Can Reps modify abortion stance?

CG needs to do some googling and research instead of living in the dim cellars of his mind. Since CG does not support his numbers, I will ignore them. CG does not understand that almost all Americans are pro-life in that they don't like abortion. The majority of Americans will support abortion for rape, incest, and life of the mother. Our current GOP plank of abortion is small minority America, and the mainstream abhors it.

I've done plenty of Googling and research...clown. And, I've already supported my numbers and you simply ignore them. But, in case you missed the one concerning those describing themselves as pro-life and pro-choice, here it is again.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


And, if one supports abortion? They're not pro-life...idiot! And, if they don't like abortion, then they don't support abortion and would describe themselves as pro-life.

Further, the percentage of those who say abortion should be legal under any circumstance has went from about 28% in 2008 to about 25% in 2012. That's a three percentage point drop. However, those who say abortion should be illegal under any circumstance? It went from about 17% in 2008 to 20% in 2012. That's an increase of three percentage points. And, the percentage of those supporting abortion under certain circumstances? It's went from about 54% in 2008 to 52% in 2012. That's a two percentage point drop. So, again, you're plain and simply full of shit.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


Since 66% of single women, 55% of all women, 70% of Hispanics, plus the large majorities of almost all minorities voted against Romney, common sense (CG is deficient here) tells us they would vote in greater numbers against Santorum or Ryan or Perry.

Only if you've got the same turnout voting. However, if you have a larger turnout, with more Republicans choosing to vote because a less liberal Republican candidate is running? Common sense tells you no such thing unless you have the common sense of a turd. And, no, you have nothing that indicates greater numbers would vote against Santorum, Ryan or Perry, than voted for Romney.

Check Huntsman's record as governor, and you will find that he is sufficiently conservative enough for you, CG.

I live in the state of which he was governor moron and, no, I found he isn't conservative enough for me. And, thanks for confirming how well I've got you figured out.

And, now, if you really are a Republican? Do us a favor and get your ass out of the Republican party and join the Democrats...RINO. But, since I suspect you really aren't a Republican but you're a Democrat trying to fill folks full of shit and trying to get them to sway to the side of the left? Stop meddling in the affairs of the Republican party and shut your clap trap...phony. Frankly, I don't think anyone here is buying your BS claim you're a Republican.
As posted eariler in this thread, that 41% number is old.

Show me anything newer which shows the 41% number has changed or increased. The other numbers aren't old so, if anything, that 41% number is now likely a 40 or 39% number, considering the number of folks who say abortion should be illegal in any circumstance has risen two percentage points while the number of folks saying abortion should be legal in any circumstance has dropped two percentage points and, the number of folks saying abortion should be legal only in certain circumstances has increased two percentage points, since 2011.
As posted eariler in this thread, that 41% number is old.

Show me anything newer which shows the 41% number has changed or increased. The other numbers aren't old so, if anything, that 41% number is now likely a 40 or 39% number, considering the number of folks who say abortion should be illegal in any circumstance has risen two percentage points while the number of folks saying abortion should be legal in any circumstance has dropped two percentage points and, the number of folks saying abortion should be legal only in certain circumstances has increased two percentage points, since 2011.

There is absolutely no correlation between increased sex education/access to birth control and abortion incidence reduction....
As posted eariler in this thread, that 41% number is old.

Show me anything newer which shows the 41% number has changed or increased. The other numbers aren't old so, if anything, that 41% number is now likely a 40 or 39% number, considering the number of folks who say abortion should be illegal in any circumstance has risen two percentage points while the number of folks saying abortion should be legal in any circumstance has dropped two percentage points and, the number of folks saying abortion should be legal only in certain circumstances has increased two percentage points, since 2011.


So, the only question is, which polling agency is it we're to believe?

And, here, here's something newer from Gallup. However, looking at the poll and understanding that the numbers match up with the chart I provided earlier, apparently the poll where they indicate the 41%, that was for 2012, not 2011.


Further, here's something from a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll.


Further still, there was an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted 10/17/2012-10/20/2012 which asked "On the issue of abortion, would you say you are more likely to vote for a right-to-life candidate, pro-choice candidate, or would it not make much difference on how you might vote.



Forty percent chose "Pro-choice candidate", while 31% said "Not much difference". That's only a 9% difference between those choosing "Not much difference" and "Pro-choice candidate". I think this only goes to demonstrate the issue of abortion wasn't THAT big of an issue in folks' choice over what candidate it was they were going to choose.
This is how important the issue of abortion was in the 2012 election.


Last on the list.

Here's another one.


The smallest slice.
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There is absolutely no correlation between increased sex education/access to birth control and abortion incidence reduction....

Actually, it's been proven that absitenance only programs have a higher rate of pregnancy...

Teen Pregnancies Highest In States With Abstinence-Only Policies | ThinkProgress

For example, take the states with the highest and lowest teen pregnancy rates. Mississippi does not require sex education in schools, but when it is taught, abstinence-only education is the state standard. New Mexico, which has the second highest teen birth rate, does not require sex ed and has no requirements on what should be included when it is taught. New Hampshire, on the other hand, requires comprehensive sex education in schools that includes abstinence and information about condoms and contraception.

Do you enjoy being wrong about... everything?
Oh, my goodness, if Huntsman is not conservative enough for you, a Utah republican, then you are not mainstream GOP nationally. My numbers are correct, have been used on the board elsewhere, and snap your numbers in two. They are old and you misanalyze them anyway.

The party you want is not going to happen. This is over and decided.

Go read Pat Robertson and politics and science yesterday. Google it.

You are irrelevant.

CG needs to do some googling and research instead of living in the dim cellars of his mind. Since CG does not support his numbers, I will ignore them. CG does not understand that almost all Americans are pro-life in that they don't like abortion. The majority of Americans will support abortion for rape, incest, and life of the mother. Our current GOP plank of abortion is small minority America, and the mainstream abhors it.

I've done plenty of Googling and research...clown. And, I've already supported my numbers and you simply ignore them. But, in case you missed the one concerning those describing themselves as pro-life and pro-choice, here it is again.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


And, if one supports abortion? They're not pro-life...idiot! And, if they don't like abortion, then they don't support abortion and would describe themselves as pro-life.

Further, the percentage of those who say abortion should be legal under any circumstance has went from about 28% in 2008 to about 25% in 2012. That's a three percentage point drop. However, those who say abortion should be illegal under any circumstance? It went from about 17% in 2008 to 20% in 2012. That's an increase of three percentage points. And, the percentage of those supporting abortion under certain circumstances? It's went from about 54% in 2008 to 52% in 2012. That's a two percentage point drop. So, again, you're plain and simply full of shit.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


Since 66% of single women, 55% of all women, 70% of Hispanics, plus the large majorities of almost all minorities voted against Romney, common sense (CG is deficient here) tells us they would vote in greater numbers against Santorum or Ryan or Perry.

Only if you've got the same turnout voting. However, if you have a larger turnout, with more Republicans choosing to vote because a less liberal Republican candidate is running? Common sense tells you no such thing unless you have the common sense of a turd. And, no, you have nothing that indicates greater numbers would vote against Santorum, Ryan or Perry, than voted for Romney.

Check Huntsman's record as governor, and you will find that he is sufficiently conservative enough for you, CG.

I live in the state of which he was governor moron and, no, I found he isn't conservative enough for me. And, thanks for confirming how well I've got you figured out.

And, now, if you really are a Republican? Do us a favor and get your ass out of the Republican party and join the Democrats...RINO. But, since I suspect you really aren't a Republican but you're a Democrat trying to fill folks full of shit and trying to get them to sway to the side of the left? Stop meddling in the affairs of the Republican party and shut your clap trap...phony. Frankly, I don't think anyone here is buying your BS claim you're a Republican.
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Oh, my goodness, if Huntsman is not conservative enough for you, a Utah republican, then you are not mainstream GOP nationally. My numbers are correct, have been used on the board elsewhere, and snap your numbers in two. They are old and you misanalyze them anyway.

Really? If Huntsman is not conservative enough for me, a Utah Republican, then I am not mainstream? Is that why Huntsman lost the primaries? Is that why Utah supported Romney? Is that why not one county in Utah didn't vote for Romney? Is that why Romney won Utah by over 70%? You don't get to decide what is "mainstream" nationally and, you don't get to decide whether or not I, or Utah, are mainstream.

Additionally, I haven't been "used" by squat and you haven't snapped squat in two. My numbers are not old and I don't "misanalyze" them one bit. The abortion issue was irrelevant in this election and you know it. Had absolutely not one damn thing to do with abortion. Abortion was last on the list of things Americans were worried about.

Here's what were the important factors for Obama.

Untold numbers of immigrants were worried about whether or not they'd get amnesty. Obama promised them amnesty. He won the Hispanic vote.

Untold numbers of college students were worried about their college debt. Obama promised them he'd forgive them of their debt. He won their vote.

Untold numbers of people, especially blacks and Hispanics, were worried about their free mammograms, free wellness exams, free contraceptives, etc., etc., etc. Obama gave them their free mammograms, free wellness exams, free contraceptives, etc., etc., etc. He won their vote.

Romney's 47% comment hurt him.

Hurricane Sandy gave Obama the chance to at least LOOK presidential right at the last moment, which took Romney out of the spotlight and hurt him.

These are the reasons why Romney lost, as well as not being conservative enough for multitudes of voters. Not, abortion. So, give your abortion BS a rest as the only one buying it appears to be you. I'm frankly done arguing this point with you, ya' thick-headed numbskull.

The party you want is not going to happen. This is over and decided.

Don't count on it...chump.

Go read Pat Robertson and politics and science yesterday. Google it.

You are irrelevant.

Keep dreaming. The only one irrelevant you. Conservatives don't like RINOs and those who abandon their principles and kiss leftist ass, so they can win votes. Ask McCain. Ask Senator Bob Bennett. Ask several other weak Republicans who lost the 2010 congressional elections. Once we get rid of people like you, who tarnish the Republican party with your weak-kneed leftist ass kissing ideology, the Republican party will start winning elections again.

CG needs to do some googling and research instead of living in the dim cellars of his mind. Since CG does not support his numbers, I will ignore them. CG does not understand that almost all Americans are pro-life in that they don't like abortion. The majority of Americans will support abortion for rape, incest, and life of the mother. Our current GOP plank of abortion is small minority America, and the mainstream abhors it.

I've done plenty of Googling and research...clown. And, I've already supported my numbers and you simply ignore them. But, in case you missed the one concerning those describing themselves as pro-life and pro-choice, here it is again.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


And, if one supports abortion? They're not pro-life...idiot! And, if they don't like abortion, then they don't support abortion and would describe themselves as pro-life.

Further, the percentage of those who say abortion should be legal under any circumstance has went from about 28% in 2008 to about 25% in 2012. That's a three percentage point drop. However, those who say abortion should be illegal under any circumstance? It went from about 17% in 2008 to 20% in 2012. That's an increase of three percentage points. And, the percentage of those supporting abortion under certain circumstances? It's went from about 54% in 2008 to 52% in 2012. That's a two percentage point drop. So, again, you're plain and simply full of shit.

"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%


Only if you've got the same turnout voting. However, if you have a larger turnout, with more Republicans choosing to vote because a less liberal Republican candidate is running? Common sense tells you no such thing unless you have the common sense of a turd. And, no, you have nothing that indicates greater numbers would vote against Santorum, Ryan or Perry, than voted for Romney.

Check Huntsman's record as governor, and you will find that he is sufficiently conservative enough for you, CG.

I live in the state of which he was governor moron and, no, I found he isn't conservative enough for me. And, thanks for confirming how well I've got you figured out.

And, now, if you really are a Republican? Do us a favor and get your ass out of the Republican party and join the Democrats...RINO. But, since I suspect you really aren't a Republican but you're a Democrat trying to fill folks full of shit and trying to get them to sway to the side of the left? Stop meddling in the affairs of the Republican party and shut your clap trap...phony. Frankly, I don't think anyone here is buying your BS claim you're a Republican.
RINOs are the far right out of the mainstream like you. You and Gayle Ruzicka and the far right wacks in Utah are crazy. The only reason you have any power is the caucus system instead of primary system in Utah. If there were primaries, you and your ilk would be mumbling in the corners. Utah is the most GOP state in the Union with the most weird Republicans in the Union. If you think Utah mirrors reality politically, compare it to Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming for starters. Really? If Huntsman is not conservative enough for me, a Utah Republican, then I am not mainstream?

Sure I can decide you are not mainstream by the crazy stuff you post. Yes, the Ruzicas etc have used you, and your numbers don't mean anything. Tell the "abortion is irrelevant" to the 55% of women and 66% of women who voted against our candidate. They will slap you 24 7. We also need to reach out to Hispanics. I am glad you see that. And if you think Obama won because of "free things" then our GOP did not give enough free things to our corporate donors. You are simply crazy.

Hurricane Sandy did work to Obama's advantage but it was not essential for his victory. We lost because of women, Hispanics, Romney's poor campaign, and the hatred of the far right. I have no desire to argue your lack of points on these issues.

The day of the far right RINO has ended in the GOP when it comes to making policy.
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RINOs are the far right out of the mainstream like you. You and Gayle Ruzicka and the far right wacks in Utah are crazy. The only reason you have any power is the caucus system instead of primary system in Utah. If there were primaries, you and your ilk would be mumbling in the corners. Utah is the most GOP state in the Union with the most weird Republicans in the Union. If you think Utah mirrors reality politically, compare it to Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming for starters. Really? If Huntsman is not conservative enough for me, a Utah Republican, then I am not mainstream?

Sure I can decide you are not mainstream by the crazy stuff you post. Yes, the Ruzicas etc have used you, and your numbers don't mean anything. Tell the "abortion is irrelevant" to the 55% of women and 66% of women who voted against our candidate. They will slap you 24 7. We also need to reach out to Hispanics. I am glad you see that. And if you think Obama won because of "free things" then our GOP did not give enough free things to our corporate donors. You are simply crazy.

Hurricane Sandy did work to Obama's advantage but it was not essential for his victory. We lost because of women, Hispanics, Romney's poor campaign, and the hatred of the far right. I have no desire to argue your lack of points on these issues.

The day of the far right RINO has ended in the GOP when it comes to making policy.

^^mentally ill progressive.
What complete garbage.

Children are already educated at school about sex...they know a LOT more than they knew in the 70s, the 60s, the 50s..and the abortion rate continues to climb.

Any woman (or girl) can get free birth control from a school counselor or the county clinic.

Quit repeating the lie as if it makes it true. Progressives won't be happy until we enroll 10 year old girls in "how to enjoy sex completely" classes, complete with sex therapists, prostitutes and sex toys, paid for and demonstrated by the dept. of education.

You are uninformed as usual. High % of parents opt their kids out of ANY sex education and the % of those that get pregnant in the inner city has skyrocketed.
Sex is a dirty word to you. Do you poke holes in that bag you wear over your head?

Yeah, cuz the parents in the inner cities are opting out of sex ed for their kid.

What complete bullshit. Where did the chart come from , and provide some numbers and links to back up your ridiculous claims. Girls and women are better educated about sex than they ever have been, and even if they weren't now, the fact that abortion rates/unintended pregnancy rates climbed for two decades after RvW and school sex ed programs were initiated puts the lie to your ridiculous claim that MORE sex ed and BETTER access to birth control reduces the rate of unplanned pregnancy/abortion. You can't walk down the street without picking up free condoms being thrown at you..and still stds, abortion and teen pregnancy rates continue to go up.

Why do liberals always think that the only choices are "it's a dirty word to you" or "we're talking to complete strangers on the street about it"? There's no in-between with them. God forbid you suggest to them that there are some things that JUST don't need to be discussed with the general public, or focused on to the exclusion of all else.
No one EVER claimed that a slave was "3/5 of a human". Every time I hear this canard parroted, I just weep for the state of History and Civics education in this country.

Of course, every time I talk to anyone under the age of 30, I weep for ALL education in this country, but that's a different topic.

My bad 3/5ths of a "person" if. THE point was that in order to treat them as less then human and therefore not deserving of the rights of the Constitutional protections, they deemed them not whole persons.

In fact calling them, slaves, in effect non "persons" (only 3/5ths so) they resemble even more the unborn. All agree unborn babies are 100% human...but the pro abortionists say they are just not persons.

Sick and wicked are the ways of the depraved and indifferent.

It is well to weep for the state of education in the country.

The three fifths compromise didn't have a thing to do with whether the slaves were "persons". It had to do with political representation. If the slaves were counted as "persons" for purposes of apportioning congressional representation slave holding states would overwhelm the north and reduce the political power in non slave holding states. The south would have many more representatives in Congress than the north.

Weep for the state of education in this country.

This is what happens when people get out of the habit of discarding every word that comes out of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as utter and complete bullshit.
They are pushing for complete government control of sexual activity via *education* and *birth control* and *government insurance*. And they accuse us of wanting to control women via their vaginas.

Well of course they do. It's exactly what they're doing...and as always, what they accuse us of is exactly what they do themselves.

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