Can someone show me ONE liberal ideal that has actually worked?

I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:

6% of scientists are Republicans and 9% conservative according to PEW research.

That means virtually every scientific discovery in the US comes from Liberals and close to zero from Conservatives. Those are just FACTS and it proves why you are "challenged" to put it mildly.

Good luck on your delusion. Hope it works out for you.
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Famous Liberals of their day

1. Jesus Christ
2. Gahndi
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Abe Lincoln
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. FDR
7. JFK
8. Martin Luther King
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6% of scientists are Republicans and 9% conservative according to PEW research.

That means virtually every scientific discovery in the US comes from Liberals

No, it doesn't. You're assuming no Republicans are liberals and all non-Republican scientists are liberals.

You've evidence for these assumptions, or you're just an idiot trying to make some pathetic partisan 'point'?
Those are just FACTS
Your evidence? Thus far, you've used few facts and a whole lot of assumptions.
and it proves why you are "challenged" to put it mildly.
Speaking to the mirror?

Good luck on your delusion. Hope it works out for you.
Famous Liberals of their day

1. Jesus Christ
2. Gahndi
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Abe Lincoln
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. FDR
7. JFK
8. Martin Luther King

Famous Conservatives of their day:

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Saddam Hussein
The Pope (all of them)
Bin Laden
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Anyone who fights change and wants to keep things the same. Anyone who is against civil rights and education. These are signs of being conservative.
Wait... did someone just call Mao a conservative?

Have you read Mao?
☭proletarian☭;2195211 said:
The Labor Movement which gave rise to the American middle class.

And has contributed to their enslavement.
Care to elaborate?

Union Dues.

These union thugs take dues from their members enrich themselves and endorse candidates and policies against members' best interest. Just look around you as to what's going on.

We have Progressives telling Americans what they MUST do versus really solving problems. Healthcare is one of the most glaring. It's an affront to true Liberty, and The Union thugs get their payback FROM those in power in Government.

Unions have far outlived their origional intent. Unions were born of violence, and they still use violence as they blame others for it.

Unions are a base of thuggery under the guise of 'caring' for the 'working man'. They are far from it. They are control freaks just like those that they by and large support in the Democrat party.
Not everyplace is unionized, nor do all unions exploit their members. Unions which act against the interest of the workers have ceased to be true unions, undergoing a mutation analogous to that which has occurred in the political parties, as those who have ceased power now use the machinations of the union to their own ends, becoming something of an oligarchy working alongside politicians (and often against both the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat to line their own pockets and exploit the masses.

Now we can take Mao, who was mentioned earlier as another example of how power can corrupt a man's soul even when he has good intentions. I believe it would be appropriate to refer to Animal Farm at this point.

Such is not a problem with Leftism or the labour movement as such, but with the things that were done wrong in carrying out the labour movement's objectives- most importantly the leaving behind of the democratic nature of the Union in favour of a more representative system that- much like in government- paves the way for the emergence of an oligarchy.
☭proletarian☭;2195284 said:
Wait... did someone just call Mao a conservative?

Have you read Mao?

Chairman Mao's policies led to the greatest famine in human history. He is responsible for 10s of millions of deaths. His leadership led to a purge of the educated and a return to more primitive times.

Anti education
anti individualism
anti human rights

These are hallmarks of conservative philosophy.

Republicans say they are for "freedom". They use that as a sound byte. But the reality is demonstrated in their never ending fight against human rights and personal freedom. Hallmarks of "liberalism".
Why do conservatives find it necessary to ask for liberal accomplishments? The nation you live in is liberal, if it weren't you be in someplace like Iran or China. Constitutional Democracy is a liberal bulwark. Imagine if we were all conservatives? We'd still be living in caves howling at the moon as your tradition is standing still as still demonstrated in the 21st century by your cohorts.

liberals / conservative
Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Video on

True Blue Liberal Thom Hartmann: Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican

"Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others. This is at the very heart of liberalism. Liberals understand, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed, that "time has upset many fighting faiths." Liberals are skeptical of censorship and celebrate free and open debate." Geoffrey R. Stone
I'm so baffled at all these liberals who are dropping at their knees at the feet of Obama. The last Democratic president we had a problem with ONE person dropping to their knees for Clinton, but now we have 100 million people doing it. So, that begs the question, why? Why are liberals who they are? Sifting through decades of liberal ideals, policies, and dreams, I don't think I can find ONE that actually works in the long run? A quick summary:

Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:
Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(
Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:
Higher taxes? Obviously, higher taxes hurt job and economic growth.:(
Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:
Public education? Failed.:(
Public housing? Failed. Have you ever seen a pleasant gov't housing project? Ever?:eusa_eh:
Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:
Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:
Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

So, let me ask again, what is ONE liberal Democratic policy that had positive results? Just one!!??:eusa_pray:

Who 'appeased' North Korea? Eisenhower ran as the peace candidate in 1952 and negotiated a settlement with NK that left them intact and free to go on about their business. As did Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush. How does that translate into 'LIBERAL'?
☭proletarian☭;2195284 said:
Wait... did someone just call Mao a conservative?

Have you read Mao?

Chairman Mao's policies led to the greatest famine in human history. He is responsible for 10s of millions of deaths. His leadership led to a purge of the educated and a return to more primitive times.

That makes him a conservative (defender of the system in place when he was fighting to destroy the system in place?) :eusa_eh:

I'm pretty sure it makes him a cruel tyrant (Totalitarian) who sought to stamp out anyone and anything which might become a threat to his power.
Anti education
anti individualism
anti human rights

These are hallmarks of conservative philosophy.

Actually, they're the hallmarks of a number of totalitarian systems. There is no such thing as 'conservative philosophy'.

Conservatism is support for the status quo or status quo ante, nothing more. Mao started as a Communist revolutionary (back when fighting the Kuomintang) and = became, upon assuming power, a totalitarian dictator. The only ideology he seems to have endorsed or embraced upon assuming power is egomania and paranoia. And possible sadism and pure malice.
☭proletarian☭;2195211 said:
And has contributed to their enslavement.
Care to elaborate?

Union Dues.

These union thugs take dues from their members enrich themselves and endorse candidates and policies against members' best interest. Just look around you as to what's going on.

We have Progressives telling Americans what they MUST do versus really solving problems. Healthcare is one of the most glaring. It's an affront to true Liberty, and The Union thugs get their payback FROM those in power in Government.

Unions have far outlived their origional intent. Unions were born of violence, and they still use violence as they blame others for it.

Unions are a base of thuggery under the guise of 'caring' for the 'working man'. They are far from it. They are control freaks just like those that they by and large support in the Democrat party.

I'd rather pay my union dues and make what I'm making and work under the conditions I work under than make what my non-union counterparts make for the sake of having my union dues back in my pocket.
☭proletarian☭;2195211 said:
Care to elaborate?

Union Dues.

These union thugs take dues from their members enrich themselves and endorse candidates and policies against members' best interest. Just look around you as to what's going on.

We have Progressives telling Americans what they MUST do versus really solving problems. Healthcare is one of the most glaring. It's an affront to true Liberty, and The Union thugs get their payback FROM those in power in Government.

Unions have far outlived their origional intent. Unions were born of violence, and they still use violence as they blame others for it.

Unions are a base of thuggery under the guise of 'caring' for the 'working man'. They are far from it. They are control freaks just like those that they by and large support in the Democrat party.

I'd rather pay my union dues and make what I'm making and work under the conditions I work under than make what my non-union counterparts make for the sake of having my union dues back in my pocket.

And have the Unions make contributions to those that YOU may not agree?

Face FACT. Unions are Corporations unto themselves that they decry.
☭proletarian☭;2195334 said:
☭proletarian☭;2195284 said:
Wait... did someone just call Mao a conservative?

Have you read Mao?

Chairman Mao's policies led to the greatest famine in human history. He is responsible for 10s of millions of deaths. His leadership led to a purge of the educated and a return to more primitive times.

That makes him a conservative (defender of the system in place when he was fighting to destroy the system in place?) :eusa_eh:

I'm pretty sure it makes him a cruel tyrant (Totalitarian) who sought to stamp out anyone and anything which might become a threat to his power.
Anti education
anti individualism
anti human rights

These are hallmarks of conservative philosophy.

Actually, they're the hallmarks of a number of totalitarian systems. There is no such thing as 'conservative philosophy'.

Conservatism is support for the status quo or status quo ante, nothing more. Mao started as a Communist revolutionary (back when fighting the Kuomintang) and = became, upon assuming power, a totalitarian dictator. The only ideology he seems to have endorsed or embraced upon assuming power is egomania and paranoia. And possible sadism and pure malice.

No such thing as "conservative philosohpy"?
Union Dues.

These union thugs take dues from their members enrich themselves and endorse candidates and policies against members' best interest. Just look around you as to what's going on.

We have Progressives telling Americans what they MUST do versus really solving problems. Healthcare is one of the most glaring. It's an affront to true Liberty, and The Union thugs get their payback FROM those in power in Government.

Unions have far outlived their origional intent. Unions were born of violence, and they still use violence as they blame others for it.

Unions are a base of thuggery under the guise of 'caring' for the 'working man'. They are far from it. They are control freaks just like those that they by and large support in the Democrat party.

I'd rather pay my union dues and make what I'm making and work under the conditions I work under than make what my non-union counterparts make for the sake of having my union dues back in my pocket.

And have the Unions make contributions to those that YOU may not agree?

Face FACT. Unions are Corporations unto themselves that they decry.

Some union contributions:

40 hour work week
Overtime pay
Minimum wage
Paid Vacation
Child Labor laws

All things conservatives fought every step of the way.
Appeasment? Failed vs Hitler. Failed vs Iran. Failed vs North Korea.:evil:

Appeasing Hitler? That was conservative to the core.

Welfare? The poor keep getting poorer, despite welfare. At least thats what liberals are saying. Welfare has caused MORE people to become or remain poor, not less.:(

The poverty rate today is half of what it was before the passage of the Great Society programs.

Social Security? Bankrupt. Failed.:(
Medicare/Medicaid? Soon to be bankrupt. Failing.:(
Obamacare? Soon to be failure, just wait and see.:eek:

Funny how advances in technology that result in people living longer counts as a failure...

Housing? Greenspan finally admits what we've known for 2 years. The liberal practice of threatening racism allegation on banks who wouldn't loan to poor people is the root of this recession as it caused the housing bust.:lol:

Except, you know, that's not what actually happened.

Public education? Failed.:(

As opposed to what? No education?

Global Warming? Hoax.:lol:

Someone should inform, you know, scientists, about this.

Anit-civil rights? Yes, thats right, read your history, the Republicans were responsible for passing civil rights in the 60's, Democrats strongly opposed it. So, the DEMOCRAT anti-civil rights stance failed.:razz:

Pro-Slavery? Yes, again, it was the Republican Party that freed slaves, Democrats opposed, so they failed there again.

Yeah, it was the liberals who were anti-civil rights. That's why liberals are ones who go around praising segregationists and slavery.
I know, I know!!!! NAFTA! Oh..oops jobs taken away from Americans...My bad. :eusa_doh:

Negotiated by George H.W. Bush, and is the expansion of the US-Canada FTA negotiated and signed by Reagan.

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