followed through a single time they've promised it.

They lied. Said they would cut $2 spending for every $1 of taxes raised.

And, of course, you have evidence that "they lied", dishonest tea bagger pussy?? Didn't think so, dishonest tea bagger pussy.

And even if the Dems did "lie", why did Reagan continue to approve the budget passed by the Democratic Congress year after year??

It sounds to me like you're saying Ronald Reagan, the tea bagger hero, was woefully incompetent.

2 more questions that you can't answer and that you'll avoid like the plague. You are a dishonest tea bagger pussy, after all.
A Democrat controled Congress.

Boy. That was a tough one.

What did they do? Forge Reagan's signature on those bills?

They lied. Said they would cut $2 spending for every $1 of taxes raised.

This is precisely why Republicans dont trust Democrats any time they promise cuts for tax increases. They have never followed through a single time they've promised it.

They lied. Said they would cut $2 spending for every $1 of taxes raised.

And, of course, you have evidence that "they lied", dishonest tea bagger pussy?? Didn't think so, dishonest tea bagger pussy.

And even if the Dems did "lie", why did Reagan continue to approve the budget passed by the Democratic Congress year after year??

Are you saying that Ronald Reagan, the tea bagger hero, was woefully incompetent??

3 more questions that you can't answer and that you'll avoid like the plague. You are a dishonest tea bagger pussy, after all.

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