Can someone explain to me why Democrats are punishing their constituents?

Don't they always, just like with the 1968 riots or Rodney king..

It's hilarious how liberals turn on each other.
It's like the blacks never learn to take the bus and loot the white rich side of town or the suburbs.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?

It makes them dependent on government largesse and more devoted to the idea of big government.
I get that...but why do the middle class and upper class put up with this shit? Like the folks in Seattle being extorted by BLM and ANTIFA activists.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?
As long as it doesnt affect them personally they dont give a damn.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?

Self-flagellation. The white elite radicalized democratic party intelligentsia despise the color of their skin even as they count the decimal spaces in their bank account statements. These people, many of whom are sitting atop the high halls of American political power, cannot self-destruct—it'd be too hard on their Botox complexions—so in order to worship their radical leftist neo-gods they offer up entire populations of middle and low class white and black voters as willing sacrifices. White liberal elites despise the human race at large, themselves in particular. On one hand they want to atone for the made up sins of their ancestors while on the other hand they want to enrich themselves and increase their political power so they can eventually end the human race. They're all stark raving mad lunatics.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?


I think a lot of those constituents are figuring that out but don't tell the progressive Democrats in charge of those cities.


What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?
IMO, they're purposefully destroying their tax bases, so they can go crying to the feds to bail out their foolhardy fiscal policies of the last several decades.....Specifically, their criminally lavish bureaucrat pension systems.
I particularly like that once the Marxists took over 6 blocks of Seattle they built a wall, started illegally detaining people and threaten to blow their heads off if they didn’t follow their laws and give them their money.

But but but...” police brutality “.

Hope those 500 residents are enjoying this little leftist experiment.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?
I keep pointing out that these dumbshits are clearly bent on self destruction and they are apparently determined to make a very through job of it.
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?

Silly, silly Bluegin.........they are not the constituents of the democrat party....they are the subjects of the democrat party, the play things of the democrat party, rich White elites.............
Democrats: "The beatings will continue until morale improves"!

See, you have that wrong........the democrats don't care about the beatings, looting, fires, and killing will just continue....
What exactly are they hoping to accomplish by destroying their cities and subjecting their voters to violence and crime?
The only answer that I can come up with is that there are some people out there who are not happy with anything until they are depressed.

God bless you always!!!


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