Can President Biden Pardon His Son / Family?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Since evidence on Hunter's laptop cri.inally implicates Joe Biden can the Presidebt pardon his son?

Since 11 of his family members have bee iimplicated in crimes would Biden pardon his whole family?

Finally, will Biden pardon HIMSELF?

can't say, why don't you ask in the thread already started about it?

The Constitution doesn’t say he can’t.

But if our government (including both major political Parties) was serious about the duties of politicians, the prospect of a pardon for a son (ie, accomplice) would yield an serious impeachment inquiry, then perhaps a serious impeachment followed by a serious Senate trial.

Will any of that taken place? Maybe the pardon. But otherwise, probably not.
Since evidence on Hunter's laptop cri.inally implicates Joe Biden can the Presidebt pardon his son?

Since 11 of his family members have bee iimplicated in crimes would Biden pardon his whole family?

Finally, will Biden pardon HIMSELF?

I doubt he wouldn't just like Trump didn't.
can't say, why don't you ask in the thread already started about it?

Didn't see it. Thank you.
-- Mods, feel free to combine, please...
I see several threads on the same subjet at about the same time I am guessing the church of echo chamber was a sermon on Biden pardoning his family.
More likely, a plea deal will be fashioned which includes dropping all other pending charges.

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